star-1.0.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.1.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.2.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.3.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.3.1.tar.gz	A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.4.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.4-sspm.tar.gz	A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver (slottable source plugin module version)
star-1.5.tar.gz		A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.5.1.tar.gz	A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)
star-1.5.2.tar.gz	A very fast and Posix compliant tar archiver from Joerg Schilling (local)

STARvsGNUTAR		A comparison of the star interface and the GNU tar interface