line 547 of weave.web
    else if (c=='\'' || c=='"') @<Get a string@>@;/*spider*/
    else if (c=='`') @<Get a string@>@;/*spider*/

 line 608 of weave.web
@ \cee\ strings and character constants, delimited by double and single
quotes, respectively, can contain newlines or instances of their own
delimiters if they are protected by a backslash.  We follow this
convention, but do not allow the string to be longer than |longest_name|.

@<Get a string@>= {/*spider*/
  ASCII delim = c; /* what started the string */
  id_first = mod_text+1;
  id_loc = mod_text;
  if (delim=='`' && *(loc-2)==at_sign) {
	/* make string begin with |"@@`"| */
	/* this is hack for ascii constant */
/* if it's not a single-character literal, it's a tick mark or an |at_sign| */
  if ((delim=='\'' || delim == '`') && 
		(loc+1>=limit || 
			(*loc != '\\' && *loc!=at_sign && loc[1]!='\'')	|| 
			(*loc=='\\' && (loc+2>=limit||loc[2]!='\'')) ||
			(*loc==at_sign && 
      ) goto mistake;
  if (delim=='`') delim='\''; /* for |ascii_constant|s */
  while (1) {
    if (loc>=limit) {
      if(*(limit-1)!='\\') {
        err_print("! String didn't end"); loc=limit; break;
@.String didn't end@>
      if(get_line()==0) {
        err_print("! Input ended in middle of string"); loc=buffer; break;
@.Input ended in middle of string@>
    if ((c=*loc++)==delim) {
      if (++id_loc<=mod_text_end) *id_loc=c;
    if (c=='\\') if (loc>=limit) continue;
      else if (++id_loc<=mod_text_end) {
        *id_loc = '\\'; c=*loc++;
    if (++id_loc<=mod_text_end) *id_loc=c;
  if (id_loc>=mod_text_end) {
    printf("\n! String too long: ");
@.String too long@>
    printf("..."); mark_error;

@ \cee\ strings are delimited by backquotes and must be restricted
to one line. A backquote in strings must be doubled and we allow no
string to be longer than |longest_name|.
@<Get a string@>= {/*spider*/
  ASCII delim = c; /* what started the string */
  id_first = mod_text+1;
  id_loc = mod_text; *++id_loc=delim;
  while (1) {
    if (loc>=limit) {
      err_print("! String didn't end"); loc=limit;
@.String didn't end@>
      if (get_line()==0) {
        err_print("! Input ended in middle of string"); loc=buffer;
@.Input ended in middle of string@>
    if ((c=*loc++)==delim) {
      if (++id_loc<=mod_text_end) *id_loc=c;
      if (*loc==delim) loc++;
      else break;
    if (++id_loc<=mod_text_end) *id_loc=c;
  if (id_loc>=mod_text_end) {
    printf("\n! String too long: ");
@.String too long@>
    printf("..."); mark_error;
