# # $Id: hidden.dem%v 1993/01/27 02:35:31 woo Exp woo $ # # set samples 20 set isosamples 20 set hidden3d set title "Hidden line removal of explicit surfaces" set xrange [-3:3] set yrange [-2:2] splot 1 / (x*x + y*y + 1) pause -1 "Hit return to continue (1)" set xrange [-1:1] set yrange [-1:1] splot x*y / (x**2 + y**2 + 0.1) pause -1 "Hit return to continue (2)" set view 70,45 set nocontour set xrange [-3:3] set yrange [-3:3] splot sin(x*x + y*y) / (x*x + y*y) pause -1 "Hit return to continue (3)" set view 60,30 set xrange [-3:3] set yrange [-3:3] splot sin(x) * cos(y) pause -1 "Hit return to continue (4)" set view 75,230 set contour replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue (5)" set view 80,30,1,1 set data style lines set autoscale splot "glass.dat" using 1 pause -1 "Hit return to continue (6)" set view 50, set grid replot pause -1 "Hit return to continue (7)" set nocontour set nogrid set nohidden3d set samples 100 set isosamples 10 set view 60,30,1,1 set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-10:10] set zrange [-10:10] set auto set title "" 0,0