# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Maïeul ROUQUETTE ; Annette von STOCKHAUSEN # GPL 3 # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html # default file configuration #reading hyphen = ("‑","-") # the ≠type of hyphen line_number_r = "\([0-9]*\)" # the regexp to test the line number ellipsis = "([γδ(δι)θλμπÏτφ(ἵν)])’" # the regexp to prevent transforming ellipsis to endquot begin_quote_r = "[‘“«]" # the regexp to find begining of quotation end_quote_r = "[’â€Â»]" # the regexp to find end of quotation paragraph_r = "\((\w+?)\.\) " # the regexp to find a paragraph number chapter_r = "(\d+?\.)" # the regexp to find a chapter number ndash_r = "—" # the ndash in reading begin_insert_r = "<" # the symbol at begining of insert. end_insert_r = ">" # the symbol at end of insert. par_break_r = "^( )" # the begining of paragraph empty_line_r = ("","\r","\n") # the empty lines before_stanza_r = " \n" # before stanza after_stanta_r = " \n" # after stanza #writing par_break_w = "\n\n" # the begining of paragraph begin_quote_w = "\enquote{" # the begining of quotation end_quote_w = "}" # the end of quotation paragraph_w = r"\\marginnote{\1}" # the paragraph number chapter_w = r"\n\\textbf{\1}" # the chapter number unicode_normalize = False # to normalize or not to normalize the Unicode characters ? See the documentation of unicodedata.normalize() on http://docs.python.org/2/library/unicodedata.html. The value : #False : not normalize ? #"NFC" #"NFKC" #"NFD" #"NFKD" ellipsis_back = "’" # the ellipsis symbol ndash_w = "--" # the ndash in writing begin_insert_w = r"\\textins{" # the begining of insert. end_insert_w = "}" # the end of insert. empty_line_w = "\n" line_number_w = "" # the line number at end last_regexp = False # rexgep which are applied at last (("find1","replace1"),("find2","replace2")) before_stanza_w = "\stanza" #before stanza after_stanza_w = "\&" between_stanza_w = "&" #import the config file. try : from config import * except: pass