This page was generated on 2019-04-09 12:59:44 -0400 (Tue, 09 Apr 2019).
MLP 1.31.0 Tobias Verbeke
Snapshot Date: 2019-04-08 17:01:18 -0400 (Mon, 08 Apr 2019) |
URL: |
Branch: master |
Last Commit: 6179b9f |
Last Changed Date: 2018-10-30 11:54:29 -0400 (Tue, 30 Oct 2018) |
| malbec2 | Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | |  |
tokay2 | Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard / x64 | OK | OK | OK | OK |  |
celaya2 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | OK | [ OK ] | OK |  |
merida2 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | OK | |
R Under development (unstable) (2019-03-18 r76245) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> require(MLP)
Loading required package: MLP
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,
dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste,
pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rowMeans, rowSums,
rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique,
unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: affy
Loading required package: plotrix
Loading required package: gplots
Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:plotrix':
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
Loading required package: gmodels
Loading required package: gdata
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED.
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files ENABLED.
Attaching package: 'gdata'
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following objects are masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
first, first<-
The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats4':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Loading required package: gtools
> set.seed(479)
> # This is just the expressionset for this experiment.
> pathExampleData <- system.file("exampleFiles", "expressionSetGcrma.rda", package = "MLP")
> load(pathExampleData)
> # Libraries needed
> library(limma)
Attaching package: 'limma'
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
> library( # for mouse
> exprs(expressionSetGcrma)[1:2,]
2760 2763 2765 2766 2768 2769 2761
100009600 2.371111 2.170060 2.233383 2.180717 2.325886 2.239441 2.297301
100012 2.176163 2.318876 2.419263 2.223307 2.585125 2.346060 2.292061
2762 2764 2767 2770 2771
100009600 2.409001 2.49458 2.115814 2.371262 2.267459
100012 2.336415 2.47979 2.361981 2.330418 2.520918
> # 2760 2763 2765 2766 2768 2769 2761 2762 2764 2767
> #100009600 2.371111 2.170060 2.233383 2.180717 2.325886 2.239441 2.297301 2.409001 2.49458 2.115814
> #100012 2.176163 2.318876 2.419263 2.223307 2.585125 2.346060 2.292061 2.336415 2.47979 2.361981
> # 2770 2771
> #100009600 2.371262 2.267459
> #100012 2.330418 2.520918
> pData(expressionSetGcrma)
sample subGroup sampleColor subGroup1
2760 1 1 #FF0000 WT
2763 4 1 #FF0000 WT
2765 6 1 #FF0000 WT
2766 7 1 #FF0000 WT
2768 9 1 #FF0000 WT
2769 10 1 #FF0000 WT
2761 2 2 #0000FF KO
2762 3 2 #0000FF KO
2764 5 2 #0000FF KO
2767 8 2 #0000FF KO
2770 11 2 #0000FF KO
2771 12 2 #0000FF KO
> # sample subGroup sampleColor
> #2760 1 1 #FF0000
> #2763 4 1 #FF0000
> #2765 6 1 #FF0000
> #2766 7 1 #FF0000
> #2768 9 1 #FF0000
> #2769 10 1 #FF0000
> #2761 2 2 #0000FF
> #2762 3 2 #0000FF
> #2764 5 2 #0000FF
> #2767 8 2 #0000FF
> #2770 11 2 #0000FF
> #2771 12 2 #0000FF
> pData(expressionSetGcrma)$subGroup1 <- ifelse(pData(expressionSetGcrma)$subGroup==1,"WT","KO")
> ###==============================================GENERATING LIMMA p-VALUES=================================
> # boxplot(data.frame(exprs(expressionSetGcrma))
> normDat <- normalizeQuantiles(exprs(expressionSetGcrma), ties=TRUE)
> subGroup <- pData(expressionSetGcrma)$subGroup
