Package: adduser
Description-md5: 7965b5cd83972a254552a570bcd32c93
Description-is: bæta við og fjarlægja notendur og hópa
 This package includes the 'adduser' and 'deluser' commands for creating
 and removing users.
  - 'adduser' creates new users and groups and adds existing users to
    existing groups;
  - 'deluser' removes users and groups and removes users from a given
 Adding users with 'adduser' is much easier than adding them manually.
 Adduser will choose appropriate UID and GID values, create a home
 directory, copy skeletal user configuration, and automate setting initial
 values for the user's password, real name and so on.
 Deluser can back up and remove users' home directories and mail spool or
 all the files they own on the system.
 A custom script can be executed after each of the commands.
  Development mailing list:

Package: akregator
Description-md5: f3438192d62e4a56be6c871875aedd70
Description-is: RSS fréttastraumasafnari fyrir KDE
 aKregator is a fast, lightweight, and intuitive feed reader program for
 KDE.  It allows you to quickly browse through hundreds of thousands of
 internet feeds in a quick, efficient, and familiar way.
 This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE PIM module. See
 the 'kde' and 'kdepim' packages for more information.

Package: amarok
Description-md5: 16d6eca6cf2e7d44bed77a08b5b594f6
Description-is: einfaldur og þægilegur margmiðlunar spilari byggður á KDE 4 tækni grunni
 Amarok is a powerful music player with an intuitive interface. It makes
 playing the music you love and discovering new music easier than ever
 before and it looks good doing it! Amarok is based on the powerful Qt4 /
 KDE4 technology platform and nicely integrates with KDE desktop.
 Much work has been invested into integrating Amarok 2 with various Web services:
   - Ampache
   - Jamendo Service
   - Librivox
   - MP3tunes
   - Magnatune
   - OPML Podcast Directory
 Amarok comes with a lot of features including but not limited to:
   - Scripts - enhance your Amarok experience with community developed scripts.
   - Dynamic Playlists - create playlists that automatically update.
   - Context View - customize interface with the Plasma powered Context View.
   - PopUp Dropper - simplify drag&drop actions with revolutionary menu system.
   - Multiple Language Translations
   - Collection Management - organizing your music collection has never been
     easier with Amarok's powerful tagging, renaming, and sorting abilities.
   - Database Importing - import collections from Amarok 1.4 or iTunes.
   - Scriptable Services - integrate other web services into Amarok.

Package: ark
Description-md5: 6c99427873739455288cf45017d282e6
Description-is: safnskráatól fyrir KDE4
 Ark manages various archive formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and
 zip. It can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
 This package is part of the KDE 4 utilities module.

Package: brasero
Description-md5: 22e3ea6ae2a0d32987596d090c611bf1
Description-is: CD/DVD diskabrennsluforrit fyrir GNOME
 Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media: audio, video or data. It features among other things:
  * On-the-fly burning
  * Multisession support
  * On-the-fly conversion of music playlists in all formats supported by
  * CD-Text writing
 This package contains the main binary, the burning plugins and the
 nautilus extension.
 The following packages, if installed, will provide Brasero with added functionality:
  * GStreamer backends to support more audio or video formats
  * dvdauthor to create video DVDs
  * vcdimager to create VCDs or SVCDs
  * libdvdcss2 to copy encrypted DVDs

Package: digikam
Description-md5: f74151c39ffb7f0fb270de7e52c5919d
Description-is: KDE forrit til að sýsla með stafrænar ljósmyndir
 Myndaumsýsluforrit sem hannað er til að flytja inn, skipuleggja, laga,
 leita og senda myndir til og frá tölvunni þinni.
 Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to digiKam 0.9.4):
  Designed from the ground-up for KDE4, using KDE4 technology:
  Hardware handling with KDE4's Solid interface
  More comprehensive multimedia file handling using KDE4's Phonon interface
  Easy Geolocation with KDE4's Marble interface
  XMP metadata support
  TIFF/EP RAW metadata editing
  Customizable file storage for the digiKam database, supporting remote albums
  Support of multiple root album paths (no more importing into one giant album)
  Thumbnail-bar integration for easy navigation and editing
  Supports the latest camera RAW files
 New/revamped tools:
  Revamped camera import wizard
  LensFun integration: auto-correction of lens distortion
  Fuzzy searches based on hand-drawn sketches
  Advanced searches using image meta-information, like keywords and dates
  Map searching that gives you the power to search for global photo locations
  Advanced searches for duplicate and similar images
 digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its
 capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc.
 The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extentions.

