% Module:    ZzTeX General Text Facilities
% Synopsis:  This module contains definitions for blocks that are used to
%            format text.
% Notes:     The tabbing facility was implemented by Richard A. Wells and
%            integrated into ZzTeX on 8/16/94.
% Authors:   Paul C. Anagnostopoulos and Richard A. Wells
% Created:   14 March 1990
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Text Block
%                       ---- -----


%~block text Type, Level
% \abovepenalty = integer               % Penalty above text.
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above text.
% \def \beginformat {...}               % Beginning of text formatter.
% \belowpenalty = integer               % Penalty below text.
% \belowskip = glue                     % Space b/b below text.
% \bodyfont = {font}                    % Body font.
% \def \calloutformat ##1{...}          % Callout formatter.
% \calloutnumber = integer              % Number of first callout.
% \def \callouttext {...}               % Callout text or \arg.
% \defaulttabwidth = dimen              % Default repeating tab width.
% \setflag \enabletabbing = flag        % Enable tabbing commands.
% \def \endformat {...}                 % End of text formatter.
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation.
% \parindent = dimen                    % Paragraph indentation.
% \parrag = dimen                       % Paragraph raggedness.
% \parskip = glue                       % Paragraph skip.
% \rightindent = glue                   % Right indentation.
% \textcolor = {...}                    % Color of text.
% \setflag \verbatimlines = flag        % Treat line breaks verbatim.
% \width = dimen                        % Line width.

\setflag \enabletabbing = \false
\setflag \verbatimlines = \false

\def \text #1{%                                         {type}
  \global\increment \textdepth
  \abovepenalty = \breakgood                            %~default hard
  \def \beginformat {}%                                 %~default soft
  \belowpenalty = \breakgood                            %~default hard
  \calloutnumber = 1                                    %~default with
  \def \callouttext {\number\calloutnumber}%            %~default soft
  \defaulttabwidth = \mindimen                          %~default soft
  \setflag \enabletabbing = \false                      %~default soft
  \def \endformat {}%                                   %~default soft
  \textcolor = {}%                                      %~default soft
  \setflag \verbatimlines = \false                      %~default soft
  \global\increment \textnumber
  \def \zarg {\arg}%
  \if \tokeqlp{\callouttext}{\zarg}%
    \defineatsigncommand @##{\ztextcoformat}%
    \defineatsigncommand @##{\ztextcoformat{\callouttext}}%
  \if \emptytoksp{\textcolor}%
    \if \enabletabbing \ztabinittabbing \fi
    \if \verbatimlines \obeylines \fi
    \if \enabletabbing \ztabstarttabbing \fi}

\def \endtext {%
    % Must really be \par, not \endgraf, because might be redefined
    % for tabbing.
    \if \notp{\verbatimlines}%
      % In \verbatimlines the line preceding \endtext{...} will put
      % out a final \par, but if not we have to do it here.
    \if \enabletabbing \ztabfinaltabbing \fi
  \if \emptytoksp{\textcolor}%
  \futurelet\nexttoken \zendtext}

\def \zendtext {%
  \global\decrement \textdepth

\def \textformat {%

\def \endtextformat {%

\def \ztextcoformat #1{%                                {text}
  \global\increment \calloutnumber}
%                       Tabbing Commands
%                       ------- --------

% These commands are available in a text block if \enabletabbing is turned on.

% \ztabinitalizetabbing
% - Redefines \par
% - Defines the @ commands for tabbing.  (The real work is done in the
%   in the \ztabcmd* macros, defined below.)
% - Initializes variables

\def \ztabinittabbing {%
  % Redefine \par to ship out the tabbed line, \endgraf it and start a
  % new tabbed line
  \let \par = \ztabpar
  % Define tabbing commands
  \def \adjusttabbing ##1{\ztabadjusttabbing{##1}}%
  \defineatsigncommand @.{\ztabcmdset}%
  \defineatsigncommand @>{\ztabcmdforwards}%
  \defineatsigncommand @+{\ztabcmdindent}%
  \defineatsigncommand @-{\ztabcmdoutdent}%
  \defineatsigncommand @D{\ztabcmddiscard}%
  \defineatsigncommand @C{\ztabcmdclear}%
  \defineatsigncommand @E##1{\ztabcmdevery{##1}}%
  % Initialize variables
  \if \verbatimlines
    % The line with \text{...} will put out the first \par, so we
    % want to skip it.
  % Clear all tab stops

