* checking for file 'limma/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'limma':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
installing R.css in E:/biocbld/bbs-2.2-bioc/tmpdir/Rinst235200903
---------- Making package limma ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
installing R files
installing inst files
preparing package limma for lazy loading
installing man source files
installing indices
installing help
>>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'limma'
Formats: text html latex example chm
01Introduction text html latex chm
02classes text html latex chm
03reading text html latex chm
04Background text html latex chm
05Normalization text html latex chm
06linearmodels text html latex chm
07SingleChannel text html latex chm
08Tests text html latex chm
09Diagnostics text html latex chm
10Other text html latex chm
LargeDataObject text html latex example chm
PrintLayout text html latex example chm
TestResults text html latex example chm
anova-method text html latex chm
arrayWeights text html latex example chm
arrayWeightsQuick text html latex example chm
asMatrixWeights text html latex example chm
asdataframe text html latex chm
asmalist text html latex chm
asmatrix text html latex chm
auROC text html latex example chm
avedups text html latex chm
avereps text html latex chm
backgroundcorrect text html latex example chm
blockDiag text html latex example chm
bwss text html latex chm
bwss.matrix text html latex chm
cbind text html latex example chm
changelog text html latex chm
channel2M text html latex example chm
classifytests text html latex example chm
contrasts.fit text html latex example chm
controlStatus text html latex example chm
convest text html latex example chm
decideTests text html latex chm
dim text html latex example chm
dimnames text html latex chm
dnormexp text html latex chm
dupcor text html latex example chm
ebayes text html latex example chm
exprsMA text html latex chm
fitfdist text html latex chm
fitted.MArrayLM text html latex chm
geneSetTest text html latex example chm
getEAWP text html latex chm
getSpacing text html latex example chm
getlayout text html latex example chm
gls.series text html latex chm
gridspotrc text html latex chm
heatdiagram text html latex example chm
helpMethods text html latex example chm
imageplot text html latex example chm
imageplot3by2 text html latex chm
intraspotCorrelation text html latex example chm
isfullrank text html latex example chm
isnumeric text html latex example chm
kooperberg text html latex example chm
limmaUsersGuide text html latex example chm
lm.series text html latex chm
lmFit text html latex example chm
lmscFit text html latex example chm
loessfit text html latex example chm
m.spot text html latex chm
ma3x3 text html latex example chm
makeContrasts text html latex example chm
makeunique text html latex example chm
malist text html latex chm
marraylm text html latex chm
mdplot text html latex chm
merge text html latex example chm
mergeScansRG text html latex example chm
modelMatrix text html latex example chm
modifyWeights text html latex example chm
mrlm text html latex chm
normalizeMedianAbsValues text html latex example chm
normalizeRobustSpline text html latex example chm
normalizeWithinArrays text html latex example chm
normalizebetweenarrays text html latex example chm
normalizeprintorder text html latex example chm
normalizequantiles text html latex chm
normexp text html latex chm
normexpfit text html latex example chm
normexpsignal text html latex example chm
plotDensities text html latex example chm
plotFB text html latex chm
plotlines text html latex chm
plotma text html latex example chm
plotma3by2 text html latex chm
plotprinttiploess text html latex chm
poolvar text html latex example chm
printHead text html latex chm
printorder text html latex example chm
printtipWeights text html latex example chm
protectMetachar text html latex example chm
qqt text html latex example chm
qualwt text html latex example chm
read.columns text html latex chm
read.maimages text html latex example chm
read.matrix text html latex chm
read.series text html latex chm
readGPRHeader text html latex chm
readImaGeneHeader text html latex example chm
readSpotTypes text html latex chm
readTargets text html latex chm
readgal text html latex example chm
removeext text html latex example chm
residuals.MArrayLM text html latex chm
rg.genepix text html latex chm
rg.quantarray text html latex chm
rg.series.spot text html latex chm
rg.spot text html latex chm
rglist text html latex chm
squeezeVar text html latex example chm
strsplit2 text html latex example chm
subsetting text html latex example chm
summary text html latex chm
targetsA2C text html latex example chm
tmixture text html latex chm
toptable text html latex example chm
trigammainverse text html latex example chm
trimWhiteSpace text html latex example chm
uniquegenelist text html latex example chm
unwrapdups text html latex example chm
venn text html latex example chm
volcanoplot text html latex example chm
weightedmedian text html latex example chm
writefit text html latex chm
zscore text html latex example chm
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling e:\biocbld\bbs-2.2-bioc\meat\limma\chm\limma.chm
Compile time: 0 minutes, 25 seconds
129 Topics
668 Local links
20 Internet links
1 Graphic
Created e:\biocbld\bbs-2.2-bioc\meat\limma\chm\limma.chm, 212,910 bytes
Compression decreased file by 328,213 bytes.
adding MD5 sums
* DONE (limma)
* creating vignettes ... OK
* removing junk files
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building 'limma_2.14.7.tar.gz'