For a detailed manual for this section please access this link:
In this sub-menu, the user will be able to search, download and prepare The NCI’s Genomic Data Commons (GDC) data for analysis. The first step is to search for GDC open data access with the Advanced search box. The search results will be summarized in plots in the center of the screen. The second step is to download and prepare the data into an R object to be used in the analysis steps.
GDC search menu: Main window.
There are two available sources to download GDC data using TCGAbiolinks: - GDC Legacy Archive: provides access to an unmodified copy of data that was previously stored in CGHub and in the TCGA Data Portal hosted by the TCGA Data Coordinating Center (DCC), in which uses as references GRCh37 (hg19) and GRCh36 (hg18). - GDC harmonized database: data available was harmonized against GRCh38 (hg38) using GDC Bioinformatics Pipelines which provides methods to the standardization of biospecimen and clinical data.
A TCGA barcode is composed of a collection of identifiers. Each specifically identifies a TCGA data element. Refer to the following figure for an illustration of how metadata identifiers comprise a barcode. An aliquot barcode contains the highest number of identifiers.
For more information check TCGA wiki
The following filters are available to select the data:
In the search step, it is important that there are no repeated cases, otherwise, the prepare step might not work. If it happens, the search will give you this warning “There are more than one file for the same case.” To solve this problem, you probably need to use more filters to correctly select your data.
As an example of this problem, if you use only Project (i.e “TCGA-ACC”) and Data category filter (i.e “Copy Number Variation”), for each sample we have two data types “Copy Number segment”" and “Masked Copy Number segment”.
After the search step, the user can download the data and prepare it into an R object. The data can be prepared into one of two formats:
In case a SummarizedExperiment object was selected the user will be able to add more metadata information into the sample information matrix. By checking “Add gistic2 and mutation information” and giving a list of genes, the GUI will download GISTIC2 data from the GDAC Firehose and Mutation Annotation Files (MAF) and their information to the object. This might be useful, for example, if the user wants to evaluate the survival of mutant samples vs non-mutant or if he wants to evaluate it on a heatmap, which can be used as labels.
Finally, the object will be saved with the same name as the file name field.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network has reported integrated genome-wide studies of various diseases. We have added some of the subtypes defined by these reports in our package.
TCGA dataset | Link | Paper | Journal |
ACC | doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2016.04.002 | Comprehensive Pan-Genomic Characterization of Adrenocortical Carcinoma. | Cancer cell 2016 |
BRCA | | Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumors | Nature 2013 |
BLCA | | Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Cell 2017 | |
CHOL | | Integrative Genomic Analysis of Cholangiocarcinoma Identifies Distinct IDH-Mutant Molecular Profiles | Cell Reports 2017 |
COAD | | Comprehensive molecular characterization of human colon and rectal cancer | Nature 2012 |
ESCA | | Integrated genomic characterization of oesophageal carcinoma | Nature 2017 |
GBM | | Molecular Profiling Reveals Biologically Discrete Subsets and Pathways of Progression in Diffuse Glioma | Cell 2016 |
HNSC | | Comprehensive genomic characterization of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas | Nature 2015 |
KICH | | The Somatic Genomic Landscape of Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma | Cancer cell 2014 |
KIRC | | Comprehensive molecular characterization of clear cell renal cell carcinoma | Nature 2013 |
KIRP | | Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Papillary Renal-Cell Carcinoma | NEJM 2016 |
LIHC | | Comprehensive and Integrative Genomic Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Cell 2017 |
LGG | | Molecular Profiling Reveals Biologically Discrete Subsets and Pathways of Progression in Diffuse Glioma | Cell 2016 |
LUAD | | Comprehensive molecular profiling of lung adenocarcinoma | Nature 2014 |
LUSC | | Comprehensive genomic characterization of squamous cell lung cancers | Nature 2012 |
PAAD | | Integrated Genomic Characterization of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma | Cancer Cell 2017 |
PCPG | | Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma | Cancer cell 2017 |
PRAD | | The Molecular Taxonomy of Primary Prostate Cancer | Cell 2015 |
READ | | Comprehensive molecular characterization of human colon and rectal cancer | Nature 2012 |
SARC | | Comprehensive and Integrated Genomic Characterization of Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas | Cell 2017 |
SKCM | | Genomic Classification of Cutaneous Melanoma | Cell 2015 |
STAD | | Comprehensive molecular characterization of gastric adenocarcinoma | Nature 2013 |
THCA | | Integrated Genomic Characterization of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma | Cell 2014 |
UCEC | | Integrated genomic characterization of endometrial carcinoma | Nature 2013 |
UCS | | Integrated Molecular Characterization of Uterine Carcinosarcoma Cancer | Cell 2017 |
UVM | | Integrative Analysis Identifies Four Molecular and Clinical Subsets in Uveal Melanoma | Cancer Cell 2017 |
The user can visualize the table with the information and save it as CSV or R object (rda) file.