\def \ztabparfinishpreviousline {%
          % Set state checked by \ztabendtabcell
          % End last tab cell with \ztabnltrue
        \egroup% closes inner group started below in \ztabmaketabbedline
      \egroup% closes outer group started below in \ztabmaketabbedline
      % Unless discarding, deposit the line and remove the last box
      \if \notp{\ztabdiscardp}%
        % Clear discarding flag
    \endgroup% closes outermost group started by \ztabmaketabbedline
    % We should be back in vertical mode now.
    % Reset \ztabsbox.  The new value is the set of tbd boxes
    % followed by the done boxes.  If not all of the tbd boxes were
    % used this should result in the same set of boxes as the
    % previous value of \ztabsbox.  However, if the tbd boxes were used up
    % then the done boxes may contain additional boxes built on the fly.

\def \ztabparstartnextline {%

\def \ztabpar {% macro used instead of \par in tabbing

\def \ztabstarttabbing {%

\def \ztabfinaltabbing {%
  % Discard and finish last tabbed line started by last \ztabpar

% Variables shared by \ztab* macros

% Counts and dimens for building tab boxes

% Conditionals
%   atnlp: are we at a \nl in tab processing?
\def \ztabatnlfalse {\global\setflag \ztabatnlp=\false}%
\def \ztabatnltrue {\global\setflag \ztabatnlp=\true}%
%   discardp: are we discarding this line's output?
\def \ztabdiscardfalse {\global\setflag \ztabdiscardp=\false}%
\def \ztabdiscardtrue {\global\setflag \ztabdiscardp=\true}%
%   settingp: are we setting?
\def \ztabsettingfalse {\global\setflag \ztabsettingp=\false}%
\def \ztabsettingtrue {\global\setflag \ztabsettingp=\true}%
%   tabbingp: are we tabbing?
\def \ztabtabbingfalse {\global\setflag \ztabtabbingp=\false}%
\def \ztabtabbingtrue {\global\setflag \ztabtabbingp=\true}%

% Boxes to hold the tabs
\definebox{\ztabsbox}% hbox of hboxes for each tab column
\definebox{\ztabstbdbox}% hbox of hbox tab columns still "to be done"
\definebox{\ztabsdonebox}% hbox of hbox tab columns already done
\definebox{\ztabsindentbox}% hbox of indents

% The macros that implement the tabbing commands.  \ztabcmd* are the
% top-level macros called by the @ commands.  Other \ztab* macros are
% helpers.

\def \ztabcmdset {%
  % Set state checked by \ztabendtabcell
  % End the current cell with \ztabsettingtrue
  % Start the next cell

\def \ztabcmdforwards {%
  % Set state checked by \ztabendtabcell
  % End the current cell with \ztabsettingtrue
  % Start the next cell

\def \ztabcmdindent {\global\increment \ztabindentlevel\relax}%

\def \ztabcmdoutdent {%
  \global\decrement \ztabindentlevel\relax
  \if \negp{\ztabindentlevel}%
     \zzerror{Attempt to tab dedent (with \string@-) to left of left margin}%

\def \ztabcmddiscard {%

\def \ztabcmdclear {%                      {boolean: initialization}
  % First clear all boxes
  % Surprise!  Clearing tabs might actually set them, if \defaulttabwidth
  % has been set in the design
  \if \neqlp{\defaulttabwidth}{\mindimen}%
    % Must clear indent level since we've cleared all tabs (note that
    % we intentionally leave indent level alone if there is a
    % \defaulttabwidth!)

