Title: open-vm-tools-desktop.tcz Project: open-vm-tools Description: GUI utilities for VMware hosted virtual machine clients Version: (build-17337674) Author: VMware Original-site: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools Copying-policy: GPL 2, LGPL 2.1 Size: 132K Extension_by: andyj Tags: vmware client utilities virtual machine Comments: GUI utilities for virtual machine clients using VMware Workstation Pro (full functionality): copy/paste, time sync, host folders, window resizing, full-screen multi-monitor, mouse auto grab/ungrab, hot-plug devices (USB), sound, suspend/power-down Player locally hosted (limited functionality): time sync, host folders, window resizing, mouse auto grab/ungrab, hot-plug devices (USB), sound, suspend/power-down ESXi hosted VM using Player (limited functionality): time sync, window resizing, mouse auto grab/ungrab, suspend/power-down See also https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2073803 ---- Download and install in console before reboot; do not install while in X. Either: 1) Verify ~/.xsession has line to execute scripts in /usr/local/etc/X.d or: 2) Add to ~/.xsession after mouse-config to enable copy/paste, mouse grab/ungrab, and desktop resizing: [ $(which vmware-checkvm) ] && [ vmware-checkvm ] && vmware-user & Move wbar to upper left vertical because wbar doesn't know when the desktop is resized. Aterm text does not render correctly, use lxterminal or rxvt instead. If DRM isn't working try adding 'mks.gl.allowBlacklistedDrivers = "TRUE"' to ~/.vmware/preferences on host ---- Change-log: 2016/02/19 First version, 10.0.0 2016/04/06 version 10.0.7 2016/11/27 version 10.1.0 2017/01/04 add missing directory from git 2017/03/19 updated to version 10.1.5 2017/07/01 recompiled for TC 8.x 2018/01/12 updated to version 10.2.0 and GTK3, recompiled for TC 9.x 2018/04/11 updated to version 10.2.5 2018/07/19 updated to version 10.3.0 2018/11/10 updated to version 10.3.5 2019/01/21 recompiled for TC 10.x 2019/02/09 updated shutdown/reboot commands; dropped dependency on ICU 2019/03/18 updated to version 10.3.10 2019/07/06 recompiled for openssl-1.1.1, updates to shared folder scripts 2019/10/22 upgraded to version 11.0.1 2020/02/04 updated to version 11.0.5, recompiled for TC 11.x 2020/06/09 updated to version 11.1.0 2020/09/10 updated to version 11.1.5 2020/11/06 updated to version 11.2.0 Current: 2021/01/23 updated to version 11.2.5, compiled for TC 12.x