.\" Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation .\" See section COPYING for conditions for redistribution .TH etags 1 "19apr1994" "GNU Tools" "GNU Tools" .de BP .sp .ti -.2i \(** .. .SH NAME etags -- generate tag file for Emacs .br ctags -- generate tag file for vi .SH SYNOPSIS .hy 0 .na .B etags [\|\-aCDSVH\|] [\|\-i \fIfile\fP\|] [\|\-o \fItagfile\fP\|] .br [\|\-\-c++\|] [\|\-\-no\-defines\|] [\|\-\-ignore\-indentation\|] [\|\-\-help\|] [\|\-\-version\|] .br [\|\-\-include=\fIfile\fP\|] [\|\-\-output=\fItagfile\fP\|] [\|\-\-append\|] \fIfile\fP .\|.\|. .B ctags [\|\-aCdSVH\|] [\|\-BtTuvwx\|] [\|\-o \fItagfile\fP\|] .br [\|\-\-c++\|] [\|\-\-defines\|] [\|\-\-ignore\-indentation\|] .br [\|\-\-backward\-search\|] [\|\-\-forward\-search\|] [\|\-\-typedefs\|] [\|\-\-typedefs\-and\-c++\|] .br [\|\-\-no\-warn\|] [\|\-\-cxref\|] [\|\-\-help\|] [\|\-\-version\|] .br [\|\-\-output=\fItagfile\fP\|] [\|\-\-append\|] [\|\-\-update\|] \fIfile\fP .\|.\|. .ad b .hy 1 .SH DESCRIPTION The `\|\fBetags\fP\|' program is used to create a tag table file, in a format understood by .BR emacs ( 1 )\c \&; the `\|\fBctags\fP\|' program is used to create a similar table in a format understood by .BR vi ( 1 )\c \&. Both forms of the program understand the syntax of C, Fortran, Pascal, LaTeX, Scheme, Emacs Lisp/Common Lisp and most assembler\-like syntaxes. Both forms read the files specified on the command line, and write a tag table (defaults: `\|TAGS\|' for \fBetags\fP, `\|tags\|' for \fBctags\fP) in the current working directory. The programs recognize the language used in an input file based on its file name and contents; there are no switches for specifying the language. .SH OPTIONS Some options make sense only for the \fBvi\fP style tag files produced by ctags; \fBetags\fP does not recognize them. The programs accept unambiguous abbreviations for long option names. .TP .B \-a, \-\-append Append to existing tag file. (For vi-format tag files, see also \fB\-\-update\fP.) .TP .B \-B, \-\-backward\-search Tag files written in the format expected by \fBvi\fP contain regular expression search instructions; the \fB\-B\fP option writes them using the delimiter `\|\fB?\fP\|', to search \fIbackwards\fP through files. The default is to use the delimiter `\|\fB/\fP\|', to search \fIforwards\fP through files. Only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-C, \-\-c++ Treat files with `\|.c\|' and `\|.h\|' extensions as C++ code, not C code. Files with `\|.C\|', `\|.H\|', `\|.cxx\|', `\|.hxx\|', or `\|.cc\|' extensions are always assumed to be C++ code. .TP .B \-d, \-\-defines Create tag entries for C preprocessor definitions, too. This is the default behavior for \fBetags\fP, so this option is only accepted by \fBctags\fP. .TP .B \-D, \-\-no\-defines Do not create tag entries for C preprocessor definitions. This may make the tags file much smaller if many header files are tagged. This is the default behavior for \fBctags\fP, so this option is only accepted by \fBetags\fP. .TP \fB\-i\fP \fIfile\fP, \fB\-\-include=\fIfile\fP Include a note in tag file indicating that, when searching for a tag, one should also consult the tags file \fIfile\fP after checking the current file. Only \fBetags\fP accepts this option. .TP \fB\-o\fP \fItagfile\fP, \fB\-\-output=\fItagfile\fP Explicit name of file for tag table; overrides default `\|TAGS\|' or `\|tags\|'. (But ignored with \fB\-v\fP or \fB\-x\fP.) .TP .B \-S, \-\-ignore\-indentation Don't rely on indentation as much as we normally do. Currently, this means not to assume that a closing brace in the first column is the final brace of a function or structure definition in C and C++. .TP .B \-t, \-\-typedefs Record typedefs in C code as tags. Since this is the default behaviour of \fBetags\fP, only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-T, \-\-typedefs\-and\-c++ Generate tag entries for typedefs, struct, enum, and union tags, and C++ member functions. Since this is the default behaviour of \fBetags\fP, only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-u, \-\-update Update tag entries for \fIfiles\fP specified on command line, leaving tag entries for other files in place. Currently, this is implemented by deleting the existing entries for the given files and then rewriting the new entries at the end of the tags file. It is often faster to simply rebuild the entire tag file than to use this. Only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-v, \-\-vgrind Instead of generating a tag file, write index (in \fBvgrind\fP format) to standard output. Only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-w, \-\-no\-warn Suppress warning messages about duplicate entries. The \fBetags\fP program does not check for duplicate entries, so this option is not allowed with it. .TP .B \-x, \-\-cxref Instead of generating a tag file, write a cross reference (in \fBcxref\fP format) to standard output. Only \fBctags\fP accepts this option. .TP .B \-H, \-\-help Print usage information. .TP .B \-V, \-\-version Print the current version of the program (same as the version of the emacs \fBetags\fP is shipped with). .SH "SEE ALSO" `\|\fBemacs\fP\|' entry in \fBinfo\fP; \fIGNU Emacs Manual\fP, Richard Stallman. .br .BR cxref ( 1 ), .BR emacs ( 1 ), .BR vgrind ( 1 ), .BR vi ( 1 ). .SH COPYING Copyright (c) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. .PP Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. .PP Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. .PP Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.