diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/.patchlevel bash-1.14.3/.patchlevel
*** bash-1.14.2/.patchlevel	Fri Aug  5 16:07:49 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/.patchlevel	Tue Dec  6 09:46:17 1994
*** 1 ****
! 2
--- 1 ----
! 3
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/bashline.c bash-1.14.3/bashline.c
*** bash-1.14.2/bashline.c	Wed Aug  3 10:32:45 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/bashline.c	Thu Dec 22 17:09:57 1994
*** 24,27 ****
--- 24,28 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include "bashansi.h"
+ #include <readline/rlconf.h>
  #include <readline/readline.h>
  #include <readline/history.h>
*** 102,105 ****
--- 103,107 ----
  #if defined (VI_MODE)
  static void vi_edit_and_execute_command ();
+ extern char *rl_vi_comment_begin;
*** 166,170 ****
    rl_unbind_key_in_map (CTRL('J'), emacs_meta_keymap);
    rl_unbind_key_in_map (CTRL('M'), emacs_meta_keymap);
  #if defined (BRACE_COMPLETION)
    rl_add_defun ("complete-into-braces", bash_brace_completion, -1);
--- 168,175 ----
    rl_unbind_key_in_map (CTRL('J'), emacs_meta_keymap);
    rl_unbind_key_in_map (CTRL('M'), emacs_meta_keymap);
! #if defined (VI_MODE)
!   rl_unbind_key_in_map (CTRL('E'), vi_movement_keymap);
! #endif
  #if defined (BRACE_COMPLETION)
    rl_add_defun ("complete-into-braces", bash_brace_completion, -1);
*** 250,253 ****
--- 255,259 ----
    tilde_initialize ();
    rl_attempted_completion_function = attempt_shell_completion;
+   rl_completion_entry_function = (Function *)NULL;
    rl_directory_completion_hook = bash_directory_completion_hook;
    rl_ignore_some_completions_function = (Function *)filename_completion_ignore;
*** 330,335 ****
  initialize_hostname_list ()
!   char *temp = get_string_value ("hostname_completion_file");
    if (!temp)
      temp = ETCHOSTS;
--- 336,344 ----
  initialize_hostname_list ()
!   char *temp;
+   temp = get_string_value ("HOSTFILE");
+   if (!temp)
+     temp = get_string_value ("hostname_completion_file");
    if (!temp)
      temp = ETCHOSTS;
*** 337,340 ****
--- 346,350 ----
    snarf_hosts_from_file (temp);
    sort_hostname_list ();
    if (hostname_list)
*** 931,935 ****
       char *text;
!   char **matches = (char **)NULL;
    static char *orig_start, *filename_text = (char *)NULL;
    static int cmd_index, start_len;
--- 941,945 ----
       char *text;
!   static char **matches = (char **)NULL;
    static char *orig_start, *filename_text = (char *)NULL;
    static int cmd_index, start_len;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/braces.c bash-1.14.3/braces.c
*** bash-1.14.2/braces.c	Tue May  3 10:11:24 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/braces.c	Thu Dec 22 16:15:39 1994
*** 227,231 ****
        /* A backslash escapes the next character.  This allows backslash to
  	 escape the quote character in a double-quoted string. */
!       if (c == '\\' && (quoted == '"' || quoted == '`'))
            pass_next = 1;
--- 227,231 ----
        /* A backslash escapes the next character.  This allows backslash to
  	 escape the quote character in a double-quoted string. */
!       if (c == '\\' && (quoted == 0 || quoted == '"' || quoted == '`'))
            pass_next = 1;
*** 291,295 ****
    if (!arr2)
!     return (arr1);
    len1 = array_len (arr1);
--- 291,295 ----
    if (!arr2)
!     return (copy_array (arr1));
    len1 = array_len (arr1);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/bind.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/bind.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/bind.def	Tue Jul  5 14:34:12 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/bind.def	Mon Dec  5 15:28:15 1994
*** 163,167 ****
        if (rl_read_init_file (initfile) != 0)
! 	  builtin_error ("cannot read %s: %s\n", initfile, strerror (errno));
--- 163,167 ----
        if (rl_read_init_file (initfile) != 0)
! 	  builtin_error ("cannot read %s: %s", initfile, strerror (errno));
*** 178,185 ****
    if (saved_keymap)
      rl_set_keymap (saved_keymap);
-  bind_exit:
    rl_outstream = old_rl_outstream;
    return (return_code);
--- 178,185 ----
+  bind_exit:
    if (saved_keymap)
      rl_set_keymap (saved_keymap);
    rl_outstream = old_rl_outstream;
    return (return_code);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/common.c bash-1.14.3/builtins/common.c
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/common.c	Sun Jun 26 20:44:13 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/common.c	Fri Dec  9 17:10:07 1994
*** 47,50 ****
--- 47,51 ----
  extern int no_symbolic_links, interactive, interactive_shell;
  extern int indirection_level, startup_state;
+ extern int last_command_exit_value;
  extern int hashing_disabled;
  extern int variable_context;
*** 431,435 ****
  	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", get_name_for_error ());
! 	  fprintf (stderr, "could not get current directory: %s\n\r",
--- 432,436 ----
  	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", get_name_for_error ());
! 	  fprintf (stderr, "could not get current directory: %s\n",
*** 616,620 ****
--- 617,623 ----
  	      case DISCARD:
+ 	        dispose_command (command);
  		run_unwind_frame ("pe_dispose");
+ 		last_command_exit_value = 1;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/exec.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/exec.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/exec.def	Sat Jun  4 21:30:38 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/exec.def	Tue Dec  6 09:50:00 1994
*** 47,51 ****
  extern int errno;
  #endif /* !errno */
! extern int interactive;
  extern REDIRECT *redirection_undo_list;
--- 47,51 ----
  extern int errno;
  #endif /* !errno */
! extern int interactive, subshell_environment;
  extern REDIRECT *redirection_undo_list;
*** 128,132 ****
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
!       end_job_control ();
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
--- 128,133 ----
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
!       if (subshell_environment == 0)
! 	end_job_control ();
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
*** 147,152 ****
  	free (command);
!       if (!interactive && !find_variable ("no_exit_on_failed_exec"))
  	exit (exit_value);
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
--- 148,157 ----
  	free (command);
!       if (subshell_environment ||
! 	  (!interactive && !find_variable ("no_exit_on_failed_exec")))
  	exit (exit_value);
+       initialize_traps ();
+       reinitialize_signals ();
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/exit.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/exit.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/exit.def	Thu Mar  3 14:33:10 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/exit.def	Mon Dec  5 17:46:37 1994
*** 1,4 ****
  This file is exit.def, from which is created exit.c.
! It implements the builtins "bye" and  "exit", and "logout" in Bash.
  Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
--- 1,4 ----
  This file is exit.def, from which is created exit.c.
! It implements the builtins "exit" and "logout" in Bash.
  Copyright (C) 1987, 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
*** 40,43 ****
--- 40,44 ----
  static int exit_or_logout ();
+ static int sourced_logout = 0;
*** 67,71 ****
    if (!login_shell && interactive)
!       builtin_error ("Not login shell: use `exit' or `bye'");
        return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
--- 68,72 ----
    if (!login_shell && interactive)
!       builtin_error ("Not login shell: use `exit'");
        return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
*** 119,123 ****
    /* Run our `~/.bash_logout' file if it exists, and this is a login shell. */
!   if (login_shell)
      maybe_execute_file ("~/.bash_logout", 1);
--- 120,124 ----
    /* Run our `~/.bash_logout' file if it exists, and this is a login shell. */
!   if (login_shell && sourced_logout++ == 0)
      maybe_execute_file ("~/.bash_logout", 1);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/read.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/read.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/read.def	Fri Aug  5 14:54:36 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/read.def	Mon Dec  5 17:40:10 1994
*** 37,40 ****
--- 37,42 ----
  #include "common.h"
+ #define issep(c)	(strchr (ifs_chars, (c)) != (char *)0)
  static int stream_close ();
*** 56,61 ****
    register char *varname;
    int size, c, i, fildes, raw_mode, pass_next, saw_escape, retval;
!   char *input_string, *orig_input_string, *ifs_chars;
    FILE *input_stream;
    i = 0;		/* Index into the string that we are reading. */
--- 58,64 ----
    register char *varname;
    int size, c, i, fildes, raw_mode, pass_next, saw_escape, retval;
!   char *input_string, *orig_input_string, *ifs_chars, *t;
    FILE *input_stream;
+   SHELL_VAR *var;
    i = 0;		/* Index into the string that we are reading. */
*** 99,103 ****
!   ifs_chars = get_string_value ("IFS");
    input_string = xmalloc (size = 128);
--- 102,108 ----
!   var = find_variable ("IFS");
!   ifs_chars = var ? value_cell (var) : " \t\n";
    input_string = xmalloc (size = 128);
*** 155,159 ****
        retval = EXECUTION_FAILURE;
!       input_string[0] = '\0';
--- 160,164 ----
        retval = EXECUTION_FAILURE;
!       /* input_string[0] = '\0'; */
*** 162,168 ****
    if (!list)
-       SHELL_VAR *var;
-       char *t;
        if (saw_escape)
--- 167,170 ----
*** 178,195 ****
-       SHELL_VAR *var;
-       char *t;
        /* This code implements the Posix.2 spec for splitting the words
  	 read and assigning them to variables.  If $IFS is unset, we
  	 use the default value of " \t\n". */
-       if (!ifs_chars)
- 	ifs_chars = "";
        orig_input_string = input_string;
!       while (list->next)
  	  char *e, *t1;
  	  varname = list->word->word;
  	  /* If there are more variables than words read from the input,
--- 180,205 ----
        /* This code implements the Posix.2 spec for splitting the words
  	 read and assigning them to variables.  If $IFS is unset, we
  	 use the default value of " \t\n". */
        orig_input_string = input_string;
!       /* Remove IFS white space at the beginning of the input string.  If
! 	 $IFS is null, no field splitting is performed. */
!       for (t = input_string; *ifs_chars && spctabnl (*t) && issep (*t); t++)
! 	;
!       input_string = t;
!       for (; list->next; list = list->next)
  	  char *e, *t1;
  	  varname = list->word->word;
+ 	  if (legal_identifier (varname) == 0)
+ 	    {
+ 	      builtin_error ("%s: not a legal variable name", varname);
+ 	      free (orig_input_string);
+ 	      return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
+ 	    }
  	  /* If there are more variables than words read from the input,
*** 223,230 ****
  	  if (t)
  	    free (t);
- 	  list = list->next;
        if (saw_escape)
--- 233,244 ----
  	  if (t)
  	    free (t);
+       if (legal_identifier (list->word->word) == 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  builtin_error ("%s: not a legal variable name", list->word->word);
+ 	  free (orig_input_string);
+ 	  return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
+ 	}
        if (saw_escape)
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/reserved.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/reserved.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/reserved.def	Thu Feb 17 11:39:00 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/reserved.def	Fri Dec  9 16:23:34 1994
*** 29,32 ****
--- 29,47 ----
+ $BUILTIN select
+ $SHORT_DOC select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; done
+ The WORDS are expanded, generating a list of words.  The
+ set of expanded words is printed on the standard error, each
+ preceded by a number.  If `in WORDS' is not present, `in "$@"'
+ is assumed.  The PS3 prompt is then displayed and a line read
+ from the standard input.  If the line consists of the number
+ corresponding to one of the displayed words, then NAME is set
+ to that word.  If the line is empty, WORDS and the prompt are
+ redisplayed.  If EOF is read, the command completes.  Any other
+ value read causes NAME to be set to null.  The line read is saved
+ in the variable REPLY.  COMMANDS are executed after each selection
+ until a break or return command is executed.
+ $END
  $BUILTIN case
  $SHORT_DOC case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac
*** 80,86 ****
! $BUILTIN Variables
  $DOCNAME variable_help
! $SHORT_DOC Some variable names and meanings
  BASH_VERSION    The version numbers of this Bash.
  CDPATH          A colon separated list of directories to search
--- 95,101 ----
! $BUILTIN variables
  $DOCNAME variable_help
! $SHORT_DOC variables - Some variable names and meanings
  BASH_VERSION    The version numbers of this Bash.
  CDPATH          A colon separated list of directories to search
*** 137,142 ****
  		all lines on the history list.
  #endif /* HISTORY */
- #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
- notify          Notify of job termination immediately.
- #endif
--- 152,154 ----
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/setattr.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/setattr.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/setattr.def	Tue May 31 16:07:00 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/setattr.def	Mon Dec  5 17:39:08 1994
*** 109,112 ****
--- 109,116 ----
  	array_needs_making = 1;
+       /* Cannot undo readonly status. */
+       if (undo && (attribute & att_readonly))
+ 	attribute &= ~att_readonly;
        while (list)
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/shift.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/shift.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/shift.def	Wed Sep  1 10:31:53 1993
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/shift.def	Mon Dec  5 17:54:37 1994
*** 45,52 ****
       WORD_LIST *list;
!   int times = get_numeric_arg (list);
!   int number, r;
    WORD_LIST *args;
    if (!times)
      return (EXECUTION_SUCCESS);
--- 45,53 ----
       WORD_LIST *list;
!   int times, number;
    WORD_LIST *args;
+   times = get_numeric_arg (list);
    if (!times)
      return (EXECUTION_SUCCESS);
*** 62,71 ****
    dispose_words (args);
    if (times > number)
!       times = number;
--- 63,70 ----
    dispose_words (args);
    if (times > number)
!       builtin_error ("shift count must be <= $#");
!       return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
*** 92,95 ****
  	dollar_vars[9] = (char *)NULL;
!   return (r);
--- 91,95 ----
  	dollar_vars[9] = (char *)NULL;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/source.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/source.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/source.def	Sun Jun 26 20:57:55 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/source.def	Mon Dec  5 15:16:39 1994
*** 31,35 ****
  $DOCNAME dot
  $FUNCTION source_builtin
! $SHORT_DOC . [filename]
  Read and execute commands from FILENAME and return.  The pathnames
  in $PATH are used to find the directory containing FILENAME.
