; vgac.asm
; PC VGA graphics control in assembly language
; uses BIOS for keyboard read and setting graphics
; modes, and procedure for setting a VGA pixel
; version for C calling convention :-
;	LARGE model
;	no MAIN entry point
;	assemble only (no link)
;	underscore for C-callable functions
;	don't pop arguments off stack (caller does this)
; J Leis
; 24 May 1994

TITLE	vgac.asm - vga assembler program, callable from C

; stack segment directive

; data segment directive

; code segment directive

_VgaMode	   PROC

    mov ah, 0	; function 0 = set video mode
    mov al, 12h ; mode 12 = vga graphics
    int 10h

_VgaMode     ENDP

_TextMode   PROC

    mov ah, 0	; function 0 = set video
    mov al, 03h ; mode 3 = text
    int 10h

_TextMode	   ENDP

_ShowMessage	  PROC

    pusha	; save registers if necessary

    ; call DOS interrupt to display a message
    mov  bx, 01h
    lea	dx, mesg	 ; equivalent to mov dx, OFFSET mesg
    mov  cx, l_mesg
    mov  ah, 040h
    int  021h


_ShowMessage	  ENDP

_ReadKey	  PROC

    pusha	; save registers if necessary

    mov ah, 00h	; function 0 - wait for key & read it
    int 16h	; int 16h = keyboard services
    ; al now equals ascii code of key


_ReadKey	  ENDP

; setpixel( xc, yc, color )
; stacking order:
;	      memory   near call   far call
;  color      highest	[bp+8]	    [bp+10]
;  y-coord		[bp+6]	    [bp+8]
;  x-coord    lowest	[bp+4]	    [bp+6]
_SetPixel	  PROC

    push bp
    mov bp, sp

    pusha	; save registers if necessary

    mov dx, 03CEh		; graphics controller register

    mov ax, 0205h		; write mode 2
    out dx, ax

    mov ax, 0003h		; function
    out dx, ax

    mov ax, 0A000h		; graphics screen segment
    mov es, ax

    mov ax, [bp+8]	       ; get y co-ord
    mov bx, 640/8		; 80 bytes/line
    mul bx
    mov bx, [bp+6]	       ; get x-coord
    mov cl, 3			; divide by 8 bits/byte
    shr bx, cl
    add bx, ax

    mov al, es:[bx]		; dummy write to latch data in screen RAM
    mov cx, [bp+6]	       ; get x-coord
    and cx, 0007h		; get bit mask
    mov al, 07h
    sub al, cl
    mov ah, 80h
    shr ah, cl			 ; shift to bit position
    mov al, 08h			 ; set mask register

    mov dx, 03CEh		 ; dx destroyed by mul
    out dx, ax			 ; write bit mask

    mov cx, [bp+10]; color	 ; write the color value
    mov es:[bx], cl


    pop bp
    ret 	    ; don't pop args off stack - C does this

_SetPixel	  ENDP

;no  main procedure (main in C)

; end of file