Title: audacious-doc.tcz Description: man page Version: 4.3.1 Author: https://github.com/audacious-media-player/audacious/blob/master/AUTHORS Original-site: https://distfiles.audacious-media-player.org/ Copying-policy: multiple see main TCE, COPYING Size: 8.0K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: audio media player gtk2 Comments: man page contains keybindings info KEYBINDINGS Control + Return Play Space, Control + , Pause Control + . Stop Alt + Up Previous song Alt + Down Next song Right arrow Seek forward (by default 5 seconds) Left arrow Seek backward (by default 5 seconds) Escape Scroll to current song Control + a Select all songs in playlist Shift + Control + a Cancel selection Control + + (plus) Increase volume 5 percent Control + - (minus) Decrease volume 5 percent Control + s Toggle shuffle Control + r Toggle repeat Control + n Toggle advancing in playlist Control + m Toggle stopping after current song Control + e Display Equalizer Control + y Display Search Tool Control + i Display Song Information dialog Control + k Display Jump to Time dialog Control + j Display Jump to Song dialog Control + p Display Playlist Manager dialog Control + u Display Queue Manager dialog Control + o Display Open Files dialog Shift + Control + o Display Add Files dialog Control + l Display Open URL dialog Shift + Control + l Display Add URL dialog Change-log: 2024/05/30 v 4.3.1 on 15x Current: 2024/05/30 v 4.3.1 on 15x, gtk3->2 (aus9)