--- 31,35 ----
  $DOCNAME dot
  $FUNCTION source_builtin
! $SHORT_DOC . filename
  Read and execute commands from FILENAME and return.  The pathnames
  in $PATH are used to find the directory containing FILENAME.
*** 61,65 ****
  extern jmp_buf return_catch;
  extern int posixly_correct;
! extern int interactive, interactive_shell;
  /* How many `levels' of sourced files we have. */
--- 61,65 ----
  extern jmp_buf return_catch;
  extern int posixly_correct;
! extern int interactive, interactive_shell, last_command_exit_value;
  /* How many `levels' of sourced files we have. */
*** 125,129 ****
  	  /* POSIX shells exit if non-interactive and file error. */
  	  if (posixly_correct && !interactive_shell)
! 	    longjmp (top_level, EXITPROG);
  	  return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
--- 125,132 ----
  	  /* POSIX shells exit if non-interactive and file error. */
  	  if (posixly_correct && !interactive_shell)
! 	    {
! 	      last_command_exit_value = 1;
! 	      longjmp (top_level, EXITPROG);
! 	    }
  	  return (EXECUTION_FAILURE);
*** 174,177 ****
--- 177,185 ----
        if (return_val)
  	result = return_catch_value;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       builtin_error ("filename argument required");
+       result = EXECUTION_FAILURE;
    return (result);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/builtins/ulimit.def bash-1.14.3/builtins/ulimit.def
*** bash-1.14.2/builtins/ulimit.def	Sat Jul  2 20:10:41 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/builtins/ulimit.def	Mon Dec  5 14:50:10 1994
*** 25,29 ****
  $FUNCTION ulimit_builtin
! $SHORT_DOC ulimit [-SHacdmstfpnuv [limit]]
  Ulimit provides control over the resources available to processes
  started by the shell, on systems that allow such control.  If an
--- 25,29 ----
  $FUNCTION ulimit_builtin
! $SHORT_DOC ulimit [-SHacdfmstpnuv [limit]]
  Ulimit provides control over the resources available to processes
  started by the shell, on systems that allow such control.  If an
*** 80,83 ****
--- 80,91 ----
+ #if !defined (RLIMTYPE)
+ #  define RLIMTYPE long
+ #  define string_to_rlimtype string_to_long
+ #  define print_rlimtype(n, nl) printf ("%ld%s", n, nl ? "\n" : "")
+ #endif
+ static void print_long ();
  /* **************************************************************** */
  /*								    */
*** 115,124 ****
  #define LIMIT_SOFT 0x02
! static long shell_ulimit ();
! static long pipesize ();
! static long open_files ();
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
! static long getmaxvm ();
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
--- 123,132 ----
  #define LIMIT_SOFT 0x02
! static RLIMTYPE shell_ulimit ();
! static RLIMTYPE pipesize ();
! static RLIMTYPE open_files ();
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
! static RLIMTYPE getmaxvm ();
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
*** 136,140 ****
  canraise (cmd, current, new)
       int cmd;
!      long current, new;
  #  if defined (HAVE_SETDTABLESIZE)
--- 144,148 ----
  canraise (cmd, current, new)
       int cmd;
!      RLIMTYPE current, new;
  #  if defined (HAVE_SETDTABLESIZE)
*** 158,165 ****
    int c, setting, cmd, mode, verbose_print, opt_eof;
    int all_limits, specific_limits;
-   long current_limit, real_limit, limit = -1L;
    long block_factor;
    c = mode = verbose_print = opt_eof = 0;
--- 166,174 ----
    int c, setting, cmd, mode, verbose_print, opt_eof;
    int all_limits, specific_limits;
    long block_factor;
+   RLIMTYPE current_limit, real_limit, limit;
    c = mode = verbose_print = opt_eof = 0;
+   limit = (RLIMTYPE)-1;
*** 291,295 ****
  		  limit = RLIM_INFINITY;
  		else if (all_digits (s))
! 		  limit = string_to_long (s);
--- 300,304 ----
  		  limit = RLIM_INFINITY;
  		else if (all_digits (s))
! 		  limit = string_to_rlimtype (s);
*** 330,334 ****
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
! 	  if (shell_ulimit (cmd, real_limit, 1, mode) == -1L)
  	      builtin_error ("cannot raise limit: %s", strerror (errno));
--- 339,343 ----
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
! 	  if (shell_ulimit (cmd, real_limit, 1, mode) == (RLIMTYPE)-1)
  	      builtin_error ("cannot raise limit: %s", strerror (errno));
*** 343,347 ****
  	    builtin_error ("cannot get limit: %s", strerror (errno));
  	  else if (current_limit != RLIM_INFINITY)
! 	    printf ("%ld\n", (current_limit / block_factor));
  	    printf ("unlimited\n");
--- 352,356 ----
  	    builtin_error ("cannot get limit: %s", strerror (errno));
  	  else if (current_limit != RLIM_INFINITY)
! 	    print_rlimtype ((current_limit / block_factor), 1);
  	    printf ("unlimited\n");
*** 366,373 ****
     Chet Ramey supplied the BSD resource limit code. */
! static long
  shell_ulimit (which, newlim, setting, mode)
       int which, setting, mode;
!      long newlim;
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
--- 375,382 ----
     Chet Ramey supplied the BSD resource limit code. */
! static RLIMTYPE
  shell_ulimit (which, newlim, setting, mode)
       int which, setting, mode;
!      RLIMTYPE newlim;
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
*** 389,393 ****
  	     must multiply it by 512 to get back to bytes.  This is false
  	     only under HP/UX 6.x. */
! 	  long result;
  	  result = ulimit (1, 0L);
--- 398,402 ----
  	     must multiply it by 512 to get back to bytes.  This is false
  	     only under HP/UX 6.x. */
! 	  RLIMTYPE result;
  	  result = ulimit (1, 0L);
*** 424,428 ****
  #  else /* !RLIMIT_RSS */
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return (-1L);
  #  endif /* !RLIMIT_RSS */
--- 433,437 ----
  #  else /* !RLIMIT_RSS */
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #  endif /* !RLIMIT_RSS */
*** 440,444 ****
        if (getrlimit (cmd, &limit) != 0)
! 	return (-1L);
        if (!setting)
--- 449,453 ----
        if (getrlimit (cmd, &limit) != 0)
! 	return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
        if (!setting)
*** 476,480 ****
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return (-1L);
        return (pipesize ());
--- 485,489 ----
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
        return (pipesize ());
*** 491,495 ****
  #  else
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return (-1L);
  #  endif /* HAVE_SETDTABLESIZE */
--- 500,504 ----
  #  else
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #  endif /* HAVE_SETDTABLESIZE */
*** 502,506 ****
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return (-1L);
--- 511,515 ----
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
*** 510,514 ****
  #else /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return (-1L);
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
--- 519,523 ----
  #else /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
  	  errno = EINVAL;
! 	  return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
*** 520,534 ****
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return (-1L);
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE || !RLIMIT_NPROC */
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return (-1L);
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
! static long
  getmaxvm (mode)
       int mode;
--- 529,543 ----
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE || !RLIMIT_NPROC */
        errno = EINVAL;
!       return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
! static RLIMTYPE
  getmaxvm (mode)
       int mode;
*** 538,554 ****
  #if defined (RLIMIT_VMEM)
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_VMEM, &rl) < 0)
!     return (-1L);
      return (((mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max) / 1024L);
  #else /* !RLIMIT_VMEM */
!   unsigned long maxdata, maxstack;
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &rl) < 0)
!     return (-1L);
      maxdata = (mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max;
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_STACK, &rl) < 0)
!     return (-1L);
      maxstack = (mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max;
--- 547,563 ----
  #if defined (RLIMIT_VMEM)
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_VMEM, &rl) < 0)
!     return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
      return (((mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max) / 1024L);
  #else /* !RLIMIT_VMEM */
!   RLIMTYPE maxdata, maxstack;
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_DATA, &rl) < 0)
!     return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
      maxdata = (mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max;
    if (getrlimit (RLIMIT_STACK, &rl) < 0)
!     return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
      maxstack = (mode & LIMIT_SOFT) ? rl.rlim_cur : rl.rlim_max;
*** 560,569 ****
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
! static long
  open_files (mode)
       int mode;
  #if !defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
!   return ((long)getdtablesize ());
    struct rlimit rl;
--- 569,578 ----
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
! static RLIMTYPE
  open_files (mode)
       int mode;
  #if !defined (RLIMIT_NOFILE)
!   return ((RLIMTYPE)getdtablesize ());
    struct rlimit rl;
*** 577,593 ****
! static long
  pipesize ()
  #if defined (PIPE_BUF)
    /* This is defined on Posix systems. */
!   return ((long) PIPE_BUF);
  #  if defined (PIPESIZE)
    /* This is defined by running a program from the Makefile. */
!   return ((long) PIPESIZE);
  #  else
    errno = EINVAL;
!   return (-1L);
  #  endif /* PIPESIZE */
  #endif /* PIPE_BUF */
--- 586,602 ----
! static RLIMTYPE
  pipesize ()
  #if defined (PIPE_BUF)
    /* This is defined on Posix systems. */
!   return ((RLIMTYPE) PIPE_BUF);
  #  if defined (PIPESIZE)
    /* This is defined by running a program from the Makefile. */
!   return ((RLIMTYPE) PIPESIZE);
  #  else
    errno = EINVAL;
!   return ((RLIMTYPE)-1);
  #  endif /* PIPESIZE */
  #endif /* PIPE_BUF */
*** 633,637 ****
    struct rlimit rl;
!   long limit;
    getrlimit (limits[i].parameter, &rl);
--- 642,646 ----
    struct rlimit rl;
!   RLIMTYPE limit;
    getrlimit (limits[i].parameter, &rl);
*** 644,648 ****
      printf ("unlimited\n");
!     printf ("%ld\n", limit / limits[i].block_factor);
--- 653,657 ----
      printf ("unlimited\n");
!     print_rlimtype ((limit / limits[i].block_factor), 1);
*** 667,671 ****
    if (mode == 0)
!     mode |= LIMIT_SOFT;
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
--- 676,680 ----
    if (mode == 0)
!     mode = LIMIT_SOFT;
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
*** 673,689 ****
  #else /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
    if (cmd & u_FILE_SIZE)
!     printf ("%-25s%ld\n",
! 	    "file size (blocks)", ulimit (1, 0L) / ULIMIT_DIVISOR);
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
    if (cmd & u_PIPE_SIZE)
!     printf ("%-25s%ld\n", "pipe size (512 bytes)", (pipesize () / 512));
    if (cmd & u_NUM_OPEN_FILES)
!     printf ("%-25s%ld\n", "open files", open_files (mode));
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
    if (cmd & u_MAX_VIRTUAL_MEM)
!     printf ("%-25s%ld\n", "virtual memory (kbytes)", getmaxvm (mode));
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
--- 682,709 ----
  #else /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
    if (cmd & u_FILE_SIZE)
!     {
!       printf ("%-25s", "file size (blocks)");
!       print_rlimtype ((ulimit (1, 0L) / ULIMIT_DIVISOR), 1);
!     }
  #endif /* !HAVE_RESOURCE */
    if (cmd & u_PIPE_SIZE)
!     {
!       printf ("%-25s", "pipe size (512 bytes)");
!       print_rlimtype ((pipesize () / 512), 1);
!     }
    if (cmd & u_NUM_OPEN_FILES)
!     {
!       printf ("%-25s", "open files");
!       print_rlimtype (open_files (mode), 1);
!     }
  #if defined (HAVE_RESOURCE)
    if (cmd & u_MAX_VIRTUAL_MEM)
!     {
!       printf ("%-25s", "virtual memory (kbytes)");
!       print_rlimtype (getmaxvm (mode), 1);
!     }
  #endif /* HAVE_RESOURCE */
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/cpp-Makefile bash-1.14.3/cpp-Makefile
*** bash-1.14.2/cpp-Makefile	Fri Aug 12 13:40:49 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/cpp-Makefile	Sat Dec 31 16:54:13 1994
*** 45,49 ****
  /* #define HAVE_GCC */
! #if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (HAVE_GCC) && !defined (NeXT)
  #  define HAVE_GCC
--- 45,49 ----
  /* #define HAVE_GCC */
! #if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (HAVE_GCC) && !defined (GCC_STANDARD)
  #  define HAVE_GCC
*** 1025,1029 ****
  	cp .machine .made
! $(Program):  .build $(OBJECTS) $(LIBDEP) .distribution
  	$(RM) $@
--- 1025,1029 ----
  	cp .machine .made
! $(Program):  .build $(OBJECTS) $(LIBDEP) $(srcdir)/.distribution
  	$(RM) $@
*** 1095,1102 ****
  version.o: version.c version.h
! shell.o: shell.c shell.h flags.h shell.c posixstat.h filecntl.h stdc.h \
!           $(ENDIAN_HEADER) parser.h
  	$(RM) $@
! 	$(CC) $(CFG_FLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $<
  #if !defined (HAVE_WAIT_H)
--- 1095,1101 ----
  version.o: version.c version.h
! shell.o: shell.c shell.h flags.h shell.c posixstat.h filecntl.h stdc.h $(ENDIAN_HEADER) parser.h
  	$(RM) $@
! 	$(CC) $(CFG_FLAGS) $(CCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $(srcdir)/shell.c
  #if !defined (HAVE_WAIT_H)
*** 1112,1116 ****
  variables.o:  variables.c shell.h hash.h flags.h variables.h
  		$(RM) $@
  builtins/libbuiltins.a: $(BUILTIN_OBJS) config.h memalloc.h
--- 1111,1115 ----
  variables.o:  variables.c shell.h hash.h flags.h variables.h
  		$(RM) $@
! 		$(CC) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(HOSTTYPE_DECL) $(CPPFLAGS) $(srcdir)/variables.c
  builtins/libbuiltins.a: $(BUILTIN_OBJS) config.h memalloc.h
*** 1477,1481 ****
  newversion.aux:	newversion.c
! 		$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
  newversion:	newversion.aux
--- 1476,1480 ----
  newversion.aux:	newversion.c
! 		$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/newversion.c
  newversion:	newversion.aux
*** 1523,1527 ****
  tests:		force $(Program) recho
! 	@cp recho tests
  	( cd tests ; sh run-all )
--- 1522,1526 ----
  tests:		force $(Program) recho
! 	@cp recho $(SUPPORT_SRC)printenv tests
  	( cd tests ; sh run-all )
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/documentation/Makefile bash-1.14.3/documentation/Makefile
*** bash-1.14.2/documentation/Makefile	Thu Jul 14 12:12:59 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/documentation/Makefile	Sat Dec 31 16:23:27 1994
*** 107,116 ****
  install: all
! 	[ -d $(mandir) ] || mkdir $(mandir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) bash.1 $(mandir)
  	sed 's:so bash.1:so man1/bash.1:' < builtins.1 > $(mandir)/bash_builtins.1
! 	[ -d $(man3dir) ] || mkdir $(man3dir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) readline.3 $(man3dir)
! 	[ -d $(infodir) ] || mkdir $(infodir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) features.info $(infodir)/bash.info
--- 107,116 ----
  install: all
! 	-[ -d $(mandir) ] || mkdir $(mandir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) bash.1 $(mandir)
  	sed 's:so bash.1:so man1/bash.1:' < builtins.1 > $(mandir)/bash_builtins.1
! 	-[ -d $(man3dir) ] || mkdir $(man3dir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) readline.3 $(man3dir)
! 	-[ -d $(infodir) ] || mkdir $(infodir)
  	$(INSTALL_DATA) features.info $(infodir)/bash.info
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/documentation/bash.1 bash-1.14.3/documentation/bash.1
*** bash-1.14.2/documentation/bash.1	Tue Jul 26 14:47:59 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/documentation/bash.1	Tue Dec  6 12:16:54 1994
*** 7,15 ****
  .\"	chet@ins.CWRU.Edu
! .\"	Last Change: Wed Jul 20 16:13:25 EDT 1994
  .\" bash_builtins, strip all but Built-Ins section
  .if \n(zZ=1 .ig zZ
! .TH BASH 1 "1994 July 26" GNU
  .\" There's some problem with having a `@'
--- 7,15 ----
  .\"	chet@ins.CWRU.Edu
! .\"	Last Change: Tue Dec  6 12:15:11 EST 1994
  .\" bash_builtins, strip all but Built-Ins section
  .if \n(zZ=1 .ig zZ
! .TH BASH 1 "1994 Dec 6" GNU
  .\" There's some problem with having a `@'
*** 4737,4747 ****
  .B $1
  .B ....