Package: dolphin
Description-md5: ea5c825749138a342b3398d6da19fe8a
Description-is: skráastjóri fyrir KDE 4
 Dolphin is the default KDE 4 file manager, intended to be both powerful
 and easy to use.
 Features include:
   Customisable sidebars
   "Breadcrumb" navigation
   View properties remembered for each folder
   Split views
   Network transparency
   Undo/redo functionality
   Ratings, comments, and tags
 This package is part of the KDE 4 base applications module.

Package: evince
Description-md5: f17a4424c290c0cfc512c79c67105acf
Description-is: Skjalaskoðari (postscript, pdf)
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.

Package: evince-dbg
Description-md5: 4900841786e60becd782ef81ed9532ff
Description-is: Document (postscript, pdf) viewer - debugging symbols
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.
 This package contains the debugging symbols needed by gdb.

Package: gwenview
Description-md5: bd744097472bf4f604501cb5c8c78c4e
Description-is: myndaskoðari fyrir KDE 4
 Gwenview is an image viewer, ideal for browsing and displaying a
 collection of images.  It is capable of showing images in a full-screen
 slideshow view and making simple adjustments, such as rotating or cropping
 This package is part of the KDE 4 graphics module.

Package: inkscape
Description-md5: fed6589659211fb40b80d03dda6e5675
Description-is: teikniforrit sem byggist á vigruðum línuteikningum
 Inkscape loads and saves a subset of the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
 format, a standard maintained by the WWW consortium.
 Inkscape user interface should be familiar from CorelDraw and similar
 drawing programs. There are rectangles, ellipses, text items, bitmap
 images and freehand curves. As an added bonus, both vector and bitmap
 objects can have alpha transparency and can be arbitrarily transformed.
 Inkscape supports multiple opened files and multiple views per file.
 Graphics can be printed and exported to png bitmaps.
 Some of the import and export features are provided using the packages
 dia, libwmf-bin, pstoedit, skencil, imagemagick, and perlmagick.
 Other extensions use ruby, libxml-xql-perl, python-numpy, and python-lxml.
 You must have these packages to make full use of all extensions and
 If you want to use the spellchecker, you have to install aspell and the
 respective language-pack, e.g. aspell-en or aspell-de.

Package: kmag
Description-md5: 3fdc6a92bf94d8f0213927ab380c1287
Description-is: skjástækkari fyrir KDE
 KDE's screen magnifier tool.
 You can use KMagnifier to magnify a part of the screen just as you would
 use a lens to magnify a newspaper fine-print or a photograph.  This
 application is useful for a variety of people: from researchers to artists
 to web-designers to people with low vision.
 This package is part of KDE 4 accessibility module.

Package: libevdocument-dev
Description-md5: 353fc19a19758ecfa2675feb0555a0f1
Description-is: GNOME document viewer backend library - development headers
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.
 This package contains the development headers for libdocument
 documentation API shared library.

Package: libevdocument2
Description-md5: 6c385fc01e91212edd479542fcf01d1f
Description-is: GNOME document viewer backend library
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.
 This package contains the libdocument documentation API shared library.

Package: libevview-dev
Description-md5: 33a0ae877aaa72561c0d14dae5734960
Description-is: GNOME document viewer view library - development headers
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.
 This package contains the development headers for libview documentation
 API shared library.

Package: libevview2
Description-md5: ce3cfb9b95bd6e2c8ecda8911ec047af
Description-is: GNOME document viewer view library
 Evince er einfalt forrit sem birtir skjöl skjöl. Það getur bæði birt og
 prentað PostScript-skrár (PS), Encapsulated PostScript-skrár (EPS), DJVU-
 skrár , DVI-skrár og Portable Document Format-skrár (PDF). Það getur líka
 leitað að texta í skjölum, afritað textann, styður stiklutexta og
 bókamerki í efnisyfirliti.
 This package contains the libview documentation API shared library.

Package: libpython2.6
Description-md5: a51e2dcc0894c25eb3570c0be641b637
Description-is: Shared Python runtime library (version 2.6)
 Útgáfa 2.6 af gagnvirka hlutbundna forritunarmálinu Python sem inniheldur
 mörg forritasöfn.
 This package contains the shared runtime library, normally not needed for
 programs using the statically linked interpreter.

Package: python2.6
Description-md5: 9c3988374977b2943f89677d8867360a
Description-is: Gagnvirkt hlutbundið forritunarmál (útgáfa 2.6)
 Útgáfa 2.6 af gagnvirka hlutbundna forritunarmálinu Python sem inniheldur
 mörg forritasöfn.

