%% label $blt_htext(widget).logo -bitmap dill-logo $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).logo %% Kosher Dill ( KOmprehensive Storage HandlER / Disk ILLustrator ) --------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1993 AT&T Bell Laboratories Michael J. McLennan (michael.mclennan@att.com) --------------------------------------------------------------- Kosher Dill is a simple utility for managing disk usage. It provides a graphical representation of the system "du" command, along with drag&drop facilities for exploring, compressing and removing files. Directory names are entered into the "Directory" entry near the top of the main window. Pressing return in this window invokes a query of disk usage ("du") for this directory. Results are displayed in the "Usage" message near the top of the window. In addition, a %% hyperhelp_link "graphical display" Display %% is generated showing relative usage for all immediate sub-directories and files. Elements in this display are available for %% hyperhelp_link "drag&drop" DragDrop %% operation. Files can be dropped on the following targets: %% label $blt_htext(widget).examineTarget -bitmap examine $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).examineTarget %% - used to %% hyperhelp_link examine Examine %% the file %% label $blt_htext(widget).compressTarget -bitmap compress $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).compressTarget %% - used to %% hyperhelp_link compress Compress %% the file %% label $blt_htext(widget).trashTarget -bitmap trash $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).trashTarget %% - used to %% hyperhelp_link delete Trash %% the file Other aspects of this application are controlled by menus listed at the top of the main window: FILE MENU About... - brings up a message describing this application Preferences... - brings up a dialog box for editing %% hyperhelp_link preferences Preferences %% Quit - exits the application %% hyperhelp_mark ViewMenu %% VIEW MENU Changes the display of files in all graphical usage windows: By Name List files in alphabetical order by name. By Size List files in order from largest to smallest. By Age List files in order from oldest to newest. Files in Local Directory Show contents of one directory at a time. Files in All Directories Show all files in the hierarchy below a given directory. All Files Show all files, regardless of size. Only "Significant" Files Show files larger than a "significant" size, as defined in the %% hyperhelp_link preferences Preferences %% for this application. Different combinations of these options are useful in different circumstances. When exploring to find large directories, the following settings are useful: EXPLORING DIRECTORIES: - By Size - Files in Local Directory - All Files This presents a hierarchical view of directories, showing the largest ones near the top of the list. Each directory, in turn, can be explored this way. When searching for the largest and oldest single files to be deleted, the following settings are useful: SEARCHING FOR BIG FILES: - By Age - Files in All Directories - Only "Significant" Files Such a listing may take a while to process, but when it appears, it will contain a number of good candidates (core files, etc.) for removal. HELP About HyperHelp... - brings up an explanation of %% hyperhelp_link HyperHelp HyperHelp %% About Kosher Dill... - brings up this help topic Many features of this application can be customized by specifying resources in a %% hyperhelp_link .Xdefaults Xdefaults %% file.