New features of SCCS-5.05:

With the upcoming SCCS-6.0 we introduce a new SCCS history file format that
intentionally causes historic SCCS implementations to abort (to prevent file
corruption) but that can be easily converted back into a SCCS-5.x compliant 
history file using a conversion program. This conversion does not cause a loss
of information as the new information is encoded as special comment that is 
accepted by all other SCCS implementations except for currently version of

Since SCCS-5.04, the first (partial) support for the upcoming SCCS v6 history
format has been introduced.

See the file TODO_V6 for more information.

Please join the discussion mainling list for the development of enhancements on:

The next task for SCCS is to introduce a changeset file that brackets a group 
of single file changes into a change set related to a commit.

New features included with SCCS-5.05:

-	SCCS val now includes a new option -h to check SID specific checksums
	from SCCS v6

-	The patch program (needed to import patches when we add support to
	import/apply changesets from other copies) has been added to the
	SCCS source tree.

-	SCCS help now includes one line help for all options for all SCCS commands

-	The SCCS help command now gives an sccs command overview if you
	call: "sccs help" and enter an empty line (hit RETURN) when it
	asks: "Enter the message number or SCCS command name:"

-	The SCCS sccsfile.4 man page now mentions the new SID specific checksum.

-	The SCCS rmdel command now implements a new option -d to fully
	discard the delta that is going to be removed. By default, the file
	delta is removed but the related meta data from the delta is kept in
	the delta table and marked as removed delta.

-	New program "rcs2sccs" to convert RCS history files into SCCS history
	files. This program has been originally written by someone called
	"kenc". It was enhanced for robustness, to support dates past 1999
	and it now supports binary files also.

-	New SCCS subcommand "istext" allows to check whether a file may
	be archived as pure text file or whether encoding is needed.

-	The SCCS convert program (sccs cvt) now correctly removes the SID
	specific extensions (like SID specific checksums) from the history
	file if called with "-V4 -d".

-	The SCCS convert program (sccs cvt) now correctly converts time stamps
	from different timezones.

	For converting RCS timestamps (in GMT format) that have been converted
	into SCCS via the script "rcs2sccs" and that still are relative to GMT
	call the following:

		sccs rcs2sccs
		TZ=GMT sccs cvt -V6 SCCS
		sccs cvt -V4 -d SCCS

	This results in SCCS v4 history files, that are in local time.

	-	The first command converts all RCS history files into a SCCS v4
		history file under the assumption that local time is GMT

	-	The second command converts all SCCS v4 history files in SCCS/
		into SCCS v6 history file

-	SCCS sact now supports a -s option to suppress the error meesage in
	case a file is not under SCCS control.

-	The command "sccs fix" now supports to forward the -d option to the
	SCCS rmdel command.

-	The command "sccs unedit" now supports a -o option to get the 
	unedited file under the timestamp that is the timestamp of the delta.

-	A new command "sccs editor" was implemented to allow to automatically
	call "sccs edit" from a hook when calling the preferred editor. This
	permits to edit SCCS controlled files in an apparent transparent way.

	If your preferred editor is "ved", call:

	alias ved='sccs editor'

	Then call: ved file

-	Mention the -C option in the manpages for get(1) and delta(1)

-	SCCS admin now supports to automatically rename the original file
	to ,file (as with "sccs create") when doing bulk enters via admin -N

-	comerr() now maps exit codes that would fold to '0' to EX_CLASH
	which is -64

-	libschily now includes strstr() and wcsstr() for platforms where it is

-	patch(1) now avoids to exit(0) in case that the number of failures
	is dividable by 256.

-	The CSW packaging definitions in the schily makefilesystem was 
	enhanced to permit referencing files in the package definition directory

SCCS now has been tested to compile and work on the following platforms:

-	SunOS-4.x

-	SunOS-5.x (Solaris 2.x, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

-	FreeBSD


-	Linux

-	Mac OS X




-	Cygwin

The portability now reached a state that should allow SCCS to compile 
and run on other platforms too. SCCS compiles and has been verified
on all major platforms.