------------ Included in Beta-6 - SCCS admin no longer creates left over files with admin -n a.xx as a.xx is recognized as illegal name early. - SCCS admin no longer depends on a lucky side effect when creating SCCS history files that keep archived uuenoded version from binary files. This fixes a bug that most likely has been introduced in 1987 while adding binary file support for SunOS-4.0. - SCCS admin now checks for the executable permissioons on the right file when using admin -ibar s.foo. Before it did check foo instead of bar. - SCCS admin now uses the same fast algorithm for detecting binary files as SCCS delta does. This speeds up mass enters of files. - The new fast algorithm that checks for binary files now correctly reports "file '%s' contains illegal data..." instead of "No newline at end of file..." if there is binary data that is not folowed by a new line. - Reset the internal variable "Encoded" in SCCS admin in case a pure text file was found. This permits to enter pure text files after a binary file has been entered. - SCCS admin now supports a new option -N for efficient mass entering of files. The following option types are supported: -N The file name parameters to the admin command are not s.filename files but the names of the g-files. The s.filename names are automati- cally derived from the g-file names by prepending s. to the last path name com- ponent. -Ns. The file name parameters to the admin command are s.filename files. The the g-files names are automatically derived by removing s. from the beginning of last path name component of the s.filename. -Ndir The file name parameters to the admin command are not s.filename files but the names of the g-files. The s.filename names are put into directory dir, the names are automatically derived from the g-file names by prepending dir/s. to the last path name component. -Ndir/s. The file name parameters to the admin command are s.filename files in directory dir. The the g-files names are automatically derived by removing dir/s. from the beginning of last path name component of the s.filename. A typical value for dir is SCCS. To enter all files below usr/src, call: find usr/src -type f | admin -NSCCS - This tells admin to read file names if g-files from stdin and to automatically place related new s.files in corresponding SCCS directories. If the SCCS directories are missing, they are created. This new method is very fast. Entering the whole OpenSolaris base OS (500 MB in > 46000 files) takes 17 seconds on tmpfs on a 6 year old 2.4 Ghz Opteron system. This is 2700 files per second and 30 MB/s. - SCCS get now implements compatibility support for the SCO 'x' flag in history files. There is no support to set this flag in history files and calling "admin -fx s.file" will set up the history file for supporting extended SCCS get keywords. The recommended method to set the executable bit in files is to start with an executable g-file or to set the executable bit in the related s. history file. - The workaround on Linux to get better performance from the baroque Linux libc stdio implementation no longer introduces a memory leak. Another hack has been added to be able to free the space allocated for IO buffers on Linux. - The sccs speudo command "branch" has been documented in the sccs.1 man page - Several missing commend descriptions have been added to the SCCS help for cmds. - The Makefile system now links dynamic libraries on Mac OS X against libgcc_s.1 instead of libgcc. - libschily/fexec.c moved the workaround against the Mac OS X linker for "environ" upwards to cover the new code also. SCCS now has been tested to compile and work on the following platforms: - SunOS-4.x - SunOS-5.x (Solaris 2.x, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) - FreeBSD - HP-UX - Linux - Mac OS X - AIX - IRIX - VMS - Cygwin The portability now reached a state that should allow SCCS to compile and run on other platforms too. SCCS compiles and has been verified on all major platforms.