Title: distcc.tcz Description: Distributed C Compiler Version: git commit 5394870 Author: see sites below Original-site: https://distcc.github.io/index.html Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 320K Extension_by: polikuo Tags: multithreading distribute compiler Comments: a fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler ---------- This example uses pump mode, which usually produces more consistant result ---------- Getting started: Prepare 2 or more machines On Volunteer(s) - Server(s), Helper(s), IP:,, ...) Load this extension, the daemon will start automatically. To fine tune the behavior, create /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh The example file is in /usr/local/share/doc/distcc/tc.sh $ cp /usr/local/share/doc/distcc/tc.sh /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh $ vi /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh On Worker - Client, You compile here, IP: Create /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh but keep it empty. The daemon will not start, which it shouldn't. $ touch /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh Edit ~/.distcc/hosts localhost,lzo,cpp In terminal $ export PATH="/usr/local/lib/distcc:${PATH}" $ ./configure ... $ pump make -j8 (most programs) $ pump ninja -j8 (Ninja) Alternative (sometimes works better) $ ./configure CC=/usr/local/lib/distcc/gcc ... $ eval `pump --startup` $ make -j8 (most programs) $ ninja -j8 (Ninja) $ ./mach build -j8 ... (firefox mach) $ pump --shutdown ---------- IMPORTANT: LTO compilations is now able to be distributed. https://github.com/distcc/distcc/pull/429 For more information, check out the forum. https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,27433.msg176654.html ---------- This package contains: https://github.com/distcc/distcc.git ---------- Compiled for 15.x armhf ---------- Change-log: 2024/12/12 First Version 2025/01/06 LTO enabled, config relocated to fix onboot behavior ('~/.distcc/tc.sh' -> '/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/.distcc.sh') Current: 2025/01/06 LTO enabled, config relocated to fix onboot behavior