TCGAbiolinks has provided a few functions to search, download and parse GDC clinical data.
In GDC database the clinical data can be retrieved from two sources:
There are two main differences:
Some inconsistencies have been found in the indexed clinical data and are being investigated by the GDC team. These inconsistencies are:
# Get XML files and parse them
clin.query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-READ",
data.category = "Clinical",
file.type = "xml",
barcode = "TCGA-F5-6702")
clinical.patient <- GDCprepare_clinic(clin.query, = "patient")
clinical.patient.followup <- GDCprepare_clinic(clin.query, = "follow_up")
# Get indexed data
clinical.index <- GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-READ")
# Get XML files and parse them
recurrent.samples <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LIHC",
data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts",
sample.type = "Recurrent Solid Tumor")$results[[1]] %>% select(cases)
recurrent.patients <- unique(substr(recurrent.samples$cases,1,12))
clin.query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LIHC",
data.category = "Clinical",
file.type = "xml",
barcode = recurrent.patients)
clinical.patient <- GDCprepare_clinic(clin.query, = "patient")
# Get indexed data
GDCquery_clinic("TCGA-LIHC") %>% filter(submitter_id %in% recurrent.patients) %>%
select(progression_or_recurrence,days_to_recurrence,tumor_grade) %>% datatable
In order to download the Mutation Annotation Format (MAF), we provide the user with an interface to the GDCquery_maf
function. Briefly, it will download the open access MAF files from Four separate variant calling pipelines are implemented for GDC data harmonization which are described here.
The available filters are:
To facilitate visualization and modification of the SummarizedExperiment object, we created this menu in which it is possible to visualize the three matrices of the object (assay matrix [i.e. gene expression values], features matrix [i.e. gene information] and sample information matrix). Also, it is possible to download the sample information matrix as a CSV file, and, after modifying it, to upload and update the SummarizedExperiment object. This might be useful if, for example, the user wants to compare two groups not already pre-defined.
For a detailed manual for this section please access this link: Manage SummarizedExperiment
For DNA methylation raw data obtained in the form of Intensity Data (IDAT) files, we provide a pipeline using the R/Bioconductor minfi package ( to process the data for downstream analysis (Aryee et al. 2014) performing a background and dye-bias correction with the preprocessnoob function followed by a detection P-value quality masking (sample specific) (Morris and Beck 2015) and probes overlapping repeats or single nucleotide polymorphisms masking (non-sample specific) (Zhou, Laird, and Shen 2016).
IDAT normalization menu: Table shows files identified that will be processed. Data retrieved from GEO (accession GSE61160).
For a detailed manual for this section please access this link: IDAT processing
Aryee, Martin J, Andrew E Jaffe, Hector Corrada-Bravo, Christine Ladd-Acosta, Andrew P Feinberg, Kasper D Hansen, and Rafael A Irizarry. 2014. “Minfi: A Flexible and Comprehensive Bioconductor Package for the Analysis of Infinium Dna Methylation Microarrays.” Bioinformatics 30 (10). Oxford University Press:1363–9.
Huber, Wolfgang, Vincent J Carey, Robert Gentleman, Simon Anders, Marc Carlson, Benilton S Carvalho, Hector Corrada Bravo, et al. 2015. “Orchestrating High-Throughput Genomic Analysis with Bioconductor.” Nature Methods 12 (2). Nature Publishing Group:115–21.
Morris, Tiffany J, and Stephan Beck. 2015. “Analysis Pipelines and Packages for Infinium Humanmethylation450 Beadchip (450k) Data.” Methods 72. Elsevier:3–8.
Zhou, Wanding, Peter W Laird, and Hui Shen. 2016. “Comprehensive Characterization, Annotation and Innovative Use of Infinium Dna Methylation Beadchip Probes.” Nucleic Acids Research. Oxford Univ Press, gkw967.