  .I n 
! is not given, it is assumed to be 1.  The exit status is 1 if
  .I n
  is greater than
! .BR $# ;
! otherwise 0.
  \fBsuspend\fP [\fB\-f\fP]
--- 4737,4758 ----
  .B $1
  .B ....
+ Parameters represented by the numbers \fB$#\fP
+ down to \fB$#\fP\-\fIn\fP+1 are unset.
+ If
+ .I n
+ is 0, no parameters are changed.
  .I n 
! is not given, it is assumed to be 1.
! .I n
! must be a non-negative number less than or equal to \fB$#\fP.
! If
! .I n
! is greater than \fB$#\fP, the positional parameters are not changed.
! The return status is greater than 0 if
  .I n
  is greater than
! .B $#
! or less than 0; otherwise 0.
  \fBsuspend\fP [\fB\-f\fP]
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/error.c bash-1.14.3/error.c
*** bash-1.14.2/error.c	Thu Mar 31 09:45:58 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/error.c	Mon Dec  5 13:39:31 1994
*** 19,22 ****
--- 19,23 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <fcntl.h>
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/execute_cmd.c bash-1.14.3/execute_cmd.c
*** bash-1.14.2/execute_cmd.c	Thu Aug  4 12:55:04 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/execute_cmd.c	Fri Dec  9 16:30:22 1994
*** 457,462 ****
  	  /* If we were explicitly placed in a subshell with (), we need
  	     to do the `shell cleanup' things, such as running traps[0]. */
! 	  if (user_subshell)
! 	    run_exit_trap ();
  	  exit (return_code);
--- 457,465 ----
  	  /* If we were explicitly placed in a subshell with (), we need
  	     to do the `shell cleanup' things, such as running traps[0]. */
! 	  if (user_subshell && signal_is_trapped (0))
! 	    {
! 	      last_command_exit_value = return_code;
! 	      return_code = run_exit_trap ();
! 	    }
  	  exit (return_code);
*** 1027,1031 ****
    identifier = for_command->name->word;
!   list = releaser = expand_words (for_command->map_list);
    begin_unwind_frame ("for");
--- 1030,1034 ----
    identifier = for_command->name->word;
!   list = releaser = expand_words_no_vars (for_command->map_list);
    begin_unwind_frame ("for");
*** 1111,1114 ****
--- 1114,1119 ----
    register int i;
+   if (list == 0)
+     return (0);
    i = ind;
    l = list;
*** 1146,1154 ****
    int first_column_indices_len, other_indices_len;
    cols = COLS / max_elem_len;
    if (cols == 0)
      cols = 1;
!   rows = list_len / cols + (list_len % cols != 0);
!   cols = list_len / rows + (list_len % rows != 0);
    if (rows == 1)
--- 1151,1165 ----
    int first_column_indices_len, other_indices_len;
+   if (list == 0)
+     {
+       putc ('\n', stderr);
+       return;
+     }
    cols = COLS / max_elem_len;
    if (cols == 0)
      cols = 1;
!   rows = list_len ? list_len / cols + (list_len % cols != 0) : 1;
!   cols = list_len ? list_len / rows + (list_len % rows != 0) : 1;
    if (rows == 1)
*** 1270,1274 ****
    /* command and arithmetic substitution, parameter and variable expansion,
       word splitting, pathname expansion, and quote removal. */
!   list = releaser = expand_words (select_command->map_list);
    begin_unwind_frame ("select");
--- 1281,1292 ----
    /* command and arithmetic substitution, parameter and variable expansion,
       word splitting, pathname expansion, and quote removal. */
!   list = releaser = expand_words_no_vars (select_command->map_list);
!   list_len = list_length (list);
!   if (list == 0 || list_len == 0)
!     {
!       if (list)
! 	dispose_words (list);
!       return (EXECUTION_SUCCESS);
!     }
    begin_unwind_frame ("select");
*** 1287,1291 ****
      select_command->action->flags |= CMD_IGNORE_RETURN;
-   list_len = list_length (list);
    ps3_prompt = get_string_value ("PS3");
    if (!ps3_prompt)
--- 1305,1308 ----
*** 3310,3314 ****
       int flags;
!   char *path_list = (char *)NULL;
    SHELL_VAR *var;
--- 3327,3331 ----
       int flags;
!   char *path_list;
    SHELL_VAR *var;
*** 3317,3322 ****
    if (var = find_variable_internal ("PATH", 1))
      path_list = value_cell (var);
!   if (!path_list)
      return (savestring (name));
--- 3334,3341 ----
    if (var = find_variable_internal ("PATH", 1))
      path_list = value_cell (var);
+   else
+     path_list = (char *)NULL;
!   if (path_list == 0 || *path_list == '\0')
      return (savestring (name));
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/expr.c bash-1.14.3/expr.c
*** bash-1.14.2/expr.c	Tue Dec 28 10:22:00 1993
--- bash-1.14.3/expr.c	Mon Dec 12 16:10:13 1994
*** 73,78 ****
--- 73,81 ----
  #define cr_whitespace(c) (whitespace(c) || ((c) == '\n'))
+ extern char	*this_command_name;
  static char	*expression = (char *) NULL;	/* The current expression */
  static char	*tp = (char *) NULL;		/* token lexical position */
+ static char	*lasttp;
  static int	curtok = 0;			/* the current token */
  static int	lasttok = 0;			/* the previous token */
*** 656,660 ****
!   tp = cp - 1;
    if (c == '\0')
--- 659,663 ----
!   lasttp = tp = cp - 1;
    if (c == '\0')
*** 759,764 ****
       char *msg;
!   builtin_error ("%s: %s (remainder of expression is \"%s\")",
! 		 expression, msg, (tp && *tp) ? tp : "");
    longjmp (evalbuf, 1);
--- 762,775 ----
       char *msg;
!   char *name, *t;
!   name = this_command_name;
!   if (name == 0)
!     name = get_name_for_error ();
!   for (t = expression; whitespace (*t); t++)
!     ;
!   fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s%s: %s (remainder of expression is \"%s\")",
!   		 name, t,
! 		 msg, (lasttp && *lasttp) ? lasttp : "");
    longjmp (evalbuf, 1);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/general.c bash-1.14.3/general.c
*** bash-1.14.2/general.c	Tue Jul 26 20:04:32 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/general.c	Mon Dec  5 14:52:16 1994
*** 212,215 ****
--- 212,262 ----
+ #if defined (RLIMTYPE)
+ string_to_rlimtype (s)
+      char *s;
+ {
+   RLIMTYPE ret = 0;
+   int neg = 0;
+   while (s && *s && whitespace (*s))
+     s++;
+   if (*s == '-' || *s == '+')
+     {
+       neg = *s == '-';
+       s++;
+     }
+   for ( ; s && *s && digit (*s); s++)
+     ret = (ret * 10) + digit_value (*s);
+   return (neg ? -ret : ret);
+ }
+ void
+ print_rlimtype (n, addnl)
+      RLIMTYPE n;
+      int addnl;
+ {
+   char s[sizeof (RLIMTYPE) * 3 + 1];
+   int len = sizeof (RLIMTYPE) * 3 + 1;
+   if (n == 0)
+     {
+       printf ("0%s", addnl ? "\n" : "");
+       return;
+     }
+   if (n < 0)
+     {
+       putchar ('-');
+       n = -n;
+     }
+   s[--len] = '\0';
+   for ( ; n != 0; n /= 10)
+     s[--len] = n % 10 + '0';
+   printf ("%s%s", s + len, addnl ? "\n" : "");
+ }
+ #endif /* RLIMTYPE */
  /* Return 1 if this token is a legal shell `identifier'; that is, it consists
     solely of letters, digits, and underscores, and does not begin with a
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/general.h bash-1.14.3/general.h
*** bash-1.14.2/general.h	Thu Jul 14 12:20:36 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/general.h	Mon Dec  5 14:55:31 1994
*** 64,67 ****
--- 64,71 ----
+ /* Definitions used in subst.c and by the `read' builtin for field
+    splitting. */
+ #define spctabnl(c)	((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\n')
  #if !defined (__STDC__) && !defined (strchr)
  extern char *strchr (), *strrchr ();
*** 112,116 ****
  /* More convenience definitions that possibly save system or libc calls. */
! #define STRLEN(s) ((s)[0] ? ((s)[1] ? ((s)[2] ? strlen(s) : 2) : 1) : 0)
  #define FREE(s)  do { if (s) free (s); } while (0)
  #define MEMBER(c, s) (((c) && !(s)[1] && c == s[0]) || (member(c, s)))
--- 116,120 ----
  /* More convenience definitions that possibly save system or libc calls. */
! #define STRLEN(s) (((s) && (s)[0]) ? ((s)[1] ? ((s)[2] ? strlen(s) : 2) : 1) : 0)
  #define FREE(s)  do { if (s) free (s); } while (0)
  #define MEMBER(c, s) (((c) && !(s)[1] && c == s[0]) || (member(c, s)))
*** 207,210 ****
--- 211,219 ----
  #if !defined (strerror)
  extern char *strerror __P((int));
+ #endif
+ #if defined (RLIMTYPE)
+ extern RLIMTYPE string_to_rlimtype __P((char *));
+ extern void print_rlimtype __P((RLIMTYPE, int));
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/input.h bash-1.14.3/input.h
*** bash-1.14.2/input.h	Sun Dec 19 19:54:07 1993
--- bash-1.14.3/input.h	Mon Dec  5 15:21:22 1994
*** 33,41 ****
  /* Some stream `types'. */
  #define st_stream 1
  #define st_string 2
  #if defined (BUFFERED_INPUT)
! #define st_bstream 3
  /* Possible values for b_flag. */
--- 33,43 ----
  /* Some stream `types'. */
+ #define st_none   0
  #define st_stream 1
  #define st_string 2
+ #define st_stdin  3
  #if defined (BUFFERED_INPUT)
! #define st_bstream 4
  /* Possible values for b_flag. */
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/jobs.c bash-1.14.3/jobs.c
*** bash-1.14.2/jobs.c	Thu Aug 11 12:53:51 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/jobs.c	Fri Dec 23 17:00:52 1994
*** 308,311 ****
--- 308,321 ----
+ void
+ cleanup_the_pipeline ()
+ {
+   if (the_pipeline)
+     {
+       discard_pipeline (the_pipeline);
+       the_pipeline = (PROCESS *)NULL;
+     }
+ }
  /* Start building a pipeline.  */
*** 1190,1194 ****
  /* Return the fd from which we are actually getting input. */
! #define input_tty() (shell_tty != -1) ? shell_tty : fileno (stdin)
  /* Fill the contents of shell_tty_info with the current tty info. */
--- 1200,1204 ----
