From adrelanos at Mon Apr 13 20:39:25 2020 From: adrelanos at (Patrick Schleizer) Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 18:39:25 +0000 Subject: [Whonix-devel] Bug#956626: dhcpcanon systemd unit fails at boot due to missing debhelper apparmor integration Message-ID: Package: dhcpcanon Severity: normal X-Debbugs-CC: whonix-devel at Debian buster dhcpcanon_0.8.5-2_all.deb debian/postinst lacks apparmor integration which should be auto added by debhelper. sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhcpcanon ERROR: Include file /etc/apparmor.d/local/sbin.dhcpcanon not found Workaround: sudo touch /etc/apparmor.d/local/sbin.dhcpcanon For example /var/lib/dpkg/info/man-db.postinst has: ``` # Automatically added by dh_apparmor/2.13.2-7 if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then APP_PROFILE="/etc/apparmor.d/" if [ -f "$APP_PROFILE" ]; then # Add the local/ include LOCAL_APP_PROFILE="/etc/apparmor.d/local/" test -e "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE" || { mkdir -p `dirname "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE"` install --mode 644 /dev/null "$LOCAL_APP_PROFILE" } # Reload the profile, including any abstraction updates if aa-enabled --quiet 2>/dev/null; then apparmor_parser -r -T -W "$APP_PROFILE" || true fi fi fi # End automatically added section ```