> design <- model.matrix(˜ -1 +factor(subGroup ))
> colnames(design) <- c("group1", "group2")
> contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(group1-group2, levels=design)
> fit <- lmFit(normDat,design)
> fit2 <-, contrast.matrix)
> fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
> normDat.p <- fit2$p.value
> normDat.p[1:5]
[1] 0.4328583 0.7448996 0.6088859 0.1845008 0.2312761
> #[1] 0.4328583 0.7448996 0.6088859 0.1845008 0.2312761
> system.time(goGeneSet <- getGeneSets(species = "Mouse", geneSetSource = "GOBP", entrezIdentifiers = featureNames(expressionSetGcrma)))
Loading required package: GO.db
user system elapsed
40.674 11.673 52.349
> goGeneSet[1:3]
[1] "11545" "16882" "17258" "17527" "18975" "19017" "19819" "22059"
[9] "23797" "27393" "27395" "27397" "50776" "57813" "66592" "70556"
[17] "72170" "72962" "74143" "74244" "74528" "83408" "83945" "192287"
[25] "216021" "216805" "226153" "229524" "230784" "327762" "381760" "382985"
[33] "408022"
[1] "11287" "11352" "11421" "11430" "11434" "11441"
[7] "11477" "11479" "11480" "11486" "11495" "11497"
[13] "11504" "11516" "11517" "11535" "11551" "11552"
[19] "11553" "11576" "11600" "11606" "11614" "11622"
[25] "11625" "11647" "11651" "11674" "11705" "11757"
[31] "11789" "11797" "11804" "11819" "11820" "11835"
[37] "11839" "11857" "11863" "11865" "11883" "11920"
[43] "11998" "12009" "12018" "12028" "12034" "12043"
[49] "12048" "12050" "12053" "12124" "12125" "12142"
[55] "12144" "12155" "12159" "12160" "12161" "12162"
[61] "12163" "12164" "12166" "12167" "12168" "12173"
[67] "12190" "12192" "12211" "12235" "12236" "12237"
[73] "12261" "12305" "12310" "12316" "12317" "12323"
[79] "12344" "12363" "12366" "12380" "12387" "12394"
[85] "12411" "12416" "12426" "12427" "12443" "12447"
[91] "12448" "12449" "12458" "12461" "12462" "12464"
[97] "12465" "12466" "12468" "12469" "12505" "12527"
[103] "12530" "12531" "12532" "12550" "12566" "12576"
[109] "12577" "12589" "12591" "12592" "12593" "12606"
[115] "12608" "12617" "12638" "12640" "12659" "12702"
[121] "12704" "12705" "12745" "12753" "12767" "12801"
[127] "12804" "12841" "12846" "12877" "12916" "12918"
[133] "12919" "12946" "12977" "12981" "13006" "13030"
[139] "13039" "13046" "13052" "13070" "13075" "13123"
[145] "13134" "13164" "13166" "13206" "13363" "13382"
[151] "13383" "13393" "13404" "13435" "13487" "13488"
[157] "13491" "13492" "13498" "13524" "13525" "13526"
[163] "13529" "13615" "13617" "13618" "13649" "13653"
[169] "13667" "13731" "13813" "13819" "13852" "13854"
[175] "13856" "13857" "13866" "13870" "13874" "13875"
[181] "13982" "13983" "13984" "14008" "14011" "14087"
[187] "14088" "14155" "14160" "14165" "14178" "14179"
[193] "14180" "14183" "14211" "14228" "14238" "14276"
[199] "14283" "14308" "14309" "14313" "14366" "14367"
[205] "14388" "14421" "14431" "14453" "14460" "14461"
[211] "14462" "14463" "14531" "14536" "14566" "14595"
[217] "14598" "14610" "14620" "14622" "14632" "14633"
[223] "14654" "14658" "14682" "14705" "14714" "14725"
[229] "14748" "14764" "14766" "14782" "14784" "14810"
[235] "14815" "14824" "15013" "15018" "15078" "15081"
[241] "15110" "15194" "15204" "15205" "15211" "15212"
[247] "15213" "15214" "15221" "15235" "15251" "15270"
[253] "15361" "15364" "15373" "15375" "15377" "15378"
[259] "15387" "15395" "15396" "15398" "15405" "15408"
[265] "15423" "15430" "15431" "15433" "15438" "15446"
[271] "15463" "15482" "15484" "15486" "15487" "15488"
[277] "15499" "15500" "15502" "15511" "15512" "15516"
[283] "15567" "15570" "15574" "15894" "15904" "16000"
[289] "16001" "16002" "16007" "16011" "16147" "16153"
[295] "16157" "16173" "16175" "16176" "16322" "16323"
