To compile this, you must: 1. Have the GNU readline library installed (if you want the nifty command history and editing in the versions included in Slackware). 2. Make sure the path to the term library 'client.a' is correct in the Makefile. 3. To compile for TCP/IP, type: make 4. To compile for term, type: make tncftp I ran into a problem with this going into some strange kind of infinate recursion at the end of the make. If you see similar funny business, just hit control-C and type it this line (this is one line!): cc -s cmds.o cmdtab.o ftp.o ftprc.o getpass.o glob.o main.o open.o set.oi tips.o util.o -o tncftp -lreadline -ltermcap /root/term144/client.a Fix '/root/term144/client.a' as appropriate for your system. Have fun! Pat