Title: vimb.tcz Description: vim like web browser as below Version: git-20241028 Author: Daniel Carl Original-site: https://github.com/fanglingsu/vimb Copying-policy: GPL v 3 Size: 84K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: web browser Comments: gtk3/gst/webkit web browser that has vim like key bindings and modes and supports mouse too. * Normal Mode -The default mode. Pressing Escape always enter normal mode. * Input Mode Used for editing text elements in a webpage. * Command Mode Execute "ex" commands from the builtin inputbox (commandline). * Pass Through Mode Only the Esc and normal mode then input shift+o = capital Oh web address Recommend you read the man page in vimb-doc. Please change any setting you want at $HOME/.config/vimb/config (and style.css) If you want sound, setup independently and it should work when you launch vimb Altho 84K size looks good compare against totals for your other web browser due to deps Change-log: 2024/10/30 v git-20241028 Current: 2024/10/30 ' > $P.tcz.info