#!/bin/sh # test we are root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then exit 1 fi CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXX="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" P=sakura V=3.8.7 SRC=$P-$V USER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser` LIST="compiletc submitqc cmake vte-2.91-dev perl5 " for Z in $LIST do su -c "tce-load -i $Z" $USER done cd /tmp su -c "/usr/local/bin/wget -nc --no-check-certificate \ https://launchpad.net/$P/trunk/$V/+download/$SRC.tar.bz2 \ https://i.postimg.cc/vB18D4y1/sakura.png " $USER chown root:root $P.png tar jxvf $SRC*bz2 cd $SRC cmake . # seconds for cmake and make make -j5 make install DESTDIR=/tmp/$P # strip fails cd /tmp # no doc ######### rm -rf $P/usr/local/share/doc rm -rf $P/usr/local/share/man # locale ###### mkdir -p $P-locale/usr/local/share mv $P/usr/local/share/locale $P-locale/usr/local/share # main ##### strip --strip-unneeded $P/usr/local/bin/* # icon is svg - old adwaita png is now gone so use download rm -rf $P/usr/local/share/pixmaps/* mv $P.png $P/usr/local/share/pixmaps/$P.png APP=$P/usr/local/share/applications/$P.desktop sed 's|terminal-tango|sakura|' -i $APP sed 's|X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=sakura||' -i $APP echo 'X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/sakura.png' >> $APP mkdir -p $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P echo 'GPL v2' > $P/usr/local/share/doc/$P/COPYING # TCZ them ########### LIST="$P $P-locale " for Z in $LIST do mksquashfs $Z $Z.tcz md5sum $Z.tcz > $Z.tcz.md5.txt cd $Z find usr -not -type d > /tmp/$Z.tcz.list sed 's|usr|/usr|g' -i /tmp/$Z.tcz.list cd /tmp done ls -hal echo 'Title: sakura-locale.tcz Description: locales Version: 3.8.7 Author: David Gomez Espinosa Original-site: https://launchpad.net/sakura Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 48K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: terminal locale Comments: untested by me there was no 14x update Change-log: 2019/01/03 v 3.6.0 2020/04/17 v 3.7.0 on 11x 2023/03/18 v 3.8.6 on 14x Current: 2024/04/03 v 3.8.7 on 15x ' > $P-locale.tcz.info echo 'sakura.tcz' > $P-locale.tcz.dep echo 'Title: sakura.tcz Description: gtk3 virtual terminal Version: 3.8.7 Author: David Gomez Espinosa Original-site: https://launchpad.net/sakura Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 32K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: terminal Comments: Online man page also offer help info https://www.mankier.com/1/sakura (Also) it shows key bindings + $ sakura --help + http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/sakura.htm Can support UTF-8. Does not have a menu bar but has a context menu (GUI) First run creates the config file at ~/.config/sakura/sakura.conf or to start afresh by delete config and re-run sakura. Do not edit that file for font names or sizes please. I noticed a diff in font names so I recommend you use context menu -> options -> select font eg Sans Regular 16 config will be autogenerated under ~/.config/sway Actual config line reads Sans 16 The config file does not mention that the action keys for certain keyboard combos is hold Ctrl and Shift = C+S Toggle on/off scroll C+S s (or use GUI) Copy = C+S c (or use GUI) Paste = C+S v (or use GUI) The "+" or hypehn sign is used for next line. Increase/decrease font size = C "+" / C - Remember with CS w (will close sakura tab) or $ exit (on each tab) if you do not use a mouse To use arrow key up/down in mc run in same tab $ export TERM=xterm && mc Better still try vifm TCE Change-log: 2019/01/03 v 3.6.0 2020/04/17 v 3.7.0 on 11x 2023/03/18 v 3.8.6 on 14x Current: 2024/04/03 v 3.8.7 on 15x ' > $P.tcz.info readelf -d $P/usr/local/bin/$P | grep 'NEEDED' # ignore TCBs #libgtk-3.so.0]libgdk-3.so.0] gtk3 ->vte-2.91-gtk3 #libpangocairo-1.0.so.0]libpango-1.0.so.0] pango -> gtk3 ->vte-2.91-gtk3 #libharfbuzz.so.0]harfbuzz #libatk-1.0.so.0]at-spi2-core->gtk3 ->vte-2.91-gtk3 #libcairo-gobject.so.2]libcairo.so.2] cairo -> pango -> gtk3 -> vte-2.91-gtk3 #libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0] gdk-pixbuf2 -> gtk3 -> ->vte-2.91-gtk3 #libgio-2.0.so.0]libgobject-2.0.so.0]libglib-2.0.so.0]glib2->at-spi2-core->gtk3 ->vte-2.91-gtk3 #libvte-2.91.so.0] vte-2.91-gtk3 #libX11.so.6]libX11 -> gdk-pixbuf2 -> gtk3 -> vte-2.91-gtk3 echo 'vte-2.91-gtk3.tcz harfbuzz.tcz' > $P.tcz.dep # not using any icon TCE submitqc --libs rm -rf *.zsync