% Module:    ZzTeX New Title Adjustment Scheme
% Synopsis:  The new title adjustment scheme is an improvement over the
%            original scheme provided by \adjusttitle.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   9 July 1997
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Title Adjustment Commands
%                       ----- ---------- --------

%~ This command provides an adjustment to the enclosing title
%~ when it appears in the body of the book. The argument text
%~ is included only when the title appears in the body.

\def \adjustbodytitle #1{%                              {text} %^title_adj
  \if \eqlp{\zadjtitle}{\zadjtitlebody}#1\fi}

%~ This command provides an adjustment to the enclosing title
%~ when it appears in a running head or foot. The argument text
%~ is included only when the title appears in a runner.

\def \adjustmarktitle #1{%                              {text} %^title_adj
  \if \eqlp{\zadjtitle}{\zadjtitlemark}#1\fi}

%~ This command provides an adjustment to the enclosing title
%~ when it appears in the table of contents. The argument text
%~ is included only when the title appears in the ToC.

\def \adjusttoctitle #1{%                               {text} %^title_adj
  \if \eqlp{\zadjtitle}{\zadjtitletoc}#1\fi}

%~ This command provides an adjustment to the enclosing title
%~ when it appears in a mini-Toc. The argument text
%~ is included only when the title appears in a mini-ToC.

\def \adjustminitoctitle #1{%                           {text} %^title_adj
  \if \eqlp{\zadjtitle}{\zadjtitleminitoc}#1\fi}

\def \adjusttitle {%
  \error{obsolete}{The \noexpand\adjusttitle command is obsolete}}
%                       Common Adjustment Commands
%                       ------ ---------- --------

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjustbodytitle{\nl}|.

\def \titlenl;{\adjustbodytitle{\nl}}                   %^title_adj

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjustbodytitle{\tl}|.

\def \titletl;{\adjustbodytitle{\tl}}                   %^title_adj

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjusttoctitle{\nl}|.

\def \tocnl;{\adjusttoctitle{\nl}}                      %^title_adj

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjusttoctitle{\tl}|.

\def \toctl;{\adjusttoctitle{\tl}}                      %^title_adj

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjustminitoctitle{\nl}|.

\def \minitocnl;{\adjustminitoctitle{\nl}}              %^title_adj

%~ This command is equivalent to |\adjustminitoctitle{\tl}|.

\def \minitoctl;{\adjustminitoctitle{\tl}}              %^title_adj