Title: xscreensaver.tcz Description: screensavers and locker Version: 6.09 Author: Jamie Zawinski Original-site: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver Copying-policy: accompanied Size: 700K Extension-by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: screensavers screen lock xorg Comments: saver=TCE=xscreensaver & kb=keyboard (UPGRADERS) Please read all saver TCES as you may now prefer TCE=yscreensaver The X.d file has changed significantly for autostart as below This TCE has 4 savers, with balance in TCE-extras. Health WARNING some savers may cause issues due to immersion, flashing etc. lcdscrub saver.... claims to repair burn-ins on LCD monitors This TCE is not designed to run on wayland desktops. TCE fails on Xorg 2d with error missing /usr/local/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so So reboot into Xorg-7.7-3d and its not in TCE dep file. Default config is read only /usr/local/share/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver unless you have ~/.xscreensaver (read-write) which we will create shortly. Method 1 users must NOT use pulldown File -> lock nor run $ lock -> either will require a hardware reset as lock refers to password lock So if settings lock box is UNTICKED but you run $ lock....it really locks! $ blank is safe for method 1 users $ lock for method 2 users blank and lock allows for desktop kb shortcuts for those that use them! eg my jwm line is exec:blank $ lock first blanks (may fade first) then locks If you notice your screen is starting to fade, a mouse click, mouse move or kb input should stop the fade/saver. I call that an INPUT-EVENT Method 1 = savers and no locker ######### Run $ xscreensaver-settings Popup asks do you want to launch the daemon now? Click launch button -> another popup appears - do nothing and that popup will disappear shortly. The default setting for the lock box is already unticked. If daemon fails, $ blank will fail. You can check the daemon status by pulldown File, if kill daemon is in bold, its working. If start daemon is in bold.....start it! Some savers are blanked as they have not been installed or are in TCE-extras and some are slow to load. Each saver has their own settings button bottom RH corner. Advanced TAB includes fade, power & theme stuff. Test timer for fadeout/saver by clicking the minus sign to show Blank 1 minute. Now exit the app and make no kb or mouse clicks for 1 minute. Once saver starts, - make an INPUT-EVENT. Leave the timer set 1 minute until you have completed all tests, as below. If you like TCE autostarted then add either this TCE or TCE-extras (which has a dep of this TCE) to boot list and run $ echo 'sleep 10 && xscreensaver --no-splash &' > ~/.X.d/xscreensaver exit to prompt -> startx and check if kill daemon is in bold. If not, increase sleep time and try again. On my AMD APU 8s is too short If after testing you are unhappy with changes you can use pulldown File and kill the daemon, then uninstall the TCE and choose other options Experienced members can manually edit their home config but please test by pulldown File -> restart daemon. I have a tower so power management not tested. Please see TCE=acpid and $ man xscreensaver from TCE-doc section = LAPTOP LIDS WITHOUT SYSTEMD Mode 2 password ###### READ MODE 1 FIRST PLEASE run $ passwd (to create password for local user) I have compiled support for root password but not tested. Consider persistence of your password by backing up etc/passwd & etc/shadow Otherwise you need to repeat password creation over reboot. run $ xscreensaver-settings and complete all of mode 1 but TICK the lock box To speed up testing run $ lockx Method 2 users will, on kb or mouse input, see a login popup. Input password within 30 seconds to unlock. The login popup wil respawn if password not accepted Logging is available read the man pages. Change-log: 2014/01/29 v 5.26 (dentonlt) 2020/07/26 v 5.44 (aus9) 2020/07/31 fix desktop file 2023/04/10 v 6.0.6 (called 6.06 in 6.09 changelog) on 14x Current: 2024/12/25 v 6.09 on 15x split TCEs X.d file changes