Title: etrophy-dev.tcz Description: add library to manage game scores, development files. Version: 0.5.1 Author: authors of package Original-site: http://www.package.com Copying-policy: Copyright (C) 2012 ProFUSION Embedded Systems and various contributors (see AUTHORS). Size: 20K Extension_by: jlslegalize@gmail.com Tags: library game scores enlightenment e17 efl elementary Comments: a library that manages scores, trophies and unlockables. It will store them and provide views to display them. Could be used by games based on EFL. Right now it just stores on EET, but a remote backend is planned. Extension made using http://code.google.com/p/tc-ext-tools Change-log: 2012/11/22 First Version 2013/04/20 First Version Current: 2013/10/07 Rebuilt in tc 5.x