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Update "%s" is is too small. Update "%s" is malformed, and cannot hold a file path. Update "%s" has an invalid file path. update info size: %d dp size: %d size for dp: %d Could not get update info for "%s", aborting. fwupdate: Could not find updates: %r fwupdate: No updates to process. Called in error? efi_mainfwupdate: Could not allocate memory: %r. Could not find handles. Searching Device Path: %s ... Device Path prepared: %s Device supporting SFSP: %s Comparing: %s and %s Match up! Returning %s File %s searched open_file%a:%a():%d: Could not locate device handle: %r %a:%a():%d: Could not find appropriate device. %a:%a():%d: Invalid file device path. %a:%a():%d: Could not open device interface: %r. %a:%a():%d: Could not open volume: %r. %a:%a():%d: Could not open file "%s": %r. 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