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MGIgesPD142 クラス

MGIgesPD142 is the class for Iges parameter data type 142(Curve on parameteric space). [詳解]

MGIgesPD142 の継承関係図


 MGIgesPD142 (MGIgesDirectoryEntry *DEpointer=0)
 Constructs an object of class MGIgesPD142. [詳解]
 MGIgesPD142 (const MGLoop &loop, int surface_DE, MGIgesOfstream &igesfile)
 Constructs an object of class MGIgesPD142. [詳解]
 ~MGIgesPD142 ()
 Destructor;. [詳解]
void read_in (char pDelimeter, std::istringstream &pdstream)
 Read in parameter data from string stream data. [詳解]
void trim_face (const MGIgesIfstream &igesifstrm, std::auto_ptr< MGFace > &face, bool outer=true) const
 Obtain both the parametric space curve of the surface and the model space curve. [詳解]
void write_out_into_string (const MGIgesGSec &gsec, MGPvector< std::string > &plines) const
- 基底クラス MGIgesPD に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGIgesPD ()
 Constructors. [詳解]
 MGIgesPD (int type_number, MGIgesDirectoryEntry *DEpointer=0)
 Default constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGIgesPD ()
 Destructor;. [詳解]
void setDE (MGIgesDirectoryEntry *DE)
int type_number () const
const MGIgesDirectoryEntryDEpointer () const
MGIgesDirectoryEntryDEpointer ()


short m_created_way
short m_prefered
int m_surface_DE
 Directory entry of the surface on which the curve lies. [詳解]
int m_param_curve_DE
 Directory entry of the parametric space curve of the surface. [詳解]
int m_model_curve_DE
 Directory entry of the curve(in the model space). [詳解]


MGIgesPD142 is the class for Iges parameter data type 142(Curve on parameteric space).


MGIgesPD142::MGIgesPD142 ( MGIgesDirectoryEntry DEpointer = 0)

Constructs an object of class MGIgesPD142.

MGIgesPD142::MGIgesPD142 ( const MGLoop loop,
int  surface_DE,
MGIgesOfstream igesfile 

Constructs an object of class MGIgesPD142.

looploop to make PD142. This is a loop of the face.
surface_DEthe base surface. The surface must be output to IGES file first.
igesfileIges file to output.
MGIgesPD142::~MGIgesPD142 ( )



void MGIgesPD142::read_in ( char  pDelimeter,
std::istringstream &  pdstream 

Read in parameter data from string stream data.


void MGIgesPD142::trim_face ( const MGIgesIfstream igesifstrm,
std::auto_ptr< MGFace > &  face,
bool  outer = true 
) const

Obtain both the parametric space curve of the surface and the model space curve.

igesifstrmThe target ifstream.
faceFace to be trimmed by this boundary MGIgesPD142.
outerTrue if this be the outer boundary.
void MGIgesPD142::write_out_into_string ( const MGIgesGSec gsec,
MGPvector< std::string > &  plines 
) const

Write out this PD as MGIgesParamLine's(into plines). Except for string data, one integer or double data is output into one MGIgesParamLine, not striding over more than one line. Only when string data is output(to Holleris string), the data may stride over more than one lines. plines[i] for 0<=i<plines.size() are valid.

gsecInput gsec to input delimeter_param and delimeter_record;
plinesoutput plines.



short MGIgesPD142::m_created_way

Indicates the way the curve on the surface has been created: =0: unspecified, =1: projection of a given curve on the surface, =2: intersection of two surfaces. =3: isoparametric curve, either a u or v-parameter curve.

int MGIgesPD142::m_model_curve_DE

Directory entry of the curve(in the model space).

int MGIgesPD142::m_param_curve_DE

Directory entry of the parametric space curve of the surface.

short MGIgesPD142::m_prefered

indicates prefered representation: =0: unspecified, =1:S(m_param_curve_DE(t)) is prefered, =2: m_modelcurve_DE is prefered. =3: m_param_curve_DE and m_model_curve_DE are equally prefered.

int MGIgesPD142::m_surface_DE

Directory entry of the surface on which the curve lies.