  /* Return the fd from which we are actually getting input. */
! #define input_tty() (shell_tty != -1) ? shell_tty : fileno (stderr)
  /* Fill the contents of shell_tty_info with the current tty info. */
*** 1475,1487 ****
    /* XXX - the linux people say to check for JOBSTATE (job) == JSTOPPED */
!   if (child->running ||
!       ((job != NO_JOB) && (JOBSTATE (job) == JRUNNING)))
! #if !defined (BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND)
!       sigset_t suspend_set;
!       sigemptyset (&suspend_set);
!       sigsuspend (&suspend_set);
        struct sigaction act, oact;
--- 1485,1491 ----
    /* XXX - the linux people say to check for JOBSTATE (job) == JSTOPPED */
!   if (child->running || ((job != NO_JOB) && (JOBSTATE (job) == JRUNNING)))
! #if defined (_POSIX_VERSION)
        struct sigaction act, oact;
*** 1491,1497 ****
        sigaction (SIGCHLD, &act, &oact);
        flush_child (0);
        sigaction (SIGCHLD, &oact, (struct sigaction *)NULL);
! #endif /* BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND */
        goto wait_loop;
--- 1495,1511 ----
        sigaction (SIGCHLD, &act, &oact);
+ #else
+       SigHandler *ihandler;
+       ihandler = set_signal_handler (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
+ #endif /* !_POSIX_VERSION */
        flush_child (0);
+ #if defined (_POSIX_VERSION)
        sigaction (SIGCHLD, &oact, (struct sigaction *)NULL);
! #else
!       set_signal_handler (SIGCHLD, ihandler);
! #endif /* !_POSIX_VERSION */
        goto wait_loop;
*** 1530,1533 ****
--- 1544,1560 ----
  	    get_tty_state ();
+ 	  /* If job control is enabled, the job was started with job
+ 	     control, the job was the foreground job, and it was killed
+ 	     by SIGINT, then print a newline to compensate for the kernel
+ 	     printing the ^C without a trailing newline. */
+ 	  if (job_control && (jobs[job]->flags & J_JOBCONTROL) &&
+ 		(jobs[job]->flags & J_FOREGROUND) && 
+ 		WIFSIGNALED (child->status) &&
+ 		WTERMSIG (child->status) == SIGINT)
+ 	    {
+ 	      putchar ('\n');
+ 	      fflush (stdout);
+ 	    }
  	  notify_and_cleanup ();
*** 1952,1957 ****
     It gets run when we have gotten a SIGCHLD signal, and stops when there
     aren't any children terminating any more.  If SIG is 0, this is to be a
!    blocking wait for a single child.  It is here to get around SCO Unix's
!    broken sigsuspend (). */
  static sighandler
  flush_child (sig)
--- 1979,1983 ----
     It gets run when we have gotten a SIGCHLD signal, and stops when there
     aren't any children terminating any more.  If SIG is 0, this is to be a
!    blocking wait for a single child. */
  static sighandler
  flush_child (sig)
*** 1993,1996 ****
--- 2019,2023 ----
  		  int job_state = 0;
  		  int any_stopped = 0;
+ 		  int any_tstped = 0;
  		  child = jobs[job]->pipe;
*** 2003,2007 ****
  		      job_state |= child->running;
  		      if (!child->running)
! 			any_stopped |= WIFSTOPPED (child->status);
  		      child = child->next;
--- 2030,2039 ----
  		      job_state |= child->running;
  		      if (!child->running)
! 		        {
! 			  any_stopped |= WIFSTOPPED (child->status);
! 			  any_tstped |= interactive && job_control &&
! 					WIFSTOPPED (child->status) &&
! 					WSTOPSIG (child->status) == SIGTSTP;
! 		        }
  		      child = child->next;
*** 2016,2022 ****
  			  last_stopped_job = job;
! 			  /* Suspending a job in a loop breaks out of all
! 			     active loops. */
! 			  if (loop_level)
  			    breaking = loop_level;
--- 2048,2054 ----
  			  last_stopped_job = job;
! 			  /* Suspending a job in a loop from the keyboard
! 			     breaks out of all active loops. */
! 			  if (any_tstped && loop_level)
  			    breaking = loop_level;
*** 2083,2091 ****
! #if defined (BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND)
!   while (sig && pid > (pid_t)0);   /* Hack for SCO, see earlier comment. */
! #else /* !BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND */
!   while (pid > (pid_t)0);
! #endif /* !BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND */
    /* If a job was running and became stopped, then set the current
--- 2115,2119 ----
!   while (sig && pid > (pid_t)0);
    /* If a job was running and became stopped, then set the current
*** 2272,2282 ****
        /* Get our controlling terminal.  If job_control is set, or
  	 interactive is set, then this is an interactive shell no
! 	 matter what opening /dev/tty returns.  (It sometimes says
! 	 the wrong thing.) */
! #if !defined (NO_DEV_TTY_JOB_CONTROL)
!       /* SCO Unix fails attempting job control on /dev/tty. */
!       if ((shell_tty = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR, 0666)) < 0)
! #endif /* !NO_DEV_TTY_JOB_CONTROL */
! 	shell_tty = dup (fileno (stdin));
        /* Find the highest unused file descriptor we can. */
--- 2300,2305 ----
        /* Get our controlling terminal.  If job_control is set, or
  	 interactive is set, then this is an interactive shell no
! 	 matter what. */
!       shell_tty = dup (fileno (stderr));
        /* Find the highest unused file descriptor we can. */
*** 2297,2301 ****
  	if (nds && shell_tty != nds && (dup2 (shell_tty, nds) != -1))
! 	    if (shell_tty != fileno (stdin))
  	      close (shell_tty);
  	    shell_tty = nds;
--- 2320,2324 ----
  	if (nds && shell_tty != nds && (dup2 (shell_tty, nds) != -1))
! 	    if (shell_tty != fileno (stderr))
  	      close (shell_tty);
  	    shell_tty = nds;
*** 2351,2355 ****
!   if (shell_tty != fileno (stdin))
      SET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC (shell_tty);
--- 2374,2378 ----
!   if (shell_tty != fileno (stderr))
      SET_CLOSE_ON_EXEC (shell_tty);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/jobs.h bash-1.14.3/jobs.h
*** bash-1.14.2/jobs.h	Tue Apr  5 17:28:36 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/jobs.h	Mon Dec  5 15:47:48 1994
*** 283,289 ****
  /* System calls. */
! #if !defined (Solaris) && !defined (USGr4_2) && !defined (__BSD_4_4__)
  extern pid_t fork (), getpid (), getpgrp ();
! #endif /* !Solaris && !USGr4_2 */
  /* Stuff from the jobs.c file. */
--- 283,289 ----
  /* System calls. */
! #if !defined (SunOS5) && !defined (USGr4_2) && !defined (__BSD_4_4__)
  extern pid_t fork (), getpid (), getpgrp ();
! #endif /* !SunOS5 && !USGr4_2 && !__BSD_4_4__ */
  /* Stuff from the jobs.c file. */
*** 297,300 ****
--- 297,301 ----
  extern void making_children __P((void));
  extern void stop_making_children __P((void));
+ extern void cleanup_the_pipeline __P((void));
  extern void start_pipeline __P((void));
  extern int stop_pipeline __P((int, COMMAND *));
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/glob/glob.c bash-1.14.3/lib/glob/glob.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/glob/glob.c	Wed Aug  4 13:37:13 1993
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/glob/glob.c	Mon Dec  5 13:43:40 1994
*** 432,439 ****
  	goto memory_error;
        else if (directories == (char **)&glob_error_return)
! 	return ((char **) &glob_error_return);
        else if (*directories == NULL)
  	  free ((char *) directories);
  	  return ((char **) &glob_error_return);
--- 432,443 ----
  	goto memory_error;
        else if (directories == (char **)&glob_error_return)
! 	{
! 	  free ((char *)result);
! 	  return ((char **) &glob_error_return);
! 	}
        else if (*directories == NULL)
  	  free ((char *) directories);
+ 	  free ((char *) result);
  	  return ((char **) &glob_error_return);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/complete.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/complete.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/complete.c	Tue Jul 26 13:59:57 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/complete.c	Mon Dec  5 13:19:55 1994
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,29 ----
+ #if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+ #  include "config.h"
+ #endif
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
*** 547,552 ****
  	  /* It is safe to sort this array, because the lowest common
  	     denominator found in matches[0] will remain in place. */
! 	  for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++);
! 	  qsort (matches, i, sizeof (char *), compare_strings);
  	  /* Remember the lowest common denominator for it may be unique. */
--- 551,560 ----
  	  /* It is safe to sort this array, because the lowest common
  	     denominator found in matches[0] will remain in place. */
! 	  for (i = 0; matches[i]; i++)
! 	    ;
! 	  /* Try sorting the array without matches[0], since we need it to
! 	     stay in place no matter what. */
! 	  if (i)
! 	    qsort (matches+1, i-1, sizeof (char *), compare_strings);
  	  /* Remember the lowest common denominator for it may be unique. */
*** 847,857 ****
  	    /* Watch out for special case.  If LEN is less than LIMIT, then
! 	       just do the inner printing loop. */
! 	    if (len < limit)
! 	      count = 1;
  	    /* Sort the items if they are not already sorted. */
  	    if (!rl_ignore_completion_duplicates)
! 	      qsort (matches, len, sizeof (char *), compare_strings);
  	    /* Print the sorted items, up-and-down alphabetically, like
--- 855,864 ----
  	    /* Watch out for special case.  If LEN is less than LIMIT, then
! 	       just do the inner printing loop.