Package: software-center
Description-md5: b89f6777109fc380718ca94c078289ca
Description-is: Forrit til að skoða, setja upp og fjarlægja forrit
 The Ubuntu Software Center lets you browse and install thousands of free
 applications available for Ubuntu. You can view available applications by
 category, or search quickly by name or description. You can also examine
 the applications already installed, and remove those you no longer need.
 To install or remove software using the Center, you need administrator
 access on the computer.

Package: tomboy
Description-md5: 0ac9b408adcee478aef231419f3a2e69
Description-is: Glósuforrit sem notar Wiki-tengla
 Tomboy-glósuforritið er einfalt og hraðvirkt í notkun. Forritið leyfir þér
 að tengja glósurnar saman með Wiki-tenglum.

Package: totem
Description-md5: c2e51f2844d25456de72df046d912a57
Description-is: Einfaldur myndspilari fyrir GNOME
 Totem er einfaldur myndbandsspilari fyrir GNOME sem getur opnar margar
 skráategundir. Spilarinn inniheldur:
    * Styður Shoutcast, m3u, asx, SMIL og ra-lagalista
    * Styður valmyndir í mynddiskum (DVD-diskum), VCD og Digital CD (með CDDB)
    * TV-Out-stillingar sem leyfir notanda að stilla upplausn
    * 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 og víðómahljóð
    * Getur fyllt skjáinn og styður Xinerama, dual-head og RandR
    * Getur breytt sniðhlutfalli kvikmynda
    * Styður lyklaborðstjórn
    * Einfaldur lagalisti sem leyfir endurtekningu og vistun
    * Passar í GNOME, Nautilus og GIO
    * Getur tekið mynd af þeirri mynd sem er að spila
    * Getur breytt birtustillingum og birtuskilum
    * Myndbirting fyrir tónlistarskrár
    * Smámyndir fyrir Nautilus
    * Eiginleikar fyrir Nautilus
    * Virkar á fjarskjám
    * Textar fyrir mynddiska, VCD and OGG/OGM sem nemur tungumál sjálfkrafa
    * Hægt að nota viðbætur

Package: totem-common
Description-md5: e5e4dab953a289de510184357646dc10
Description-is: Data files for the Totem media player
 Totem er einfaldur myndbandsspilari fyrir GNOME sem getur opnar margar
 This package contains common data files and translations.

Package: totem-dbg
Description-md5: 2e6698ffe79828e97552b72939dbf59f
Description-is: Debugging symbols for the Totem media player
 Totem er einfaldur myndbandsspilari fyrir GNOME sem getur opnar margar
 This package contains detached debugging symbols.

Package: totem-plugins
Description-md5: e694355c23bef91d6080607f11f47db0
Description-is: Plugins for the Totem media player
 Totem er einfaldur myndbandsspilari fyrir GNOME sem getur opnar margar
 This package contains a set of recommended plugins for Totem, which allow
    * Control Totem with an Infrared remote control
    * Control Totem with the keyboard's media player keys
    * Keep the Totem window on top of the screen
    * Display movie properties
    * Deactivate the screensaver when a movie is playing
    * Skip to a defined time in the movie
    * Set the away status in the instant messenger when a movie is
    * Control totem with a mobile phone using the Bluetooth protocol
    * Share the current playlist via HTTP
    * Search, browse for and play videos from YouTube
    * Search, browse for and play videos from the BBC
 Additional plugins can be written in C, Python or Vala.

Package: transmission-gtk
Description-md5: 940a1f7e6a199c61daec4680222c2ca5
Description-is: Lítið BitTorrent-forrit
 BitTorrent-flutningur (Transmission) er BitTorrent-forrit sem notar GTK.
 Forritið sjálft er afar einfalt í notkun en er kraftmikið þrátt fyrir það.

Package: unzip
Description-md5: b83e2b495da5d292f3fe6ab67b088c47
Description-is: De-archiver for .zip files
 InfoZIP's unzip program. With the exception of multi-volume archives (ie,
 .ZIP files that are split across several disks using PKZIP's /& option),
 this can handle any file produced either by PKZIP, or the corresponding
 InfoZIP zip program.
 Þessi útgáfa styður dulkóðun.

Package: update-manager
Description-md5: 590b36e19703392a6fe86ceaa8467c85
Description-is: GNOME-forrit sem sér um uppfærslur
 GNOME-uppfærslustjórinn sem leitar að uppfærslum og leyfir notandanum að
 vinsa úr þeim.

Package: zip
Description-md5: 581928d34d669e63c353cd694bd040b0
Description-is: Archiver for .zip files
 This is InfoZIP's zip program. It produces files that are fully compatible
 with the popular PKZIP program; however, the command line options are not
 identical. In other words, the end result is the same, but the methods
 differ. :-)
 Þessi útgáfa styður dulkóðun.