New driveropts= option "tattoofile=". Use together with -checkdrive to write an image of the right size to disk. DiskT@2 hints: In order to have "DISKTATTOO" listed in the "Driver flags", the disk currently inserted must be usable for the DiskT@2 feature. This means that there needs to be enough space on it. You need an B&W image with 3744 pixels per line Best start with a 3744 x 320 pixel image. The correct size may be retrieved with cdrecord driveropts=tattooinfo -checkdrive To get RAW image data: - Take 'xv' and save the image in PBM/PGM/PPM (raw) mode - use a binary aware (must support unlimited linelength) editor such as 'ved' and remove the header lines. These lines look like: P5 # CREATOR: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 (PNG patch 1.2) # CREATOR: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 (PNG patch 1.2) 3744 144 255 Now you should have (in case of the file above) a file that has exactly 539136 Bytes. - Note that the tattoo image must be left to right flipped (a mirror image). From a hint from "E. Robert Bogusta" : Take an image, and do: djpeg myface.jpg | ppmtopgm | pnmflip -lr | pnmscale -xsi 3744 -ysi 320 | sed '1,/255/d' > So: djpeg extracts ppm from a jpeg. Use your favorite other way of getting this far is you wish. ppmtopgm changes color to grey scale pnmflip -lr flips left to right, the small image is faster pnmscale makes it 3644x320 regardless of starting size. This may make it look really odd on the CD if it doesn't start off the right size. More on this after I try it. sed strips from the first line to the line containing 255, which is the last header line. Note that it would be better to use the actual height of the applicable image instead of the maximum value of 320 and it would be even more correct to create an image that has the right width/height ratio for the target on CD in order get an undistorted view of the image on CD. For best visibility, use black text on light background.