! 	       0 < len <= limit  implies  count = 1. */
  	    /* Sort the items if they are not already sorted. */
  	    if (!rl_ignore_completion_duplicates)
! 	      qsort (matches + 1, len - 1, sizeof (char *), compare_strings);
  	    /* Print the sorted items, up-and-down alphabetically, like
*** 859,863 ****
  	    crlf ();
! 	    for (i = 1; i < count + 1; i++)
  		for (j = 0, l = i; j < limit; j++)
--- 866,870 ----
  	    crlf ();
! 	    for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
  		for (j = 0, l = i; j < limit; j++)
*** 1003,1008 ****
    while (entry = getpwent ())
!       if ((username[0] == entry->pw_name[0]) &&
! 	  (strncmp (username, entry->pw_name, namelen) == 0))
--- 1010,1018 ----
    while (entry = getpwent ())
!       /* Null usernames should result in all users as possible completions. */
!       if (namelen == 0)
!         break;
!       else if ((username[0] == entry->pw_name[0]) &&
! 	       (strncmp (username, entry->pw_name, namelen) == 0))
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/display.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/display.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/display.c	Thu Aug 11 14:41:42 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/display.c	Mon Dec  5 13:48:30 1994
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,29 ----
+ #if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+ #  include "config.h"
+ #endif
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
*** 460,464 ****
  		  nleft = screenwidth + wrap_offset - _rl_last_c_pos;
! 		  clear_to_eol (nleft);
--- 464,469 ----
  		  nleft = screenwidth + wrap_offset - _rl_last_c_pos;
! 		  if (nleft)
! 		    clear_to_eol (nleft);
*** 486,490 ****
  	  /* Move the cursor where it should be. */
  	  /* Which line? */
! 	  nleft = c_pos - wrap_offset - term_xn + 1;
  	  cursor_linenum = (nleft > 0) ? nleft / screenwidth : 0;
--- 491,495 ----
  	  /* Move the cursor where it should be. */
  	  /* Which line? */
! 	  nleft = c_pos - wrap_offset + term_xn - 1;
  	  cursor_linenum = (nleft > 0) ? nleft / screenwidth : 0;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/history.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/history.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/history.c	Wed Aug 17 14:02:51 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/history.c	Mon Dec  5 15:01:54 1994
*** 1533,1539 ****
  	    if (j >= result_len) \
  	      { \
! 	        while (j >= result_len) \
! 	          result_len += 128; \
! 	        result = xrealloc (result, result_len); \
  	      } \
  	    strcpy (result + j - sl, s); \
--- 1533,1539 ----
  	    if (j >= result_len) \
  	      { \
! 		while (j >= result_len) \
! 		  result_len += 128; \
! 		result = xrealloc (result, result_len); \
  	      } \
  	    strcpy (result + j - sl, s); \
*** 1903,1907 ****
!   if (first > len || last > len || first < 0 || last < 0)
      result = ((char *)NULL);
--- 1903,1907 ----
!   if (first >= len || last > len || first < 0 || last < 0 || first > last)
      result = ((char *)NULL);
*** 1910,1913 ****
--- 1910,1914 ----
  	size += strlen (list[i]) + 1;
        result = xmalloc (size + 1);
+       result[0] = '\0';
        for (i = first; i < last; i++)
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/keymaps.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/keymaps.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/keymaps.c	Fri Jun 24 15:25:47 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/keymaps.c	Mon Dec  5 13:13:06 1994
*** 21,24 ****
--- 21,28 ----
+ #if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+ #  include "config.h"
+ #endif
  #if defined (HAVE_STDLIB_H)
  #  include <stdlib.h>
*** 102,106 ****
    /* All ASCII printing characters are self-inserting. */
!   for (i = ' '; i < 126; i++)
      newmap[i].function = rl_insert;
--- 106,110 ----
    /* All ASCII printing characters are self-inserting. */
!   for (i = ' '; i < 127; i++)
      newmap[i].function = rl_insert;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/readline.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/readline.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/readline.c	Fri Aug 12 13:47:46 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/readline.c	Mon Dec  5 17:47:48 1994
*** 285,289 ****
!   rl_visible_prompt_length = rl_expand_prompt (rl_prompt);
    rl_initialize ();
--- 285,289 ----
!   rl_visible_prompt_length = (rl_prompt && *rl_prompt) ?  rl_expand_prompt (rl_prompt) : 0;
    rl_initialize ();
*** 625,635 ****
    int r = 0;
-   if (defining_kbd_macro)
-     add_macro_char (key);
    if (META_CHAR (key) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
        if (map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
  	  map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ESC);
  	  key = UNMETA (key);
--- 625,634 ----
    int r = 0;
    if (META_CHAR (key) && _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii)
        if (map[ESC].type == ISKMAP)
+ 	  if (defining_kbd_macro)
+ 	    add_macro_char (ESC);
  	  map = FUNCTION_TO_KEYMAP (map, ESC);
  	  key = UNMETA (key);
*** 642,645 ****
--- 641,647 ----
+   if (defining_kbd_macro)
+     add_macro_char (key);
    switch (map[key].type)
*** 922,927 ****
  rl_initialize ()
-   char *t;
    /* If we have never been called before, initialize the
       terminal and data structures. */
--- 924,927 ----
*** 940,953 ****
    rl_done = 0;
-   /* Check for LC_CTYPE and use its value to decide the defaults for
-      8-bit character input and output. */
-   t = getenv ("LC_CTYPE");
-   if (t && (strcmp (t, "iso-8859-1") == 0 || strcmp (t, "iso_8859_1") == 0))
-     {
-       _rl_meta_flag = 1;
-       _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii = 0;
-       _rl_output_meta_chars = 1;
-     }
    /* Tell the history routines what is going on. */
    start_using_history ();
--- 940,943 ----
*** 969,972 ****
--- 959,964 ----
  readline_initialize_everything ()
+   char *t;
    /* Find out if we are running in Emacs. */
    running_in_emacs = getenv ("EMACS") != (char *)0;
*** 999,1002 ****
--- 991,1004 ----
    rl_initialize_funmap ();
+   /* Check for LC_CTYPE and use its value to decide the defaults for
+      8-bit character input and output. */
+   t = getenv ("LC_CTYPE");
+   if (t && (strcmp (t, "iso-8859-1") == 0 || strcmp (t, "iso_8859_1") == 0))
+     {
+       _rl_meta_flag = 1;
+       _rl_convert_meta_chars_to_ascii = 0;
+       _rl_output_meta_chars = 1;
+     }
    /* Read in the init file. */
    rl_read_init_file ((char *)NULL);
*** 1710,1713 ****
--- 1712,1719 ----
        to = t;
+   if (to > rl_end)
+     to = rl_end;
    text = rl_copy_text (from, to);
*** 2261,2270 ****
        int orig_point = rl_point;
!       while (rl_point && whitespace (the_line[rl_point - 1]))
! 	rl_point--;
!       while (rl_point && !whitespace (the_line[rl_point - 1]))
! 	rl_point--;
        rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
--- 2267,2281 ----
        int orig_point = rl_point;
+       if (count <= 0)
+ 	count = 1;
!       while (count--)
! 	{
! 	  while (rl_point && whitespace (the_line[rl_point - 1]))
! 	    rl_point--;
! 	  while (rl_point && !whitespace (the_line[rl_point - 1]))
! 	    rl_point--;
! 	}
        rl_kill_text (orig_point, rl_point);
*** 2387,2391 ****
! 	  abort ();
  	  return -1;
--- 2398,2402 ----
! 	  ding ();
  	  return -1;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/rltty.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/rltty.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/rltty.c	Mon Aug 15 08:19:12 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/rltty.c	Thu Dec 15 16:07:07 1994
*** 23,26 ****
--- 23,30 ----
+ #if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
+ #  include "config.h"
+ #endif
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <signal.h>
*** 144,147 ****
--- 148,152 ----
+ #if 0
  static void
  control_keypad (on)
*** 153,156 ****
--- 158,162 ----
      tputs (term_ke, 1, outchar);
+ #endif
  /* **************************************************************** */
*** 376,379 ****
--- 382,386 ----
       TIOTYPE *tiop;
+   int ioctl_ret;
  #if !defined (SHELL) && defined (TIOCGWINSZ)
    struct winsize w;
*** 385,394 ****
    /* Keep looping if output is being flushed after a ^O (or whatever
       the flush character is). */
!   while (GETATTR (tty, tiop) < 0 || OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED (tiop))
        if (OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED (tiop))
-       if (errno != EINTR)
- 	return -1;
        errno = 0;
--- 392,401 ----
    /* Keep looping if output is being flushed after a ^O (or whatever
       the flush character is). */
!   while ((ioctl_ret = GETATTR (tty, tiop)) < 0 || OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED (tiop))
+       if (ioctl_ret < 0 && errno != EINTR)
+ 	return -1;
        if (OUTPUT_BEING_FLUSHED (tiop))
        errno = 0;
*** 523,527 ****
--- 530,536 ----
    control_meta_key (1);
+ #if 0
    control_keypad (1);
+ #endif
    fflush (rl_outstream);
    terminal_prepped = 1;
*** 545,549 ****
--- 554,560 ----
    control_meta_key (0);
+ #if 0
    control_keypad (0);
+ #endif
    fflush (rl_outstream);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/search.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/search.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/search.c	Sat Jul  2 22:50:40 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/search.c	Tue Dec  6 10:01:15 1994
*** 30,34 ****
- #include "memalloc.h"
  #include "rldefs.h"
  #include "readline.h"
--- 30,33 ----
*** 45,48 ****
--- 44,48 ----
  extern int rl_point, rl_end, rl_line_buffer_len;
  extern Keymap _rl_keymap;
+ extern int rl_editing_mode;
  extern char *rl_prompt;
  extern char *rl_line_buffer;
*** 95,99 ****
    HIST_ENTRY *entry;
!   if (string == 0 || *string == 0 || noninc_history_pos < 0)
        ding ();
--- 95,99 ----
    HIST_ENTRY *entry;
!   if (string == 0 || *string == '\0' || noninc_history_pos < 0)
        ding ();
*** 117,120 ****
--- 117,123 ----
    history_set_pos (noninc_history_pos);
    entry = current_history ();
+ #if defined (VI_MODE)
+   if (rl_editing_mode != vi_mode)
+ #endif
    history_set_pos (oldpos);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/tilde.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/tilde.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/tilde.c	Fri Jun 24 15:27:25 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/tilde.c	Sun Dec 11 18:35:39 1994
*** 20,25 ****
     Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "memalloc.h"
  #if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
  #  include <string.h>
--- 20,23 ----
*** 35,38 ****
--- 33,37 ----
  #include "tilde.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <pwd.h>
*** 252,271 ****
- 	  char u_name[257];
- 	  struct passwd *user_entry;
  	  char *username;
! 	  int i, c;
! 	  username = u_name;
! 	  for (i = 1; c = dirname[i]; i++)
! 	    {
! 	      if (c == '/')
! 		break;
! 	      else
! 		username[i - 1] = c;
! 	    }
  	  username[i - 1] = '\0';
! 	  if (!(user_entry = getpwnam (username)))
  	      /* If the calling program has a special syntax for
--- 251,264 ----
  	  char *username;
! 	  struct passwd *user_entry;
! 	  int i;
! 	  username = xmalloc (strlen (dirname));
! 	  for (i = 1; dirname[i] && dirname[i] != '/'; i++)
! 	    username[i - 1] = dirname[i];
  	  username[i - 1] = '\0';
! 	  if ((user_entry = getpwnam (username)) == 0)
  	      /* If the calling program has a special syntax for
*** 300,304 ****
  	      dirname = temp_name;
! 	    endpwent ();
--- 293,298 ----
  	      dirname = temp_name;
! 	  endpwent ();
! 	  free (username);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/vi_mode.c bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/vi_mode.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/readline/vi_mode.c	Wed Aug  3 11:20:32 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/readline/vi_mode.c	Mon Dec  5 17:50:57 1994
*** 797,801 ****
    /* These are the motion commands that do not require adjusting the
       mark. */
!   if ((strchr (" l|h^0%bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
--- 797,801 ----
    /* These are the motion commands that do not require adjusting the
       mark. */
!   if ((strchr (" l|h^0bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
*** 825,829 ****
       mark.  c[wW] are handled by special-case code in rl_vi_domove(),
       and already leave the mark at the correct location. */
!   if ((strchr (" l|hwW^0%bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
--- 825,829 ----
       mark.  c[wW] are handled by special-case code in rl_vi_domove(),
       and already leave the mark at the correct location. */
!   if ((strchr (" l|hwW^0bB", c) == 0) && (rl_mark < rl_end))
*** 906,910 ****
    rl_redisplay ();
!   rl_newline (1, '\010');
    return (0);
--- 906,910 ----
    rl_redisplay ();
!   rl_newline (1, '\n');
    return (0);
*** 1150,1154 ****
!     rl_delete (count, key);
    rl_end_undo_group ();
--- 1150,1154 ----
