$ ! Command procedure to invoke an editor for MAIL. $ ! $ ! Inputs: $ ! $ ! P1 = Input file name. $ ! P2 = Output file name. $ ! $ ! If MAIL$EDIT is undefined, MAIL will invoke callable EDT. $ ! If MAIL$EDITis defined to be a command procedure, $ ! MAIL will create a subprocess to edit the mail. $ ! $ ! Note that this procedure is run in the context of a subprocess. $ ! LOGIN.COM is not executed. However, all process logical names $ ! and DCL global symbols are copied. $ ! $ ! The default directory is the same as the parent process $ ! $!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $! $! jed: $! $! $!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $! $! *** jed *** $! $ VERIFY = F$VERIFY (0) $ define/job/nolog jed_attach_to 'f$getjpi("", "PID") $ define /user sys$input 'f$trnlnm("SYS$OUTPUT")' $ if (p1 .EQS. "") THEN GOTO NO_INPUT_jed $! $ copy 'p1' 'p2' $! $ No_Input_Jed: $! $ priv_list = f$setprv ("NOWORLD, NOGROUP") $ pid := 'f$trnlnm("JED_PID")' $ if (pid .eqs. "") then goto no_attach $ context = 0 $ Loop: $ if (pid .eqs. f$pid ( context )) then goto attach $ if (context .ne. 0) then goto loop $! $ no_attach: $ priv_list = f$setprv (priv_list) $ runjed 'p2' $ goto done $ attach: $ priv_list = f$setprv (priv_list) $ define/nolog/job jed_file_name "''p2'" $ attach/id = 'pid' $ deassign/job jed_file_name $ done: $! $ IF (VERIFY) THEN SET VERIFY $ EXIT