[301] "16324" "16330" "16336" "16337" "16365" "16401"
[307] "16410" "16412" "16433" "16450" "16477" "16532"
[313] "16542" "16590" "16601" "16650" "16669" "16691"
[319] "16777" "16783" "16842" "16846" "16847" "16848"
[325] "16859" "16866" "16867" "16869" "16871" "16872"
[331] "16875" "16876" "16878" "16886" "16952" "16970"
[337] "16974" "17125" "17128" "17129" "17149" "17171"
[343] "17173" "17191" "17221" "17235" "17240" "17256"
[349] "17283" "17289" "17295" "17300" "17304" "17311"
[355] "17319" "17345" "17350" "17381" "17390" "17395"
[361] "17427" "17450" "17451" "17535" "17684" "17685"
[367] "17686" "17687" "17688" "17701" "17702" "17761"
[373] "17771" "17776" "17836" "17864" "17886" "17977"
[379] "17978" "17979" "17986" "18000" "18004" "18005"
[385] "18011" "18014" "18022" "18072" "18095" "18119"
[391] "18121" "18127" "18128" "18129" "18142" "18159"
[397] "18168" "18194" "18211" "18285" "18286" "18291"
[403] "18292" "18387" "18413" "18417" "18426" "18429"
[409] "18430" "18431" "18436" "18441" "18442" "18472"
[415] "18475" "18476" "18504" "18507" "18514" "18551"
[421] "18552" "18555" "18591" "18595" "18606" "18617"
[427] "18667" "18671" "18747" "18749" "18763" "18764"
[433] "18766" "18775" "18776" "18783" "18787" "18791"
[439] "18792" "18793" "18795" "18799" "18802" "18811"
[445] "18812" "18814" "18815" "18817" "18858" "18861"
[451] "18952" "19014" "19015" "19016" "19049" "19052"
[457] "19059" "19090" "19109" "19110" "19111" "19112"
[463] "19113" "19114" "19116" "19118" "19119" "19120"
[469] "19143" "19156" "19183" "19204" "19211" "19214"
[475] "19215" "19219" "19223" "19225" "19229" "19247"
[481] "19275" "19288" "19294" "19317" "19355" "19357"
[487] "19359" "19360" "19361" "19401" "19411" "19662"
[493] "19664" "19701" "19725" "19733" "19735" "19773"
[499] "19821" "19886" "19891" "20017" "20104" "20112"
[505] "20181" "20182" "20315" "20317" "20319" "20346"
[511] "20363" "20377" "20397" "20415" "20423" "20437"
[517] "20474" "20475" "20520" "20541" "20613" "20655"
[523] "20662" "20671" "20674" "20675" "20681" "20682"
[529] "20683" "20686" "20687" "20690" "20708" "20719"
[535] "20720" "20724" "20729" "20730" "20732" "20733"
[541] "20744" "20758" "20779" "20826" "20843" "20848"
[547] "20850" "20851" "20860" "20869" "20871" "20873"
[553] "20878" "20892" "20897" "20899" "20905" "20910"
[559] "20957" "20962" "20997" "21336" "21357" "21386"
[565] "21405" "21410" "21412" "21414" "21416" "21425"
[571] "21454" "21463" "21674" "21679" "21744" "21749"
[577] "21803" "21808" "21812" "21821" "21823" "21824"
[583] "21830" "21833" "21834" "21843" "21849" "21857"
[589] "21869" "21887" "21923" "21945" "21958" "21959"
[595] "21973" "21974" "22022" "22026" "22061" "22064"
[601] "22065" "22068" "22092" "22113" "22114" "22115"
[607] "22127" "22137" "22174" "22187" "22209" "22210"
[613] "22215" "22329" "22334" "22337" "22339" "22353"
[619] "22371" "22384" "22412" "22413" "22415" "22417"
[625] "22418" "22421" "22422" "22431" "22441" "22445"
[631] "22446" "22589" "22632" "22635" "22661" "22668"
[637] "22691" "22694" "22696" "22697" "22698" "22701"
[643] "22702" "22762" "22764" "22786" "22787" "22788"
[649] "22789" "23793" "23885" "23920" "23950" "23967"
[655] "23968" "23980" "23991" "23997" "24061" "24086"
[661] "24127" "24128" "26357" "26362" "26370" "26380"
[667] "26384" "26395" "26407" "26413" "26416" "26423"
[673] "26434" "26437" "26564" "26909" "26910" "26927"
[679] "26934" "26942" "26946" "26972" "27061" "27083"
[685] "27084" "27206" "27222" "27354" "27356" "27372"
[691] "27386" "28036" "28078" "28088" "28105" "28114"
[697] "28135" "29871" "29876" "30054" "30841" "30939"
[703] "30953" "30959" "50500" "50501" "50505" "50525"
[709] "50722" "50785" "50790" "50796" "50878" "50915"