!     rl_delete_text (rl_point, rl_point+count);
    rl_end_undo_group ();
*** 1233,1237 ****
        vi_replace_map = rl_make_bare_keymap ();
!       for (i = ' '; i < 127; i++)
  	vi_replace_map[i].function = rl_vi_overstrike;
--- 1233,1237 ----
        vi_replace_map = rl_make_bare_keymap ();
!       for (i = ' '; i < KEYMAP_SIZE; i++)
  	vi_replace_map[i].function = rl_vi_overstrike;
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/lib/tilde/tilde.c bash-1.14.3/lib/tilde/tilde.c
*** bash-1.14.2/lib/tilde/tilde.c	Fri Jun 24 15:27:25 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/lib/tilde/tilde.c	Sun Dec 11 18:35:32 1994
*** 20,25 ****
     Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "memalloc.h"
  #if defined (HAVE_STRING_H)
  #  include <string.h>
--- 20,23 ----
*** 35,38 ****
--- 33,37 ----
  #include "tilde.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <pwd.h>
*** 252,271 ****
- 	  char u_name[257];
- 	  struct passwd *user_entry;
  	  char *username;
! 	  int i, c;
! 	  username = u_name;
! 	  for (i = 1; c = dirname[i]; i++)
! 	    {
! 	      if (c == '/')
! 		break;
! 	      else
! 		username[i - 1] = c;
! 	    }
  	  username[i - 1] = '\0';
! 	  if (!(user_entry = getpwnam (username)))
  	      /* If the calling program has a special syntax for
--- 251,264 ----
  	  char *username;
! 	  struct passwd *user_entry;
! 	  int i;
! 	  username = xmalloc (strlen (dirname));
! 	  for (i = 1; dirname[i] && dirname[i] != '/'; i++)
! 	    username[i - 1] = dirname[i];
  	  username[i - 1] = '\0';
! 	  if ((user_entry = getpwnam (username)) == 0)
  	      /* If the calling program has a special syntax for
*** 300,304 ****
  	      dirname = temp_name;
! 	    endpwent ();
--- 293,298 ----
  	      dirname = temp_name;
! 	  endpwent ();
! 	  free (username);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/machines.h bash-1.14.3/machines.h
*** bash-1.14.2/machines.h	Sat Aug 13 14:46:26 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/machines.h	Sat Dec 31 16:57:00 1994
*** 32,40 ****
  /* If this file is being processed with Gcc, then the user has Gcc. */
! #if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (NeXT)
  #  if !defined (HAVE_GCC)
  #    define HAVE_GCC
  #  endif /* HAVE_GCC */
! #endif /* __GNUC__ && !NeXT */
  /* Assume that all machines have the getwd () system call.  We unset it
--- 32,40 ----
  /* If this file is being processed with Gcc, then the user has Gcc. */
! #if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined (NeXT) && !defined (__FreeBSD__)
  #  if !defined (HAVE_GCC)
  #    define HAVE_GCC
  #  endif /* HAVE_GCC */
! #endif /* __GNUC__ && !NeXT && !__FreeBSD__ */
  /* Assume that all machines have the getwd () system call.  We unset it
*** 86,90 ****
  #  define M_MACHINE "sun4"
  #  define M_OS "NetBSD"
  #  define SYSDEP_LDFLAGS -static
  #  define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
--- 86,91 ----
  #  define M_MACHINE "sun4"
  #  define M_OS "NetBSD"
! 			-DRLIMTYPE=quad_t
  #  define SYSDEP_LDFLAGS -static
  #  define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
*** 206,210 ****
  #    define M_MACHINE "vax"
  #  endif /* !MIPSEL */
  #  define M_OS "Ultrix"
  #  define HAVE_DIRENT
--- 207,212 ----
  #    define M_MACHINE "vax"
  #  endif /* !MIPSEL */
  #  define M_OS "Ultrix"
  #  define HAVE_DIRENT
*** 585,588 ****
--- 587,591 ----
  #    endif
  #    define HAVE_STRCASECMP
+ #    define GCC_STANDARD
  #    undef HAVE_GETWD
  #    undef HAVE_GETCWD
*** 677,681 ****
  #    undef HAVE_GETWD
! #    undef HAVE_GETCWD
  #  endif /* isc386 */
--- 680,688 ----
  #    undef HAVE_GETWD
! #    if !defined (ISC_4)
! #      undef HAVE_GETCWD
! #    else
! #      undef HAVE_RESOURCE
! #    endif /* ISC_4 */
  #  endif /* isc386 */
*** 717,725 ****
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "SCO"
  #    if defined (SCOv4)
  #    else /* !SCOv4 */
  #    endif /* !SCOv4 */
  #    define HAVE_VFPRINTF
--- 724,732 ----
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "SCO"
  #    if defined (SCOv4)
  #    else /* !SCOv4 */
  #    endif /* !SCOv4 */
  #    define HAVE_VFPRINTF
*** 773,777 ****
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "NetBSD"
  #    define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
  #    define HAVE_SETLINEBUF
--- 780,785 ----
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "NetBSD"
! 			  -DRLIMTYPE=quad_t
  #    define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
  #    define HAVE_SETLINEBUF
*** 789,793 ****
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "FreeBSD"
  #    define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
  #    define HAVE_SETLINEBUF
--- 797,805 ----
  #    define M_MACHINE "i386"
  #    define M_OS "FreeBSD"
! #    if __FreeBSD__ > 1
! #      define SYSDEP_CFLAGS -D__BSD_4_4__ -DRLIMTYPE=quad_t
! #    else
! #    endif
  #    define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
  #    define HAVE_SETLINEBUF
*** 798,801 ****
--- 810,814 ----
  #    define HAVE_DIRENT
  #    define HAVE_STRCASECMP
+ #    define GCC_STANDARD
  #  endif /* !done386 && __FreeBSD__ */
*** 972,975 ****
--- 985,989 ----
  #  endif
+ #  define GCC_STANDARD
  #  undef HAVE_GETWD
  #  undef HAVE_GETCWD
*** 989,993 ****
  #  define M_OS "NetBSD"
  /* os/netbsd.h */
  #  define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
--- 1003,1008 ----
  #  define M_OS "NetBSD"
  /* os/netbsd.h */
! 			-DRLIMTYPE=quad_t
  #  define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
*** 997,1000 ****
--- 1012,1016 ----
  #  define HAVE_DIRENT
  #endif /* m68k && __NetBSD__ */
*** 1075,1079 ****
  /* All of the other operating systems need HPUX to be defined. */
       /* HPUX 6.2 .. 6.5 require -lBSD for getwd (), and -lPW for alloca (). */
--- 1091,1095 ----
  /* All of the other operating systems need HPUX to be defined. */
       /* HPUX 6.2 .. 6.5 require -lBSD for getwd (), and -lPW for alloca (). */
*** 1101,1108 ****
  #      if !defined (__GNUC__)
  #        undef HAVE_ALLOCA
  #      endif
  #      undef HAVE_GETWD
  #      undef USE_GNU_MALLOC
  #    endif /* HPUX_8 */
--- 1117,1127 ----
  #      if !defined (__GNUC__)
  #        undef HAVE_ALLOCA
+ #	 define HPUX_ANSI +O3 -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE
+ #      else
+ #	 define HPUX_ANSI
  #      endif
  #      undef HAVE_GETWD
  #      undef USE_GNU_MALLOC
  #    endif /* HPUX_8 */
*** 1113,1121 ****
  #      if !defined (__GNUC__)
  #        undef HAVE_ALLOCA
  #      endif
  #      undef HAVE_GETWD
  #      undef USE_GNU_MALLOC
  #      undef HAVE_RESOURCE
  #    endif /* HPUX_9 */
--- 1132,1143 ----
  #      if !defined (__GNUC__)
  #        undef HAVE_ALLOCA
+ #	 define HPUX_ANSI +O3 -Ae
+ #      else
+ #	 define HPUX_ANSI
  #      endif
  #      undef HAVE_GETWD
  #      undef USE_GNU_MALLOC
  #      undef HAVE_RESOURCE
  #    endif /* HPUX_9 */
*** 1547,1554 ****
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*						*/
! /*  System V Release 4 on the Commodore Amiga   */
  /*						*/
  /* ******************************************** */
! #if defined (amiga)
  #  define M_MACHINE "amiga"
  #  define M_OS "USG"
--- 1569,1591 ----
  /* ******************************************** */
  /*						*/
! /*  		Commodore Amiga			*/
  /*						*/
  /* ******************************************** */
! #if defined (amiga) && defined (__NetBSD__)
! #  define M_MACHINE "amiga"
! #  define M_OS "NetBSD"
! 			-DRLIMTYPE=quad_t
! #  define HAVE_SYS_SIGLIST
! #  define HAVE_GETGROUPS
! #  define HAVE_VFPRINTF
! #  define HAVE_STRERROR
! #  define HAVE_DIRENT
! #endif /* amiga && __NetBSD__ */
! #if defined (amiga) && !defined (M_MACHINE)
  #  define M_MACHINE "amiga"
  #  define M_OS "USG"
*** 1862,1865 ****
--- 1899,1903 ----
  /* ************************ */
  #if defined (cray)
+ #  include <sys/param.h>
  #  if defined (Cray1) || defined (Cray2)
  #    define M_MACHINE "Cray"
*** 1873,1877 ****
  #    define M_MACHINE "CrayYMP"
  #    if RELEASE_LEVEL >= 7000
  #    else
  #      define CRAY_STACK -DCRAY_STACKSEG_END=getb67
--- 1911,1915 ----
  #    define M_MACHINE "CrayYMP"
  #    if RELEASE_LEVEL >= 7000
! #      define CRAY_STACK -DCRAY_STACKSEG_END=_getb67
  #    else
  #      define CRAY_STACK -DCRAY_STACKSEG_END=getb67
*** 1883,1887 ****
  #  endif
  #  define M_OS "Unicos"
  #  define HAVE_VFPRINTF
--- 1921,1926 ----
  #  endif
  #  define M_OS "Unicos"
  #  define HAVE_VFPRINTF
*** 2072,2077 ****
  	AFS_CREATE_BUG - AFS has a bug with file creation if O_CREAT is
- 	BROKEN_SIGSUSPEND - sigsuspend(2) does not work to wake up processes
- 			    on SIGCHLD
  	BSD_GETPGRP -	getpgrp(2) takes a pid argument, a la 4.3 BSD
  	HAVE_BCOPY -	bcopy(3) exists and works as in BSD
--- 2111,2114 ----
*** 2090,2094 ****
  	MEMMOVE_MISSING - the system does not have memmove(3)
  	MKFIFO_MISSING - named pipes do not work or mkfifo(3) is missing
- 	NO_DEV_TTY_JOB_CONTROL - system can't do job control on /dev/tty
  	NO_SBRK_DECL - don't declare sbrk as extern char *sbrk() in
--- 2127,2130 ----
*** 2155,2158 ****
--- 2191,2198 ----
  /* #  define LD_HAS_NO_DASH_L */
+ /* Define GCC_STANDARD if the standard `cc' is gcc and you don't want
+    to use the compiler named `gcc' for some reason. */
+ /* #  define GCC_STANDARD */
  #  if defined (LD_HAS_NO_DASH_L)
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/newversion.c bash-1.14.3/newversion.c
*** bash-1.14.2/newversion.c	Fri May 27 21:21:50 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/newversion.c	Mon Dec  5 17:51:20 1994
*** 22,26 ****
  #include <sys/types.h>
! #include <sys/stat.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
--- 22,26 ----
  #include <sys/types.h>
! #include "posixstat.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/parse.y bash-1.14.3/parse.y
*** bash-1.14.2/parse.y	Wed Aug 10 12:25:44 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/parse.y	Wed Dec 14 09:48:20 1994
*** 821,826 ****
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
!       old_sigint = (SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
!       interrupt_immediately++;
        if (!current_readline_prompt)
--- 821,829 ----
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
!       if (signal_is_ignored (SIGINT) == 0)
! 	{
! 	  old_sigint = (SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
! 	  interrupt_immediately++;
! 	}
        if (!current_readline_prompt)
*** 829,834 ****
  	current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt);
!       interrupt_immediately--;
!       set_signal_handler (SIGINT, old_sigint);
        /* Reset the prompt to whatever is in the decoded value of
--- 832,840 ----
  	current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt);
!       if (signal_is_ignored (SIGINT) == 0)
! 	{
! 	  interrupt_immediately--;
! 	  set_signal_handler (SIGINT, old_sigint);
! 	}
        /* Reset the prompt to whatever is in the decoded value of
*** 873,879 ****
    INPUT_STREAM location;
!   location.string = current_readline_line;
!   init_yy_io (yy_readline_get, yy_readline_unget,
! 	      st_string, "readline stdin", location);
--- 879,888 ----
    INPUT_STREAM location;
!   if (bash_input.type != st_stdin && stream_on_stack (st_stdin) == 0)
!     {
!       location.string = current_readline_line;
!       init_yy_io (yy_readline_get, yy_readline_unget,
! 		  st_stdin, "readline stdin", location);
!     }
*** 1051,1054 ****
--- 1060,1077 ----
+ /* Return 1 if a stream of type TYPE is saved on the stack. */
+ int
+ stream_on_stack (type)
+      int type;
+ {
+   register STREAM_SAVER *s;
+   for (s = stream_list; s; s = s->next)
+     if (s->bash_input.type == type)
+       return 1;
+   return 0;
+ }
*** 1264,1270 ****
        if (indx + 2 > buffer_size)
  	if (!buffer_size)
! 	  line_buffer = xmalloc (buffer_size = 400);
! 	  line_buffer = xrealloc (line_buffer, buffer_size += 400);
        /* IF REMOVE_QUOTED_NEWLINES is non-zero, we are reading a
--- 1287,1293 ----
        if (indx + 2 > buffer_size)
  	if (!buffer_size)
! 	  line_buffer = xmalloc (buffer_size = 128);
! 	  line_buffer = xrealloc (line_buffer, buffer_size += 128);
        /* IF REMOVE_QUOTED_NEWLINES is non-zero, we are reading a
*** 1397,1403 ****
  #if defined (READLINE)
!       if (interactive && no_line_editing)
!       if (interactive)
  	print_prompt ();
--- 1420,1426 ----
  #if defined (READLINE)
!       if (interactive && bash_input.type != st_string && no_line_editing)
!       if (interactive && bash_input.type != st_string)
  	print_prompt ();
*** 1526,1530 ****
!   return (c);
--- 1549,1553 ----
!   return ((unsigned char)c);
*** 2612,2621 ****
  		n = read_octal (octal_string);
! 		temp = savestring ("\\");
! 		if (n != -1)
  		    string += 3;
  		    temp[0] = n;
--- 2635,2657 ----
  		n = read_octal (octal_string);
+ 		temp = xmalloc (3);
! 		if (n == CTLESC || n == CTLNUL)
! 		  {
! 		    string += 3;
! 		    temp[0] = CTLESC;
! 		    temp[1] = n;
! 		    temp[2] = '\0';
! 		  }
! 		else if (n == -1)
! 		  {
! 		    temp[0] = '\\';
! 		    temp[1] = '\0';
! 		  }
! 		else
  		    string += 3;
  		    temp[0] = n;
+ 		    temp[1] = '\0';
