#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Description: Install TeX packages and their dependencies -- Copyright: 2023-2024 (c) Jianrui Lyu <tolvjr@163.com> -- Repository: https://github.com/lvjr/texfindpkg -- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 tfp = { building = true } kpse.set_program_name("kpsewhich") local tfp = require(kpse.lookup("texfindpkg.lua")) ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Some variables and functions} ------------------------------------------------------------ local tfpMain = tfp.tfpMain local showdbg = tfp.showdbg local dbgPrint = tfp.dbgPrint local fileRead = tfp.fileRead local fileWrite = tfp.fileWrite local getFiles = tfp.getFiles local valueExists = tfp.valueExists local json = tfp.json local gzip = tfp.gzip local tlParsePackageDB = tfp.tlParsePackageDB local mtParsePackageDB = tfp.mtParsePackageDB local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local concat = table.concat local gmatch = string.gmatch local match = string.match ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Compare TeX Live and MiKTeX packages} ------------------------------------------------------------ local tlpkgname = "download/texlive.tlpdb" local mtpkgname = "download/package-manifests.ini" local function compareDistributions() tlpkgtext = fileRead(tlpkgname) if tlpkgtext then tlpkgdata = tlParsePackageDB(tlpkgtext) else print("error in reading texlive package database!") end mtpkgtext = fileRead(mtpkgname) if mtpkgtext then mtpkgdata = mtParsePackageDB(mtpkgtext) else print("error in reading miktex package database!") end local tlmissing, mkmissing = {}, {} for k, vt in pairs(tlpkgdata) do local vm = mtpkgdata[k] -- or "[none]" if vm then mtpkgdata[k] = nil -- remove it if vm ~= vt then print("texlive->" .. vt, "miktex->" .. vm, k) end else insert(mkmissing, {vt, k}) end end for k, v in pairs(mtpkgdata) do print("texlive doesn't include " .. v .. " -> " .. k) end for _, v in ipairs(mkmissing) do print("miktex doesn't include " .. v[1] .. " -> " .. v[2]) end end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Generate json file from cwl files} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function insertNewValue(tbl, val) if not valueExists(tbl, val) then insert(tbl, val) end end local latexcwls = {"tex", "xetex", "luatex", "plaintex", "latex-document", "latex-dev"} local islatexcwl = false local function cwlToRealName(base) if valueExists(latexcwls, base) then return end local n = match(base, "^tikzlibrary(.+)$") if n then return base .. ".code.tex" end local n = match(base, "^tcolorboxlibrary(.+)$") if n then if n == "many" or n == "most" or n == "all" then return nil else return "tcb" .. n .. ".code.tex" end end n = match(base, "^class%-(.+)$") if n then return n .. ".cls" end return base .. ".sty" end local cwldata = {} -- Ignore lines after "# from xxx option of somepkg", see #7 local function ignoreCmdsFromOptions(cwl) local result = "" local isignored = false for line in gmatch(cwl .. "\n\n", "([^\r\n]-)\r?\n") do if not isignored then if match(line, "# from [^ ]+ option of [^ ]+") then isignored = true --print("start ignoring: " .. line) else result = result .. line .. "\n" end else if match(line, "^ -$") or match(line, "^#endif$") then isignored = false --print("stop ignoring: " .. line) end end end if isignored then dbgPrint("missing stop point!") end --print(result) return result end local function extractFileData(cwl) cwl = ignoreCmdsFromOptions(cwl) -- the cwl files have different eol characters local deps = {} for base in gmatch(cwl, "\n#include:(.-)[\r\n]") do --dbgPrint(base) local n = cwlToRealName(base) if n then insertNewValue(deps, n) end end local envs = {} if islatexcwl and cwldata["latex.ltx"] then envs = cwldata["latex.ltx"].envs or {} end for e in gmatch(cwl, "\n\\begin{(.