[715] "51792" "51885" "52020" "52028" "52679" "52683"
[721] "52864" "53381" "53419" "53422" "53424" "53601"
[727] "53604" "53614" "53814" "53878" "53885" "53897"
[733] "53975" "54003" "54004" "54137" "54140" "54204"
[739] "54383" "54388" "54418" "54427" "54486" "54524"
[745] "54562" "54608" "54611" "54650" "54725" "55925"
[751] "55978" "55993" "55994" "56092" "56094" "56096"
[757] "56213" "56218" "56220" "56223" "56228" "56274"
[763] "56291" "56312" "56334" "56335" "56371" "56406"
[769] "56436" "56449" "56484" "56503" "56526" "56635"
[775] "56693" "56710" "56711" "56717" "56739" "56746"
[781] "57256" "57264" "57320" "57746" "57749" "57815"
[787] "57816" "57908" "58186" "58226" "58230" "58231"
[793] "58864" "58991" "58998" "59030" "59083" "60530"
[799] "60534" "60597" "63872" "64009" "64335" "64383"
[805] "64707" "64931" "65247" "65971" "66197" "66313"
[811] "66392" "66515" "66573" "66634" "66654" "66707"
[817] "66712" "66713" "66720" "66722" "66923" "66977"
[823] "66983" "67000" "67010" "67030" "67042" "67077"
[829] "67121" "67141" "67181" "67204" "67231" "67310"
[835] "67331" "67333" "67345" "67378" "67402" "67504"
[841] "67505" "67555" "67561" "67652" "67690" "67713"
[847] "67753" "67869" "67909" "67946" "67968" "67981"
[853] "68107" "68166" "68231" "68265" "68275" "68298"
[859] "68328" "68549" "68708" "68767" "68911" "68981"
[865] "69032" "69064" "69260" "69286" "69287" "69307"
[871] "69310" "69376" "69444" "69538" "69546" "69707"
[877] "69716" "69852" "69865" "69928" "69982" "70069"
[883] "70093" "70099" "70235" "70248" "70375" "70441"
[889] "70465" "70503" "70691" "70772" "70840" "70862"
[895] "70873" "70891" "70956" "70977" "71062" "71099"
[901] "71132" "71175" "71241" "71242" "71371" "71567"
[907] "71709" "71711" "71765" "71830" "71836" "71840"
[913] "71846" "71854" "71904" "71914" "71950" "71981"
[919] "72135" "72148" "72162" "72236" "72415" "72469"
[925] "72504" "72508" "72568" "72634" "72780" "72787"
[931] "72891" "72938" "73242" "73244" "73296" "73316"
[937] "73329" "73336" "73412" "73456" "73472" "73542"
[943] "73673" "73679" "73721" "74041" "74068" "74075"
[949] "74090" "74117" "74174" "74188" "74229" "74237"
[955] "74267" "74286" "74288" "74297" "74309" "74354"
[961] "74360" "74369" "74386" "74401" "74434" "74446"
[967] "74450" "74468" "74469" "74691" "74716" "74754"
[973] "74847" "74927" "75019" "75033" "75140" "75178"
[979] "75202" "75388" "75410" "75459" "75469" "75514"
[985] "75533" "75571" "75596" "75605" "75622" "75642"
[991] "75646" "75753" "75801" "75826" "75828" "75909"
[997] "76378" "76400" "76407" "76486" "76499" "76718"
[1003] "76800" "76850" "76856" "76858" "76867" "76915"
[1009] "76925" "76943" "77053" "77128" "77424" "77595"
[1015] "77684" "77963" "77980" "78081" "78124" "78284"
[1021] "78619" "78634" "78658" "78784" "78801" "78803"
[1027] "78925" "80297" "80517" "80838" "80884" "80912"
[1033] "81018" "83456" "83557" "83558" "83560" "83561"
[1039] "83964" "83984" "93684" "93736" "93757" "93759"
[1045] "93760" "93837" "93960" "94221" "94224" "94244"
[1051] "94246" "97165" "98558" "98711" "99412" "99929"
[1057] "100121" "100155" "100535" "100986" "101187" "101476"
[1063] "102774" "103468" "103554" "103733" "103768" "104083"
[1069] "104111" "104148" "104156" "104263" "104271" "104310"
[1075] "104362" "104601" "104799" "104806" "105349" "105511"
[1081] "105988" "106389" "106757" "107515" "107586" "107626"
[1087] "107656" "107849" "107970" "107995" "108829" "108961"
[1093] "109685" "109689" "109727" "109785" "110012" "110084"
[1099] "110147" "110355" "110459" "110542" "110957" "110958"
[1105] "112405" "114606" "114642" "114661" "114662" "114714"
[1111] "114875" "140498" "140557" "170676" "171285" "171429"