*** 2764,2768 ****
    /* Perform variable and parameter expansion and command substitution on
       the prompt string. */
!   list = expand_string (result, 1);
    free (result);
    result = string_list (list);
--- 2800,2804 ----
    /* Perform variable and parameter expansion and command substitution on
       the prompt string. */
!   list = expand_string_unsplit (result, 1);
    free (result);
    result = string_list (list);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/shell.c bash-1.14.3/shell.c
*** bash-1.14.2/shell.c	Sun Jun 26 20:48:58 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/shell.c	Fri Dec  9 18:06:18 1994
*** 795,799 ****
    /* Do trap[0] if defined. */
!   run_exit_trap ();
--- 795,800 ----
    /* Do trap[0] if defined. */
!   if (signal_is_trapped (0))
!     last_command_exit_value = run_exit_trap ();
*** 833,837 ****
  	  /* We don't execute .bashrc for login shells. */
!           maybe_execute_file (SYS_PROFILE, 1);
--- 834,839 ----
  	  /* We don't execute .bashrc for login shells. */
! 	  if (no_profile == 0)
! 	    maybe_execute_file (SYS_PROFILE, 1);
*** 877,881 ****
     /* Try a TMB suggestion.  If running a script, then execute the
        file mentioned in the ENV variable. */
!    if (!privileged_mode && sourced_env++ == 0 &&
         (posixly_correct || !interactive_shell))
--- 879,883 ----
     /* Try a TMB suggestion.  If running a script, then execute the
        file mentioned in the ENV variable. */
!    if (!privileged_mode && sourced_env++ == 0 && act_like_sh == 0 &&
         (posixly_correct || !interactive_shell))
*** 1033,1038 ****
  	case FORCE_EOF:
  	case EXITPROG:
  	case DISCARD:
! 	  return 0;
  	  programming_error ("Bad jump %d", code);
--- 1035,1041 ----
  	case FORCE_EOF:
  	case EXITPROG:
+ 	  return last_command_exit_value = 127;
  	case DISCARD:
! 	  return last_command_exit_value = 1;
  	  programming_error ("Bad jump %d", code);
*** 1060,1064 ****
!       if (interactive_shell)
  	set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
--- 1063,1067 ----
!       if (interactive_shell && signal_is_ignored (SIGINT) == 0)
  	set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
*** 1083,1086 ****
--- 1086,1090 ----
  		  current_command = (COMMAND *)NULL;
+ 	      last_command_exit_value = 1;
*** 1183,1187 ****
       of each primary prompt.  If the shell variable PROMPT_COMMAND
       is set then the value of it is the command to execute. */
!   if (interactive)
        char *command_to_execute;
--- 1187,1191 ----
       of each primary prompt.  If the shell variable PROMPT_COMMAND
       is set then the value of it is the command to execute. */
!   if (interactive && bash_input.type != st_string)
        char *command_to_execute;
*** 1381,1384 ****
--- 1385,1395 ----
+ void
+ reinitialize_signals ()
+ {
+   initialize_terminating_signals ();
+   initialize_job_signals ();
+ }
  /* A structure describing a signal that terminates the shell if not
     caught.  The orig_handler member is present so children can reset
*** 1499,1503 ****
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
!   if (interactive && login_shell && sig == SIGHUP)
      hangup_all_jobs ();
    end_job_control ();
--- 1510,1514 ----
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
!   if (interactive && sig == SIGHUP)
      hangup_all_jobs ();
    end_job_control ();
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/siglist.h bash-1.14.3/siglist.h
*** bash-1.14.2/siglist.h	Thu Aug 11 17:01:40 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/siglist.h	Tue Dec  6 10:34:15 1994
*** 33,39 ****
  #endif /* !Solaris && !Linux && !__BSD_4_4__ && !Minix && !NetBSD && !FreeBSD */
! #if !defined (strsignal) && !defined (Solaris)
  #  define strsignal(sig) (char *)sys_siglist[sig]
! #endif /* !strsignal */
  #endif /* _SIGLIST_H */
--- 33,39 ----
  #endif /* !Solaris && !Linux && !__BSD_4_4__ && !Minix && !NetBSD && !FreeBSD */
! #if !defined (strsignal) && !defined (Solaris) && !defined (NetBSD)
  #  define strsignal(sig) (char *)sys_siglist[sig]
! #endif /* !strsignal && !Solaris && !NetBSD */
  #endif /* _SIGLIST_H */
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/subst.c bash-1.14.3/subst.c
*** bash-1.14.2/subst.c	Tue Aug  9 10:25:50 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/subst.c	Thu Dec 29 13:00:14 1994
*** 942,946 ****
  #define issep(c)	(member ((c), separators))
- #define spctabnl(c)	((c) == ' '|| (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\n')
--- 942,945 ----
*** 1939,1942 ****
--- 1938,1942 ----
    old_pipeline_pgrp = pipeline_pgrp;
    pipeline_pgrp = shell_pgrp;
+   cleanup_the_pipeline ();
    pid = make_child ((char *)NULL, 1);
    if (pid == 0)
*** 1961,1966 ****
  #endif /* !JOB_CONTROL */
-   set_sigint_handler ();
    if (pid < 0)
--- 1961,1964 ----
*** 1990,1993 ****
--- 1988,1993 ----
+   set_sigint_handler ();
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
    set_job_control (0);
*** 2077,2080 ****
--- 2077,2081 ----
      pipeline_pgrp = shell_pgrp;
+     cleanup_the_pipeline ();
      pid = make_child ((char *)NULL, 0);
      if (pid == 0)
*** 2095,2100 ****
  #endif /* !JOB_CONTROL */
-   set_sigint_handler ();	/* XXX - move after error check? */
    if (pid < 0)
--- 2096,2099 ----
*** 2111,2114 ****
--- 2110,2114 ----
    if (pid == 0)
+       set_sigint_handler ();	/* XXX */
  #if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
        set_job_control (0);
*** 2141,2144 ****
--- 2141,2147 ----
        interactive = 0;
+       /* Command substitution does not inherit the -e flag. */
+       exit_immediately_on_error = 0;
        remove_quoted_escapes (string);
*** 2390,2398 ****
      temp = savestring (value);
!   l = expand_string_leave_quoted (temp, quoted);
    free (temp);
!   temp = string_list (l);
!   dispose_words (l);
    if (c == '-' || c == '+')
--- 2393,2406 ----
      temp = savestring (value);
!   l = *temp ? expand_string_internal (temp, 0) : (WORD_LIST *)NULL;
    free (temp);
!   if (l)
!     {
!       temp = string_list (l);
!       dispose_words (l);
!     }
!   else
!     temp = (char *)NULL;
    if (c == '-' || c == '+')
*** 3011,3015 ****
  			else if (c != '+')
  			  temp = parameter_brace_expand_rhs
! 			    (name, value, c, 0); /* XXX was quoted, not 0 */
  			free (value);
--- 3019,3023 ----
  			else if (c != '+')
  			  temp = parameter_brace_expand_rhs
! 			    (name, value, c, quoted);
  			free (value);
*** 3463,3470 ****
! 	      temp_list = make_word_list
! 		(make_word (istring), (WORD_LIST *)NULL);
! 	      temp_list->word->quoted =
! 		(quoted || (quoted_state == WHOLLY_QUOTED));
--- 3471,3479 ----
! 	      WORD_DESC *tword;
! 	      tword = make_word (istring);
! 	      temp_list = make_word_list (tword, (WORD_LIST *)NULL);
! 	      tword->quoted = quoted || (quoted_state == WHOLLY_QUOTED);
! 	      tword->assignment = word->assignment;
*** 3526,3538 ****
  	    sindex = tindex;
! 	    temp1 = string_quote_removal (temp, 1);  /* XXX is this needed? */
! 	    FREE (temp);
! 	    if (temp1)
! 		strcpy (r, temp1);
  		r += strlen (r);
! 		free (temp1);
--- 3535,3543 ----
  	    sindex = tindex;
! 	    if (temp)
! 		strcpy (r, temp);
  		r += strlen (r);
! 		free (temp);
*** 3896,3900 ****
     This does all of the substitutions: brace expansion, tilde expansion,
     parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion,
!    process substitution, word splitting, and pathname expansion. */
  static WORD_LIST *
  expand_words_internal (list, do_vars)
--- 3901,3908 ----
     This does all of the substitutions: brace expansion, tilde expansion,
     parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion,
!    process substitution, word splitting, and pathname expansion.
!    Words with the `quoted' or `assignment' bits set, or for which no
!    expansion is done, do not undergo word splitting.  Words with the
!    `assignment' but set do not undergo pathname expansion. */
  static WORD_LIST *
  expand_words_internal (list, do_vars)
*** 4032,4036 ****
!       if (expanded_something)
  	  t = word_list_split (expanded);
--- 4040,4046 ----
!       /* Don't split assignment words, even when they do not precede a
! 	 command name. */
!       if (expanded_something && tlist->word->assignment == 0)
  	  t = word_list_split (expanded);
*** 4098,4102 ****
  	      /* If the word isn't quoted and there is an unquoted pattern
  		 matching character in the word, then glob it. */
! 	      if (!tlist->word->quoted &&
  		  unquoted_glob_pattern_p (tlist->word->word))
--- 4108,4112 ----
  	      /* If the word isn't quoted and there is an unquoted pattern
  		 matching character in the word, then glob it. */
! 	      if (!tlist->word->quoted && !tlist->word->assignment &&
  		  unquoted_glob_pattern_p (tlist->word->word))
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/support/bashbug.sh bash-1.14.3/support/bashbug.sh
*** bash-1.14.2/support/bashbug.sh	Wed Jun 29 15:14:09 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/support/bashbug.sh	Sat Dec 31 16:25:40 1994
*** 18,22 ****
! BUGADDR=${1:-bug-bash@prep.ai.mit.edu}
  : ${EDITOR=emacs}
--- 18,22 ----
! BUGADDR=${1-bug-bash@prep.ai.mit.edu}
  : ${EDITOR=emacs}
*** 30,34 ****
--- 30,43 ----
+ if [ -f /usr/lib/sendmail ] ; then
+ 	RMAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail -t"
+ elif [ -f /usr/sbin/sendmail ] ; then
+ 	RMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
+ else
+ 	RMAIL=rmail
+ fi
  cat > $TEMP <<EOF
+ From: ${USER}
  To: ${BUGADDR}
  Subject: [50 character or so descriptive subject here (for reference)]
*** 67,71 ****
! 	rmail $BUGADDR < $TEMP || cat $TEMP >> $HOME/dead.bashbug
--- 76,80 ----
! 	${RMAIL} $BUGADDR < $TEMP || cat $TEMP >> $HOME/dead.bashbug
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/support/mksysdefs bash-1.14.3/support/mksysdefs
*** bash-1.14.2/support/mksysdefs	Sat Aug 13 14:25:43 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/support/mksysdefs	Mon Dec  5 15:31:14 1994
*** 162,165 ****
--- 162,169 ----
    elif [ -d /etc/conf/kconfig.d ] && [ -f /usr/include/sys/limits.h ]; then
      SYSDEF="isc386"			# This is a 386 running ISC?
+     echo "#if !defined ($ISCREL)"	>>$sysdefs
+     echo "#  define $ISCREL"		>>$sysdefs
+     echo "#endif /* $ISCREL */"		>>$sysdefs
    elif [ -f /etc/xlc.cfg ]; then
      if fgrep _IBMR2 /etc/xlc.cfg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
*** 228,241 ****
  if [ "$SYSDEF" = "" -a -f /bin/uname ]; then
    case `/bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null | grep '^Release' 2>/dev/null` in
!     *3.2v4.*) SCOREL=SCOv4 ;;
! 	   *) SCOREL= ;;
-   if [ "$SCOREL" ]; then
-     echo ""					>>$sysdefs
-     echo "#if !defined ($SCOREL)"		>>$sysdefs
-     echo "#  define $SCOREL"			>>$sysdefs
-     echo "#endif /* !$SCOREL */"		>>$sysdefs
-   fi
--- 232,238 ----
  if [ "$SYSDEF" = "" -a -f /bin/uname ]; then
    case `/bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null | grep '^Release' 2>/dev/null` in
!     *3.2v4.*) SYSDEF=SCOv4 ;;
! 	   *) SYSDEF=SCO ;;
Only in bash-1.14.3/support: printenv
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/test.c bash-1.14.3/test.c
*** bash-1.14.2/test.c	Wed Aug 10 15:52:36 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/test.c	Fri Dec 23 09:45:12 1994
*** 470,475 ****
        advance (1);
        value = expr ();
!       if (argv[pos][0] != ')' || argv[pos][1])
! 	test_syntax_error ("')' expected, found %s\n", argv[pos]);
        advance (0);
        return (TRUE == (value));
--- 470,477 ----
        advance (1);
        value = expr ();
!       if (argv[pos] == 0)
!         test_syntax_error ("`)' expected\n");
!       else if (argv[pos][0] != ')' || argv[pos][1])
! 	test_syntax_error ("`)' expected, found %s\n", argv[pos]);
        advance (0);
        return (TRUE == (value));
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/tests/glob-test bash-1.14.3/tests/glob-test
*** bash-1.14.2/tests/glob-test	Sat Mar 26 15:48:00 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/tests/glob-test	Tue Dec  6 14:40:17 1994
*** 8,11 ****
--- 8,12 ----
+ rm -rf $TESTDIR
  mkdir $TESTDIR
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/trap.c bash-1.14.3/trap.c
*** bash-1.14.2/trap.c	Sun Jun 26 20:52:04 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/trap.c	Fri Dec  9 18:03:09 1994
*** 40,43 ****
--- 40,46 ----
  #define SIG_SPECIAL     0x4	/* Treat this signal specially. */
  #define SIG_NO_TRAP     0x8	/* Signal cannot be trapped. */
+ #define SIG_INPROGRESS  0x10	/* Signal handler currently executing. */
+ #define SIG_CHANGED     0x20	/* Trap value changed in trap handler. */
+ #define SIG_IGNORED     0x40	/* The signal is currently being ignored. */
  /* An array of such flags, one for each signal, describing what the
*** 111,121 ****
  /* Return the print name of this signal. */
  char *
! signal_name (signal)
!      int signal;
!   if (signal >= NSIG)
      return ("bad signal number");
!     return (signal_names[signal]);
--- 114,124 ----
  /* Return the print name of this signal. */
  char *
! signal_name (sig)
!      int sig;
!   if (sig >= NSIG || sig < 0)
      return ("bad signal number");
!     return (signal_names[sig]);
