Title: jwm-themes.tcz Description: 6 themes for Joe's Window Manager Version: 1 Author: for JWMKit - Calvin Kent McNabb non-JWMKit - unknown Original-site: https://codeberg.org/JWMKit/JWM_Kit/wiki/themes Copying-policy: for JWMKit GPL v2 non-JWMKit unknown Size: 4.0K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: window manager theme themes Comments: ~/.jwmrc has config line <Include>./.jwmrc-theme</Include> Only if you or maintainer have changed that line, do you need to change below's instruction. Copy from /tmp/tcloop/jwm-themes/usr/local/share/jwm-themes/<dir-name>/.jwmrc-theme to root of your $HOME dir so it becomes eg /home/tc/.jwmrc-theme Agree to over write existing theme. Read it in a text editor, browser etc Load the named font eg DejaVu Sans-10 comes from TCE= dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz Some font TCEs offer alternative fonts eg liberation and nimbus* Beauty is in the mind of the beholder. I believe dark theme is Adwaita-Dark, light is Aros, blue is Bluesky-1, green is beach and 2 contrasts are DarkMint (yes its dark) and Numix Naturally you can edit to change fonts, colours etc Change-log: 2024/11/05 Any arch Current: 2024/11/05