Title: simple-mtpfs.tcz Project: simple-mtpfs Description: Userspace filesystem for MTP (Android) devices Version: 0.4.0 Author: Peter Hatina Original-site: https://github.com/phatina/simple-mtpfs Copying-policy: GPL2 Size: 64K Extension_by: andyj Tags: MTPFS FUSE Android Comments: SIMPLE-MTPFS (Simple Media Transfer Protocol FileSystem) is a file system capable of operating on files on MTP devices attached via USB to local machine. The end user can seamlessly interact with MTP device files as part of the overall filesystem. Works in VMware VM's, too. Usage: To simply mount(when single device is connected): $ simple-mtpfs mountpoint [options] To list devices: $ simple-mtpfs --list-devices To mount by number in list: $ simple-mtpfs --device mountpoint [options] To unmount: $ fusermount -u ---- Change-log: 2018/01/13 first build Current: 2024/12/14 0.3.0 -> 0.4.0 (Sashank999)