%% label $blt_htext(widget).logo -bitmap hyperhelp-logo $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).logo %% HyperHelp --------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1993 AT&T Bell Laboratories Michael J. McLennan (michael.mclennan@att.com) --------------------------------------------------------------- HyperHelp provides a "hypertext" help facility for Tcl/Tk applications. As you read help pages, you may run across words that are highlighted to look like buttons. Clicking on any such button will take you to another help page. For example, %% hyperhelp_link "this link" HyperHelp.rest %% will take you forward to the rest of the HyperHelp documentation. HyperHelp facilities are easily %% hyperhelp_link integrated HyperHelp.add %% into any Tcl/Tk application. =============================================================== %% set helpbg [option get .hyperhelp.view.file background Tk] if {$helpbg == ""} {set helpbg white} frame $blt_htext(widget).credit -bg $helpbg label $blt_htext(widget).credit.blt -bitmap BLT -bg $helpbg pack $blt_htext(widget).credit.blt -side left message $blt_htext(widget).credit.message -aspect 800 -bg $helpbg \ -text "Thanks to George Howlett for the many wonderful things in his BLT toolkit that made this application possible!" pack $blt_htext(widget).credit.message -side right -fill x $blt_htext(widget) append $blt_htext(widget).credit %% ===============================================================