Xdefaults --------------------------------------------------------------- Many features of this application can be customized by specifying values in a ".Xdefaults" file, or by loading resource values via "xrdb". In addition to the usual Tcl/Tk widget resources, the following resources are defined for this application: %% hyperhelp_mark Colors %% Application Colors --------------------------------------------------------------- accentBackground: color Background color used to draw "accents" that draw attention. Primarily used for error messages, and to signal that a drag&drop token window is over a target. accentForeground: color Foreground color used to draw "accents" that draw attention. Primarily used for error messages, and to signal that a drag&drop token window is over a target. barColor: color Color used to draw size bars on the graphical disk usage display. darkBackground: color Background color used for things like scrollbars that should not draw attention. darkForeground: color Foreground color used for things like scrollbars that should not draw attention. targetBackground: color Background color used for drag&drop targets. targetForeground: color Foreground color used for drag&drop targets. workspaceBackground: color Background color used for workspaces where data is presented. This includes canvas windows, text windows and entry widgets. workspaceForeground: color Foreground color used for workspaces where data is presented. This includes canvas windows, text windows and entry widgets. %% hyperhelp_mark FileAges %% File Ages --------------------------------------------------------------- newAge: integer (number of weeks) Files modified within this time are considered "new". dustyAge: integer (number of weeks) Files modified within this time are considered "dusty". oldAge: integer (number of weeks) Files modified within this time are considered "old". moldyAge: integer (number of weeks) Files modified within this time are considered "moldy". Files older than this are also "moldy". %% hyperhelp_mark DragDrop %% Drag&Drop --------------------------------------------------------------- buttonBinding: integer (mouse button) Drag&drop operations are bound to this mouse button. Default is button "3". tokenActiveBackground: color Background color used to draw file icon on drag&drop token when token is over a compatible target site. tokenActiveForeground: color Foreground color used to draw file icon on drag&drop token when token is over a compatible target site.