README for ibuild's demos The subdirectories contain demo applications that are generated by ibuild. After successful building of your interviews tree, you should 1) Make copies of the directories of interest 2) Fire up ibuild and read in the user interface definition file associated with each subdirectory. For instance, in the "Clock" subdirectory, you should read "Clock/clock" into ibuild. 3) Execute "Generate Code..." or type "P" in ibuild to generate and build the application. Most subdirectories have two additional subclass files and a prototypical main file that contain user code to control the interfaces (make sure you don't overwrite these files by leaving the corresponding checkboxes blank when ibuild generate code). Makefiles generated by ibuild would automatically generate dependencies for them. You also can change the appearance of the interface in ibuild and regenerate code so as to see the effects on the appearance of the generated interface. Note the following: 1) "VWork/vwork.exe" and "VMouse/vmouse.exe" have to be run together. In particular, you should choose a host to run "VWork/vwork.exe" first and then run "VMouse/vmouse.exe [hostname]" where hostname is the machine name where "VWork/vwork.exe" is running. Multiple "vmouse.exe" can coexist simultaneously. A dedicated port id 1040 is used. A more appropriate id can be selected by redefining port_id under "VWork/VWork.c" and "VMouse/VMouse.c". Note: These two applications implement ipc using the RPC classes, so you should make sure that parameter BuildRPCClasses is defined as YES in "iv/src/config/InterViews/params.def". If you have any questions or problems, please either post them in the USENET newsgroup or send mail to me directly at