%% set helpbg [option get .hyperhelp.view.file background Tk] if {$helpbg == ""} {set helpbg white} label $blt_htext(widget).trash -bitmap trash -bg $helpbg $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).trash %% Deleting Files/Directories --------------------------------------------------------------- When a file token is dropped on the "trash" icon, it is added to a list of files waiting for removal. If this list was previously hidden, it will become visible. The total amount of disk space that will be gained by eliminating the files is shown at the top of the dialog box. Files can be removed from the delete list using %% hyperhelp_link drag&drop DragDrop %% facilities to drop them onto an icon: %% label $blt_htext(widget).refileTarget -bitmap refile $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).refileTarget %% - put file back into directory hierarchy %% label $blt_htext(widget).compressTarget -bitmap compress $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).compressTarget %% - transfer file to %% hyperhelp_link \"compress\" Compress %% list Pressing the "Delete Files" button causes all files on the list to be deleted. If for some reason a file cannot be deleted, an error message is displayed and the file is put back onto the "delete" list. Pressing the "Cancel" button causes all files to be put back into the directory hierarchy, and causes the "Delete" dialog box to disappear.