-)}") do --dbgPrint("{" .. e .. "}") insertNewValue(envs, e) end local cmds = {} if islatexcwl and cwldata["latex.ltx"] then cmds = cwldata["latex.ltx"].cmds or {} end for c in gmatch(cwl, "\n\\(%a+)") do if c ~= "begin" and c ~= "end" then --dbgPrint("\\" .. c) if not valueExists(cmds, c) then insert(cmds, c) end end end --return {deps, envs, cmds} if #deps == 0 then deps = nil end if #cmds == 0 then cmds = nil end if #envs == 0 then envs = nil end return {deps = deps, envs = envs, cmds = cmds} end local function writeJson() print("writing json database to file...") local tbl1 = {} for k, v in pairs(cwldata) do insert(tbl1, {k, v}) end table.sort(tbl1, function(a, b) -- make latex.ltx the first item in the json file local aa, bb if a[1] == "latex.ltx" then aa = "001" else aa = a[1] end if b[1] == "latex.ltx" then bb = "001" else bb = b[1] end return aa < bb end) local tbl2 = {} for _, v in ipairs(tbl1) do local item = '"' .. v[1] .. '":' .. json.tostring(v[2]) insert(tbl2, item) end local text = "{\n" .. concat(tbl2, "\n,\n") .. "\n}" fileWrite(text, "texfindpkg.json") fileWrite(gzip.compress(text), "texfindpkg.json.gz") end local cwlpath = "completion" local ignoredcwls = {"optex"} local function generateJsonData() local list = getFiles(cwlpath, "%.cwl$") local fname for _, v in ipairs(list) do local base = match(v, "^(.+)%.cwl") if not valueExists(ignoredcwls, base) then if valueExists(latexcwls, base) then islatexcwl = true fname = "latex.ltx" else islatexcwl = false fname = cwlToRealName(base) end if fname then --print(fname) local cwl = fileRead(cwlpath .. "/" .. v) --print(cwl) if cwl then local item = extractFileData(cwl) dbgPrint(item) cwldata[fname] = item else print("error in reading " .. v) end end end end writeJson() end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Print help or version text} ------------------------------------------------------------ local helptext = [[ usage: texfindpkg <action> [<options>] [<name>] valid actions are: generate Generate texfindpkg.json and texfindpkg.json.gz compare Compare packages in TeXLive and MiKTeX check Check test files and report the results save Check test files and save the results help Print this message and exit version Print version information and exit please report bug at https://github.com/lvjr/texfindpkg ]] local function help() print(helptext) end local function version() print("TeXFindPkg Version " .. tfp.version .. " (" .. tfp.date .. ")\n") end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Check or save test files} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function cmdLineToArgList(cmdline) local tfparg = {} for v in gmatch(cmdline, "([^ ]+)") do insert(tfparg, v) end remove(tfparg, 1) return tfparg end local testpath = "test" local function readTestFiles(v) local tests = {} local text = fileRead(testpath .. "/" .. v) for i, o in gmatch(text, "<<<<+\n(.-)\n%-%-%-%-+\n(.-)\n>>>>+") do --print(i, o) insert(tests, {i, o}) end return tests end local function checkTestFiles() local files = getFiles(testpath, "%.tfp$") for _, v in ipairs(files) do print("checking test file " .. v) local tests = readTestFiles(v) for _, v in ipairs(tests) do local i, o = v[1], v[2] .. "\n" local result = tfpMain(cmdLineToArgList(i)) if o == result then dbgPrint("test passed for '" .. i .. "'") else print("test failed for '" .. i .. "'") end end end end local function saveTestFiles() local files = getFiles(testpath, "%.tfp$") for _, v in ipairs(files) do print("reading test file " .. v) local tests = readTestFiles(v) local text = "" for _, v in ipairs(tests) do local i = v[1] dbgPrint("running test '" .. i .. "'") local o = tfpMain(cmdLineToArgList(i)) local sect = "<<<<<<<<\n" .. i .. "\n--------\n" .. o .. ">>>>>>>>\n" text = text .. sect end print("saving test file " .. v) fileWrite(text, testpath .. "/" .. v) end end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Respond to user input} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function main() if arg[1] == nil then return help() end local action = remove(arg, 1) action = match(action, "^%-*(.*)$") -- remove leading dashes --print(action) if action == "help" then help() elseif action == "version" then version() elseif action == "generate" then generateJsonData() elseif action == "compare" then compareDistributions() elseif action == "check" then checkTestFiles() elseif action == "save" then saveTestFiles() else print("unknown action '" .. action .. "'") help() end end main()