[1117] "171506" "192119" "192176" "192195" "192199" "192897"
[1123] "193838" "194908" "195434" "207165" "207304" "207352"
[1129] "207686" "208169" "208188" "209091" "210510" "210529"
[1135] "210554" "211064" "211484" "211651" "212517" "212670"
[1141] "212937" "213081" "213236" "213272" "213389" "213541"
[1147] "213742" "214105" "214253" "214290" "214292" "214384"
[1153] "214572" "214575" "214593" "214901" "215028" "215029"
[1159] "215095" "215387" "215854" "216350" "216725" "216869"
[1165] "217039" "217116" "217325" "217715" "217716" "218214"
[1171] "218454" "218914" "223593" "223697" "223825" "223921"
[1177] "223989" "224045" "224171" "224661" "224727" "224826"
[1183] "224902" "225182" "225865" "226090" "226162" "226841"
[1189] "227210" "227394" "227615" "227631" "227736" "228421"
[1195] "228980" "229227" "229357" "229700" "230103" "230126"
[1201] "230594" "230809" "230861" "230899" "231051" "231633"
[1207] "231672" "231832" "231912" "232174" "232223" "232286"
[1213] "232345" "232664" "233276" "233328" "234857" "235072"
[1219] "235320" "235559" "235626" "235628" "236266" "236899"
[1225] "237336" "237625" "237911" "238055" "238057" "238247"
[1231] "238328" "238330" "239083" "239167" "239528" "239731"
[1237] "240255" "240590" "240697" "240725" "240899" "241624"
[1243] "242202" "242523" "243862" "243897" "243905" "244551"
[1249] "245000" "245865" "246747" "252828" "252868" "252967"
[1255] "252973" "259279" "264134" "268396" "268420" "268465"
[1261] "268491" "268591" "268697" "268755" "268860" "268903"
[1267] "268930" "269254" "269275" "269610" "269682" "270624"
[1273] "271036" "271127" "271639" "272643" "276920" "277353"
[1279] "278240" "280287" "280667" "280668" "317653" "319177"
[1285] "319448" "319953" "320022" "320244" "320277" "320558"
[1291] "320752" "320790" "327826" "328019" "328365" "328401"
[1297] "328440" "328580" "328845" "329557" "329954" "330149"
[1303] "330188" "330319" "330409" "330470" "330830" "330890"
[1309] "331046" "331416" "332110" "378430" "378462" "380654"
[1315] "380684" "380702" "380709" "380773" "380855" "380993"
[1321] "380994" "381022" "381157" "381196" "381404" "381489"
[1327] "381677" "381759" "382077" "382217" "382275" "382277"
[1333] "382301" "383491" "384619" "387139" "387140" "387153"
[1339] "387156" "387161" "387162" "387177" "387178" "387179"
[1345] "387188" "387198" "387218" "387244" "387245" "387246"
[1351] "387247" "399599" "433700" "434438" "434784" "434794"
[1357] "442829" "545156" "546118" "546272" "546282" "574428"
[1363] "574437" "574438" "619517" "619697" "619991" "622554"
[1369] "625249" "627081" "629389" "664799" "664829" "665187"
[1375] "665270" "665780" "666317" "666528" "668110" "668929"
[1381] "671232" "671564" "723849" "723868" "723886" "723932"
[1387] "723939" "723955" "723956" "723962" "723965" "723966"
[1393] "735262" "735309" "751535" "100009600" "100038417" "100038489"
[1399] "100038977" "100039030" "100039065" "100039120" "100039842" "100039905"
[1405] "100040054" "100040483" "100040608" "100040894" "100041897" "100042109"
[1411] "100042175" "100042922" "100042929" "100042931" "100042939" "100042943"
[1417] "100042944" "100042946" "100043216" "100048534" "100049545" "100049546"
[1423] "100049548" "100113365" "100124460" "100124479" "100124480" "100190765"
[1429] "100270744" "100504195" "100504642" "100861637" "100861665" "100861881"
[1435] "100862297" "101055773" "101056116" "101056210" "102443351" "102631559"
[1441] "102632183" "102633564" "102636501" "102638101" "102638793" "102639094"
[1447] "102639490" "102639895" "108168582"
[1] "11545" "14211" "22064" "22594" "66408" "70099" "72103" "93759"
[9] "104884" "319583"
> # output changes with annotation version !
