Title:          wqy-zenhei-fonts-ttf.tcz
Description:    Chinese font as below 
Version:        0.8.38-1
Author:         WenQuanYi Board of Trustees as below
Original-site:  Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/wqy/files/wqy-zenhei/
                Owner site: http://wenq.org/wqy2/index.cgi?WQYBOT
                (English users, try online translation)
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size:           7.7M
Extension_by:   aus9 @ linuxquestions.org
Tags:           font Chinese
Comments:       Wang Hanzong bold regular simplified wts11.ttf
                Wang Hanzong Zhong Weibei Simplified wts43.ttf
                Wang Hanzong Zhong Fangsong Simplified wts47.ttf
                Wang Hanzong's new Song simplified wts55.ttf     

                The WenQuanYi Zen Hei font is a Chinese (or CJK) outline font 
                with Hei-Ti style (a sans-serif style) Hanzi glyphs. This font
                is developed for general purpose use of Chinese for formating,
                printing and on-screen display

                The Authors disabled the embedded bitmaps, so that the characters 
                will be displayed as Anti-aliased glyphs. 

                You should set up locale and also load TCEs that are locales, 
                eg load lxterminal-locale not lxterminal

                Alternative TCE=notocjk-regular-fonts-ttc - 37M
Change-log:     2024/11/09 any arch
Current:        2024/11/09