*** 167,171 ****
    old_exit_value = last_command_exit_value;
!   for (sig = 0; sig < NSIG; sig++)
        /* XXX this could be made into a counter by using
--- 170,174 ----
    old_exit_value = last_command_exit_value;
!   for (sig = 1; sig < NSIG; sig++)
        /* XXX this could be made into a counter by using
*** 277,291 ****
      return ((SigHandler *)SIG_IGN);
!   if (sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_TRAPPED)
!     {
!       if (trap_list[SIGINT] == (char *)IGNORE_SIG)
! 	return ((SigHandler *)SIG_IGN);
!       else
! 	return ((SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, trap_handler));
!     }
    /* The signal is not trapped, so set the handler to the shell's special
       interrupt handler. */
!   if (interactive)	/* XXX - was interactive_shell */
      return (set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler));
--- 280,292 ----
      return ((SigHandler *)SIG_IGN);
!   else if (sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_IGNORED)
!     return ((SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, SIG_IGN));
!   else if (sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_TRAPPED)
!     return ((SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, trap_handler));
    /* The signal is not trapped, so set the handler to the shell's special
       interrupt handler. */
!   else if (interactive)	/* XXX - was interactive_shell */
      return (set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler));
*** 337,346 ****
- /* If SIG has a string assigned to it, get rid of it.  Then give it
-    VALUE. */
  static void
! change_signal (sig, value)
       int sig;
-      char *value;
    if ((sigmodes[sig] & SIG_TRAPPED) && trap_list[sig] &&
--- 338,344 ----
  static void
! free_trap_command (sig)
       int sig;
    if ((sigmodes[sig] & SIG_TRAPPED) && trap_list[sig] &&
*** 349,360 ****
        (trap_list[sig] != (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER))
      free (trap_list[sig]);
    trap_list[sig] = value;
    sigmodes[sig] |= SIG_TRAPPED;
  #define GET_ORIGINAL_SIGNAL(sig) \
! 	if (original_signals[sig] == IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER) \
! 	  get_original_signal (sig)
  static void
--- 347,374 ----
        (trap_list[sig] != (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER))
      free (trap_list[sig]);
! }
! /* If SIG has a string assigned to it, get rid of it.  Then give it
!    VALUE. */
! static void
! change_signal (sig, value)
!      int sig;
!      char *value;
! {
!   free_trap_command (sig);
    trap_list[sig] = value;
    sigmodes[sig] |= SIG_TRAPPED;
+   if (value == (char *)IGNORE_SIG)
+     sigmodes[sig] |= SIG_IGNORED;
+   else
+     sigmodes[sig] &= ~SIG_IGNORED;
+   if (sigmodes[sig] & SIG_INPROGRESS)
+     sigmodes[sig] |= SIG_CHANGED;
  #define GET_ORIGINAL_SIGNAL(sig) \
!   if (sig && sig < NSIG && original_signals[sig] == IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER) \
!     get_original_signal (sig)
  static void
*** 383,386 ****
--- 397,408 ----
       int sig;
+   if (sig == 0)
+     {
+       free_trap_command (sig);
+       trap_list[sig] = (char *)NULL;
+       sigmodes[sig] &= ~SIG_TRAPPED;
+       return;
+     }
*** 433,454 ****
     the command to be executed includes an "exit".  This is why we have
     to provide our own place for top_level to jump to. */
! void
  run_exit_trap ()
    /* Run the trap only if signal 0 is trapped and not ignored. */
!   if ((sigmodes[0] & SIG_TRAPPED) && (trap_list[0] != (char *)IGNORE_SIG))
!     {
!       char *trap_command = savestring (trap_list[0]);
!       int code, old_exit_value;
-       old_exit_value = last_command_exit_value;
-       change_signal (0, (char *)NULL);
        code = setjmp (top_level);
        if (code == 0)
  	parse_and_execute (trap_command, "trap", 0);
-       last_command_exit_value = old_exit_value;
--- 455,479 ----
     the command to be executed includes an "exit".  This is why we have
     to provide our own place for top_level to jump to. */
! int
  run_exit_trap ()
    /* Run the trap only if signal 0 is trapped and not ignored. */
!   if ((sigmodes[0] & SIG_TRAPPED) &&
!       (trap_list[0] != (char *)IGNORE_SIG) &&
!       (sigmodes[0] & SIG_INPROGRESS) == 0)
!     {
!       char *trap_command;
!       int code;
!       trap_command= savestring (trap_list[0]);
!       sigmodes[0] &= ~SIG_TRAPPED;
!       sigmodes[0] |= SIG_INPROGRESS;
        code = setjmp (top_level);
        if (code == 0)
  	parse_and_execute (trap_command, "trap", 0);
+   return (last_command_exit_value);
*** 498,502 ****
    register int i;
!   for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
        if (sigmodes[i] & SIG_SPECIAL)
--- 523,527 ----
    register int i;
!   for (i = 1; i < NSIG; i++)
        if (sigmodes[i] & SIG_SPECIAL)
*** 521,525 ****
    reset_terminating_signals ();		/* in shell.c */
!   for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
        if (sigmodes[i] & SIG_SPECIAL)
--- 546,550 ----
    reset_terminating_signals ();		/* in shell.c */
!   for (i = 1; i < NSIG; i++)
        if (sigmodes[i] & SIG_SPECIAL)
*** 547,565 ****
    if ((sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_TRAPPED) &&
        (trap_list[SIGINT] != (char *)IGNORE_SIG) &&
!       (trap_list[SIGINT] != (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER))
-       command = savestring (trap_list[SIGINT]);
-       old_exit_value = last_command_exit_value;
        saved_command = trap_list[SIGINT];
!       trap_list[SIGINT] = (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER;
        parse_and_execute (command, "interrupt trap", 0);
!       if (trap_list[SIGINT] == (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER)
! 	trap_list[SIGINT] = saved_command;
!       last_command_exit_value = old_exit_value;
--- 572,595 ----
    if ((sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_TRAPPED) &&
        (trap_list[SIGINT] != (char *)IGNORE_SIG) &&
!       (trap_list[SIGINT] != (char *)IMPOSSIBLE_TRAP_HANDLER) &&
!       ((sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_INPROGRESS) == 0))
        saved_command = trap_list[SIGINT];
+       sigmodes[SIGINT] |= SIG_INPROGRESS;
+       sigmodes[SIGINT] &= ~SIG_CHANGED;
!       command = savestring (saved_command);
+       old_exit_value = last_command_exit_value;
        parse_and_execute (command, "interrupt trap", 0);
+       last_command_exit_value = old_exit_value;
!       sigmodes[SIGINT] &= ~SIG_INPROGRESS;
!       if (sigmodes[SIGINT] & SIG_CHANGED)
! 	{
! 	  free (saved_command);
! 	  sigmodes[SIGINT] &= ~SIG_CHANGED;
! 	}
*** 605,608 ****
--- 635,645 ----
    return (sigmodes[sig] & SIG_SPECIAL);
+ }
+ int
+ signal_is_ignored (sig)
+      int sig;
+ {
+   return (sigmodes[sig] & SIG_IGNORED);
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/trap.h bash-1.14.3/trap.h
*** bash-1.14.2/trap.h	Tue Apr  5 17:45:18 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/trap.h	Mon Dec  5 16:27:07 1994
*** 49,53 ****
  extern void restore_default_signal __P((int));
  extern void ignore_signal __P((int));
! extern void run_exit_trap __P((void));
  extern void free_trap_strings __P((void));
  extern void reset_signal_handlers __P((void));
--- 49,53 ----
  extern void restore_default_signal __P((int));
  extern void ignore_signal __P((int));
! extern int run_exit_trap __P((void));
  extern void free_trap_strings __P((void));
  extern void reset_signal_handlers __P((void));
*** 61,64 ****
--- 61,65 ----
  extern int signal_is_trapped __P((int));
  extern int signal_is_special __P((int));
+ extern int signal_is_ignored __P((int));
  #endif /* __TRAP_H__ */
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/variables.c bash-1.14.3/variables.c
*** bash-1.14.2/variables.c	Thu Jul 14 12:27:36 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/variables.c	Mon Dec  5 13:54:40 1994
*** 106,110 ****
  /* Make VAR be auto-exported.  VAR is a pointer to a SHELL_VAR. */
  #define set_auto_export(var) \
! { var->attributes |= att_exported; array_needs_making = 1; }
  #if defined (HISTORY)
--- 106,110 ----
  /* Make VAR be auto-exported.  VAR is a pointer to a SHELL_VAR. */
  #define set_auto_export(var) \
!   do { var->attributes |= att_exported; array_needs_making = 1; } while (0)
  #if defined (HISTORY)
*** 275,279 ****
       to it. */
!     char *tname = find_user_command (shell_name);
      if ((login_shell == 1) && (*shell_name != '/'))
--- 275,279 ----
       to it. */
!     char *tname;
      if ((login_shell == 1) && (*shell_name != '/'))
*** 285,292 ****
  	name = savestring (current_user.shell);
! 	if (!tname)
! 	  name = make_absolute (shell_name, get_string_value ("PWD"));
--- 285,314 ----
  	name = savestring (current_user.shell);
+     else if (*shell_name == '/')
+       name = savestring (shell_name);
! 	int s;
!       	tname = find_user_command (shell_name);
! 	if (tname == 0)
! 	  {
! 	    /* Try the current directory.  If there is not an executable
! 	       there, just punt and use the login shell. */
! 	    s = file_status (shell_name);
! 	    if (s & FS_EXECABLE)
! 	      {
! 		tname = make_absolute (shell_name, get_string_value ("PWD"));
! 		if (*shell_name == '.')
! 		  {
! 		    name = canonicalize_pathname (tname);
! 		    free (tname);
! 		  }
! 		else
! 		  name = tname;
! 	      }
! 	    else
! 	      name = savestring (current_user.shell);
! 	  }
diff -rc2 bash-1.14.2/y.tab.c bash-1.14.3/y.tab.c
*** bash-1.14.2/y.tab.c	Wed Aug 10 12:26:25 1994
--- bash-1.14.3/y.tab.c	Sun Dec 11 18:41:02 1994
*** 1968,1973 ****
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
!       old_sigint = (SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
!       interrupt_immediately++;
        if (!current_readline_prompt)
--- 1968,1976 ----
  #endif /* JOB_CONTROL */
!       if (signal_is_ignored (SIGINT) == 0)
! 	{
! 	  old_sigint = (SigHandler *)set_signal_handler (SIGINT, sigint_sighandler);
! 	  interrupt_immediately++;
! 	}
        if (!current_readline_prompt)
*** 1976,1981 ****
  	current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt);
!       interrupt_immediately--;
!       set_signal_handler (SIGINT, old_sigint);
        /* Reset the prompt to whatever is in the decoded value of
--- 1979,1987 ----
  	current_readline_line = readline (current_readline_prompt);
!       if (signal_is_ignored (SIGINT) == 0)
! 	{
! 	  interrupt_immediately--;
! 	  set_signal_handler (SIGINT, old_sigint);
! 	}
        /* Reset the prompt to whatever is in the decoded value of
*** 2020,2026 ****
    INPUT_STREAM location;
!   location.string = current_readline_line;
!   init_yy_io (yy_readline_get, yy_readline_unget,
! 	      st_string, "readline stdin", location);
--- 2026,2035 ----
    INPUT_STREAM location;
!   if (bash_input.type != st_stdin && stream_on_stack (st_stdin) == 0)
!     {
!       location.string = current_readline_line;
!       init_yy_io (yy_readline_get, yy_readline_unget,
! 		  st_stdin, "readline stdin", location);
!     }
*** 2198,2201 ****
--- 2207,2224 ----
+ /* Return 1 if a stream of type TYPE is saved on the stack. */
+ int
+ stream_on_stack (type)
+      int type;
+ {
+   register STREAM_SAVER *s;
+   for (s = stream_list; s; s = s->next)
+     if (s->bash_input.type == type)
+       return 1;
+   return 0;
+ }
*** 2411,2417 ****
        if (indx + 2 > buffer_size)
  	if (!buffer_size)
! 	  line_buffer = xmalloc (buffer_size = 400);
! 	  line_buffer = xrealloc (line_buffer, buffer_size += 400);
        /* IF REMOVE_QUOTED_NEWLINES is non-zero, we are reading a
--- 2434,2440 ----
        if (indx + 2 > buffer_size)
  	if (!buffer_size)
! 	  line_buffer = xmalloc (buffer_size = 128);
! 	  line_buffer = xrealloc (line_buffer, buffer_size += 128);
        /* IF REMOVE_QUOTED_NEWLINES is non-zero, we are reading a
*** 2544,2550 ****
  #if defined (READLINE)
!       if (interactive && no_line_editing)
!       if (interactive)
  	print_prompt ();
--- 2567,2573 ----
  #if defined (READLINE)
!       if (interactive && bash_input.type != st_string && no_line_editing)
!       if (interactive && bash_input.type != st_string)
  	print_prompt ();
*** 2673,2677 ****
!   return (c);
--- 2696,2700 ----
!   return ((unsigned char)c);
*** 3759,3768 ****
  		n = read_octal (octal_string);
! 		temp = savestring ("\\");
! 		if (n != -1)
  		    string += 3;
  		    temp[0] = n;
--- 3782,3804 ----
  		n = read_octal (octal_string);
+ 		temp = xmalloc (3);
! 		if (n == CTLESC || n == CTLNUL)
! 		  {
! 		    string += 3;
! 		    temp[0] = CTLESC;
! 		    temp[1] = n;
! 		    temp[2] = '\0';
! 		  }
! 		else if (n == -1)
! 		  {
! 		    temp[0] = '\\';
! 		    temp[1] = '\0';
! 		  }
! 		else
  		    string += 3;
  		    temp[0] = n;
+ 		    temp[1] = '\0';
*** 3911,3915 ****
    /* Perform variable and parameter expansion and command substitution on
       the prompt string. */
!   list = expand_string (result, 1);
    free (result);
    result = string_list (list);
--- 3947,3951 ----
    /* Perform variable and parameter expansion and command substitution on
       the prompt string. */
!   list = expand_string_unsplit (result, 1);
    free (result);
    result = string_list (list);