> y <- normDat.p[,1]
> names(y) <- featureNames(expressionSetGcrma)
> y[1:10]
100009600 100012 100017 100019 100034251 100036521 100037258 100037278
0.4328583 0.7448996 0.6088859 0.1845008 0.2312761 0.7865153 0.7772888 0.1037431
100038570 100038635
0.1368744 0.3272610
> # 100009600 100012 100017 100019 100034251 100036521 100037258 100037278
> # 0.4328583 0.7448996 0.6088859 0.1845008 0.2312761 0.7865153 0.7772888 0.1037431
> # 100038570 100038635
> # 0.1368744 0.3272610
> mlpObject <- MLP(geneSet = goGeneSet, geneStatistic = y, minGenes = 5, maxGenes = 100, rowPermutations = TRUE,
+ nPermutations = 6, smoothPValues = TRUE)
> mlpObject[1:10, ]
totalGeneSetSize testedGeneSetSize geneSetStatistic geneSetPValue
GO:0019886 14 14 1.0549211 0.0005489821
GO:0060179 9 8 1.2309410 0.0005713151
GO:0002495 19 19 0.9388391 0.0009321437
GO:0002478 24 24 0.8798107 0.0010493214
GO:0002504 20 20 0.9113723 0.0012166326
GO:0019884 30 28 0.8247444 0.0017189798
GO:0035088 44 39 0.7611007 0.0019528831
GO:0061245 44 39 0.7611007 0.0019528831
GO:1901264 63 56 0.7076377 0.0021661500
GO:0048002 67 44 0.7207161 0.0031699737
GO:0019886 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II
GO:0060179 male mating behavior
GO:0002495 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class II
GO:0002478 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen
GO:0002504 antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II
GO:0019884 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous antigen
GO:0035088 establishment or maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity
GO:0061245 establishment or maintenance of bipolar cell polarity
GO:1901264 carbohydrate derivative transport
GO:0048002 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen
> # output changes with annotation version !
> plotGOgraph(object = mlpObject, main = "test of main")
Loading required package: Rgraphviz
Loading required package: graph
Loading required package: grid
Attaching package: 'Rgraphviz'
The following objects are masked from 'package:IRanges':
from, to
The following objects are masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
from, to
Loading required package: GOstats
Loading required package: Category
Loading required package: Matrix
Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
Attaching package: 'GOstats'
The following object is masked from 'package:AnnotationDbi':
Loading required package: annotate
Loading required package: XML
Attaching package: 'XML'
The following object is masked from 'package:graph':
Attaching package: 'annotate'
The following object is masked from 'package:Rgraphviz':
> pdf(file = "test10.pdf", width = 10, height = 10)
> # x11(width = 10, height = 10)
> plot(mlpObject, nRow = 10) # by default: type = "barplot"
> unlink("test10.pdf")
> if (FALSE){
+ pdf(file = "test5.pdf", width =10, height = 10)
+ mlpBarplot(object = mlpObject, geneSetSource = "GOBP", nRow = 10, descriptionLength = 5)
+ unlink("test5.pdf")
+ pdf(file = "test100.pdf", width =10, height = 20)
+ mlpBarplot(object = mlpObject, geneSetSource = "GOBP", nRow = 10, descriptionLength = 100)
+ unlink("test100.pdf")
+ }
> plot(mlpObject, type = "quantileCurves")
> plot(mlpObject, type = "GOgraph")
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
77.879 25.206 103.051