[Whonix-devel] qubes-builder gpg verification security, check for rollback (downgrade) or indefinite freeze attacks

Jason M nrgaway at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 22:06:27 CEST 2015

On Thursday, 2 April 2015 08:11:16 UTC-4, Patrick Schleizer wrote:
> Hi! 
> Does qubes-builder check for rollback (downgrade) or indefinite freeze 
> attacks [1]? 
> Threat model: 
> - a user who builds from source code 
> - building user successfully verified Qubes' source code 
> - user doesn't manually ensure after build, that version numbers match, 
> doesn't read the build log [unless it stops and shows errors], and 
> relies that the verification chain is intact 
> - git hosting compromised [2] 
> - eventually targeting specific builders 
> function: 
> verify_tag 
> link: 
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builder/blob/7d21e6b7b0a5ab3a68e8acdbc3f540f2221b47c0/scripts/verify-git-tag#L38 
> code: 
> gpg --verify --status-fd=1 $temp_name/content.asc 2>/dev/null|grep -q 
> It does not check freshness? So any older tag/signature would be 
> accepted, a rollback attack would succeed? 
> I am very much into file verification, gpg, wrote gpg-bash-lib [6] where 
> I'd appreciate feedback and sometimes report gpg usage security issues 
> in other projects. [non-exhaustive list [7]] 
> Having said that, do you have any other gpg verification code in other 
> files that I could look into? 

I recently implemented some gpg verification of files, not github, in 
python.  Only added import key and verify.

I just finished converting a setup script from bash to python and there is 
a small routine that verifies fingerprint matches one from keyserver.

> Cheers, 
> Patrick 
> [1] "rollback (downgrade) or indefinite freeze attack" 
> Defined as per TUF: Attacks and Weaknesses: 
> - https://github.com/theupdateframework/tuf/blob/develop/SECURITY.md 
> - http://www.webcitation.org/6F7Io2ncN 
> [2] 
> * In case github gets hacked [3] again. 
> * Or in cases similar to: 
>  * SSL CA's such as DigiNotar was hacked or [4] 
>  * comodo resellers that got hacked. [5] 
> [3] 
> http://www.extremetech.com/computing/120981-github-hacked-millions-of-projects-at-risk-of-being-modified-or-deleted 
> [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigiNotar 
> [5] 
> http://www.scmagazine.com/two-more-comodo-resellers-owned-in-ssl-hack/article/199620/ 
> [6] https://github.com/Whonix/gpg-bash-lib 
> [7] https://phabricator.whonix.org/T245 
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