Title: wicd.tcz Description: gtk python2 wifi manager Version: 1.7.4 Author: Tom Van Braeckel, Adam Blackburn, Dan O'Reilly, Andrew Psaltis & David Paleino Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86_64/tcz/src/wicd Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 248K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: network manager python python2 Comments: Load any required wifi device firmware, usb modules (if usb) before wicd. Recommend you load wireless-regdb too + see its info. GUI fails to disconnect/connect ethernet instead $ sudo ifconfig eth0 down $ sudo ifconfig eth0 up $ sudo udhcpc -i eth0 Please restart dbus irrespective of current state. (Unless automating below). If not, expect dbus connection errors. Software that depends on dbus eg large web browser may also need restart (not reboot). YMMV $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus restart $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/wicd start Ways to open GUI: -- menu -> Network (or System) -> Wicd -- click icon in file manager for /usr/share/applications/Wicd* -- $ wicd-gtk --tray (or --no-tray) -- Assign keybindings if your desktop supports them. Note no harm in using --tray on desktops that have no panel support. eg hackedbox fvwm etc These methods attempt to put a tray into your panel, if you are running a DE/WM that supports gtk2 applets eg icewm I assume right handed mouse user: (reverse for lefties please) -- left click opens GUI -- mouse hover -> should show the connection and LAN address -- right click -> connection info -> shows speed and data -- right click -> connect... may attempt to autoconnect to your neighbour if you are not paying attention. For menu or left click applet -> gtk2 GUI should open. Against router name, click on properties -> pulldown encryption method and choose method, likely WPA 1/2 passphrase Input passsphrase in box below Click on connect & wait -> must say "connected" at bottom of GUI If you wish to backup over reboot add these to /opt/.filetool.lst usr/local/etc/wicd var/lib/wicd/configurations If you wish to automate over reboot add these to /opt/bootlocal.sh (tested) /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start /usr/local/etc/init.d/wicd start Note here dbus does not need a restart. TCE=python-urwid is broken due to a ncursesw issue so wicd-curses has been removed from this TCE TCE for wicd-doc offers things like $ man wicd-wireless-settings.conf Change-log: 2016/03/13 v 1.7.4 (Juanito) 2017/03/01 patched for wicd-curses errors Current: 2024/10/23 rebuilt on 15x - changed initid script - no install script (aus9)