Back to the "Multiple platform build/check report"




J. Zhang
Linux (SUSE 9.2) x86_64 OK  OK 
Linux (SUSE 9.2) i686 OK  OK 
Solaris 2.9 sparc OK  OK 
Linux (SUSE 10.0) x86_64 OK  OK 
Windows Server 2003 x86_64 OK  OK  OK 
Windows XP i686[ OK ] OK  OK 
Mac OS X (10.4.6) i686 ERROR skipped
Package: AnnBuilder
Version: 1.11.11
Command: E:\hpages\1.9d\R\bin\R.exe CMD build AnnBuilder
RetCode: 0
Time: 45.1 seconds
Status: OK
PackageFile: AnnBuilder_1.11.11.tar.gz

Command output

* checking for file 'AnnBuilder/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'AnnBuilder':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to re-build vignettes
installing R.css in E:/hpages/1.9d/tmpdir/Rinst168818682

---------- Making package AnnBuilder ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
  installing R files
  save image
Loading required package: Biobase

Loading required package: tools

Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
    'openVignette()' or start with 'help(Biobase)'. For details
    on reading vignettes, see the openVignette help page.

Loading required package: XML

Loading required package: annotate

Loading required package: RSQLite

Loading required package: DBI

Warning message:
'symbol.C' is deprecated in: symbol.C("sqlite3_libversion") 
  installing inst files
  installing data files
  installing man source files
  installing indices
  not zipping data
  installing help
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'AnnBuilder'
     Formats: text html latex example chm 
  ABPkgBuilder                      text    html    latex   example chm
  EG-class                          text    html    latex           chm
  GEO-class                         text    html    latex   example chm
  GO-class                          text    html    latex           chm
  GOPkgBuilder                      text    html    latex   example chm
  GOXMLParser                       text    html    latex           chm
  GP-class                          text    html    latex   example chm
  HG-class                          text    html    latex           chm
  IPI-class                         text    html    latex   example chm
  KEGG-class                        text    html    latex   example chm
  KEGGPkgBuilder                    text    html    latex           chm
  LL-class                          text    html    latex   example chm
  MeSHParser                        text    html    latex           chm
  PFAM-class                        text    html    latex   example chm
  SPPkgBuilder                      text    html    latex           chm
  UG-class                          text    html    latex   example chm
  YEAST-class                       text    html    latex   example chm
  YG-class                          text    html    latex   example chm
  addNamespace                      text    html    latex   example chm
  athPkgBuilder                     text    html    latex   example chm
  cMapPathBuilder                   text    html    latex   example chm
  chrLocPkgBuilder                  text    html    latex   example chm
  cleanSrcObjs                      text    html    latex           chm
  cols2Env                          text    html    latex   example chm
  descriptionInfo                   text    html    latex   example chm
  downloadSourceData                text    html    latex           chm
  fileMuncher                       text    html    latex   example chm
  fileToXML                         text    html    latex   example chm
  getChroLocation                   text    html    latex   example chm
  getDPStats                        text    html    latex   example chm
  getKEGGIDNName                    text    html    latex   example chm
  getPubDataGo                      text    html    latex           chm
  getSrcBuilt                       text    html    latex   example chm
  getSrcUrl                         text    html    latex           chm
  getUGShortName                    text    html    latex   example chm
  getYeastData                      text    html    latex   example chm
  homoPkgBuilder                    text    html    latex           chm
  loadFromUrl                       text    html    latex   example chm
  makeLLDB                          text    html    latex           chm
  makeSrcInfo                       text    html    latex   example chm
  map2LL                            text    html    latex   example chm
  pfamBuilder                       text    html    latex   example chm
  print.ABQCList                    text    html    latex   example chm
  pubDataURLs                       text    html    latex   example chm
  pubRepo-class                     text    html    latex   example chm
  queryGEO                          text    html    latex   example chm
  readSourceUrlConfig               text    html    latex           chm
  resolveMaps                       text    html    latex   example chm
  sourceURLs                        text    html    latex   example chm
  unifyMappings                     text    html    latex   example chm
  wget                              text    html    latex           chm
  writeChrLength                    text    html    latex   example chm
  writeHomoXMLData                  text    html    latex           chm
  writeManPage                      text    html    latex   example chm
  writeSourceUrlConfig              text    html    latex           chm
  writeXMLHeader                    text    html    latex   example chm
  yeastAnn                          text    html    latex   example chm
  yeastPkgBuilder                   text    html    latex   example chm
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702

Compiling e:\hpages\1.9d\Rpacks\AnnBuilder\chm\AnnBuilder.chm

Compile time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds

59	Topics

485	Local links

25	Internet links

1	Graphic

Created e:\hpages\1.9d\Rpacks\AnnBuilder\chm\AnnBuilder.chm, 123,681 bytes

Compression decreased file by 207,279 bytes.

  adding MD5 sums

* DONE (AnnBuilder)
* creating vignettes ... OK
* removing junk files
* checking for LF line-endings in source files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building 'AnnBuilder_1.11.11.tar.gz'