% *ACRONYMS*: % <acronym> <full-form> <len(t & remove)typeset-as> % <equivalent> [full-form] [typeset-as] [:sub-index-as] % AI Artificial Intelligence AIE artificially intelligent encyclopedia ALEPH A Learning Engine for Proposing Hypothesis API application program[ming] interface CFG Context-Free Grammar CLIR Cross Language Information Retrieval CS Computer Science CSG Context-Sensitive Grammar ConSensiCAL Context-Sensitive-Categorial-Attribute-Logic CtWN Catalan WordNet DAG directed acyclic graph DAGs #s DCG Definite Clause Grammar DTD document type definition EL Event Logic ERG English Resource Grammar EU European Union EUWN EuroWordNet EuroWordNet FOPC First Order Predicate Calculus FS feature structure FSs #s HPSG Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar HTML Hypertext Markup Language I/O input/output ILP Inductive Logic Programming IE Information Extraction IR Information Retrieval IS Information Systems KB knowledgebase KBs #s LDOCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English LFG Lexical-Functional Grammar LinGO Linguistic Grammars Online LKB Linguistic Knowledge Builder LOGON Leksikon, ordsemantikk, grammatikk og oversettelse for norsk MDL minimal description length MLE maximum likelihood estimation MRD machine-readable dictionary MRDs #s MRS Minimal Recursion Semantics MT Machine Translation MTRs MRS transfer rules NL natural language NLP Natural Language Processing NLU Natural Language Understanding NLTK Natural Language Toolkit NLTK Lite :Lite NorGram Norsk komputasjonell grammatikk NorKompLeks Norsk komputasjonelt leksikon NorSource Norwegian Resource Grammar NP noun phrase NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology OO object-oriented PAC probably approximately correct POS part of speech PP prepositional phrase PPs #s QA question-answering SBD sentence-boundary detection SNL Store norske leksikon SpWN Spanish WordNet SQL Structured Query Language STrie Static Trie TDAG translation DAG TQL TUC Query Language TUC The Understanding Computer VSM vector-space model WN WordNet WordNet WN20 WordNet 2.0 WN 2.0 WN21 WordNet 2.1 WN 2.1 WSD word-sense disambiguation WSJ Wall Street Journal XLE Xerox Linguistic Environment XML Extensible Markup Language XML-format :-format synset synonym set synsets #s regexp regular expression % Translational resources: % NKL Norsk komputasjonelt leksikon NorEng Norsk-engelsk stor ordbok EngNor Engelsk-norsk stor ordbok ComboNorEng a combination of NorEng and EngNor % *CONCEPTS*: % [^]<index_as> [full_form [typeset_as]] [@sort_as] % <in_text> % [equivalent phrase] adjective adjectives #s adverb adverbs #s ANSI C approximate string matching antonymy Antonymy antonym antonyms #s direct antonymy :direct direct antonyms #s :direct indirect antonymy :indirect indirect antonyms #s :indirect attribute-logic auxiliary verb auxiliary verbs base form root form BirdQuest BusTUC categorial category categories #y class classes #s collocation compound compounds #s endocentric compounds :endocentric compound-word analysis compression concept conceptual density content word content words #s context-sensitive coordinate terms corpora parsed corpora :parsed CYC determiner determiners #s document retrieval EuroWordNet examples positive examples :positive negative examples :negative ExamTUC Extraposition Grammar F-measure first-order predicate logic function word function words grammatical words generality Generative Lexicon GeneTUC grammar grammars #s grammatical head graph acyclic cyclic directed edge node tree undirected vertex graph theory hash index heterarchy heterarchies #y hierarchy hierarchies #y holonym part holonyms :part homograph homographs #s hypernymy hypernym hypernyms #s instance hypernymy :instance hyponymy hyponym hyponyms #s is-a-kind-of is-a instance hyponymy :instance hypothesis interjection interjections #s knowledge representation Kunnskapsforlaget lattice learning compact hypothesis over-fitting smoothing lexeme lexemes #s lexical item lexical items #s lexical category lexical categories #y lexical class lexical classes #s lexicon lexicons #s meronymy meronym meronyms #s mirror semantics MURAX named-entity recognition native XML database nominal nominals #s nominalization nominalizations #s deverbal nominalization :deverbal deverbal nominalizations #s noun nouns #s NRL Ockham's razor OMEGA ontology ontologies phrase PostgreSQL polysemy power set precision preposition prepositions programming language Prolog Python proposition propositions recall related word search search space :space search strategy :strategy semantic network semantic networks #s lexical semantic network semantic type checking semantically redundant sense senses #s SENSUS sentence frames set SICStus similarity similar SIMPLE Snowball stationary stemmer Subversion synonymy synonym synonyms #s propositional synonyms absolute synonymy synonymous taxonomy tokenization Tokenizing translation paths tree trie Trivial Pursuit troponymy TUClopedia type hierarchy unit testing verb verbs #s verb frame verb frames #s verbal complements version control system Verto Wikipedia word class word classes #s closed word class :closed closed word classes #s :closed open word class :open open word classes #s :open word form word forms morphosyntactic word World Book Encyclopedia Zipf's law % *PERSONS*: % AA Aamodt Agnar TA Amble Tore MEB Bayegan May Elisabeth TB Bruland Tore JC Cassens Jörg %MDV Dimitrova-Vulchanova Mila HD Dyvik Helge KME Eide Kristin Melum LdV da Vinci Leonardo ZCF Fulup Zoran \ldots GG Gorrell Genevieve MF Fodstad Marte MLH Hetland Magnus Lie JBJ Johannessen Janne Bondi HM Midelfart Herman TN Nordgård Torbjørn SBN Norås Sindre Bjørnar AT Tveit Amund MDV Vulchanova Mila GKZ Zipf George Kingsley %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% buffer-file-coding-system: latin-1-unix %%% TeX-master: "main" %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "american" %%% mode: flyspell %%% End: