Title: wireless-regdb.tcz Description: regulatory.db firmware Version: 2023/09/01 Author: Chen-Yu Tsai Original-site: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/sforshee/wireless-regdb.git Copying-policy: accompanied Size: 8.0K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: cfg80211 regulatory.db firmware Comments: wireless firmware. Read-writeable config is /etc/modprobe.d/regdom.conf change "AU" to your country code if needed This TCE must load before wireless-KERNEL TCE as module cfg80211 depends on this TCE firmware Change-log: 2023/05/06 any arch v 2023-05-03 creators Luis R. Rodriguez, Johannes Berg & Michael Gree 2024/09/11 any arch v 2023/09/01 upstream change of maintainer, but no change to LICENSE Current: 2025/01/01 correct info file only