\def \ztabcmdevery #1{%
  % First clear all tabs
  % Set new tab columns of the specified width into \ztabsbox
  % Re-init the boxes used by \ztabmaketabbedline
  \ztabinittabboxes{\true}% Flag indicates this is a re-init

% Implementation of the above commands

\def \ztabinittabboxes #1{% Init the tab boxes            {boolean: re-init}
  % First copy \ztabsbox into \ztabstbdbox and clear \ztabsdonebox
  % Put all of the indent boxes that might be built into an hbox
  % which we will emit later, but just before processing cells
    % Initialize counter for loop
    % Iterate \ztabindentlevel times, moving tabboxes from \ztabstbdbox to
    % \ztabsdone, maybe emitting hboxes per indent
    \if \lssp{\ztabindentcounter}{\ztabindentlevel}%
        \increment \ztabindentcounter\relax% increment loop counter
        % Pull \lastbox off of \ztabstbdbox
          % This is a problem.  Not allowed to indent past set tabs.
          \zzerror{Attempt to tab indent (with \string@+, [\the\ztabindentlevel]) past set tabs}%
          % Nothing wrong with the box:  push it on \ztabsdonebox
          % and maybe emit it
          \if \notp{#1}% Not re-initializing
        % Loop test
      \if \lssp{\ztabindentcounter}{\ztabindentlevel}\repeat
  % End hbox

\def \ztabcleartabboxes {% Clear the tab boxes and indent level

\def \ztabsettabs #1{% Deposit tab stops of a specified width in \ztabsbox
  % Loop while \ztabtabpos is less than \hsize, setting another tab
  \if \dimlssp{\ztabtabpos}{\hsize}\repeat}

\def \ztabsetanother {% Helper for \ztabsettabs, immediately preceding
  % Advance the counter
  \advance \ztabtabpos by \ztabcolwidth
  % Set another tab by "pushing" another hbox into the \ztabsbox hbox
  % followed by its old set of hboxes
  \setbox\ztabsbox\hbox{\hbox to\ztabcolwidth{}\unhbox\ztabsbox}}

\def \ztabmaketabbedline {% Build a line of tabbed text
  % Start outermost group that redefines \nl
    % Inittab boxes (this also builds \ztabsindentbox)
    \ztabinittabboxes{\false}% Flag indicates NOT a re-init
    % \nl is a synonym for modified \par
    % \zboxa will contain the entire tabbed line in a vbox.
    % (It is unvboxed in \nl and may be discarded if a @D is encountered.)
    % start outer group closed by \nl that holds state of \ztabatnlp
      % don't want to indent a tabbed line
      % Init conditionals
      % start inner group closed by \nl that surrounds set of tabboxes
      % and uses \zboxc as an hbox for the current cell.
        % emit indentation box
        % start the first cell
        % material for a cell will follow here and be ended by
        % either a @ command or \nl, all of which will deposit
        % \ztabendtabcell.  The @ commands will begin another tab cell and
        % \nl will also finish all of the groups started by
        % \ztabmaketabbedline and put out the line.

\def \ztabbegintabcell {%
  % \zboxc contains an hbox as the current cell of tabbed material.
  % (It is deposited at the end of \ztabendtabcell.)
  \bgroup% opens group closed in \ztabendtabcell

\def \ztabendtabcell {%
  \if \ztabatnlp
    % Processing last cell in this row.  Close group opened in
    % \ztabbegintabcell w/o bothering to re-set tabboxes.
    % Close this cell's group (opened in \ztabbegintabcell) with \hss,
    % since this is not the last cell.
    % "Pop" current tabbox from \ztabstbdbox, measure it, deposit tabbed
    % material into properly sized box and then "push" tabbox onto \ztabsdonebox
    %   "Pop" from the end of \ztabstbdbox using \lastbox into \zboxb
    %   Process the current tabbox
      \if \ztabtabbingp
        \zzerror{Attempt to tab (with \string@>) past set tabs}%
        % The current tabbox is void, so we set it to a box that is the
        % natural width of \zboxc (which contains the cell material).
        \global\setbox\zboxb\hbox to\wd\zboxc{}%
      \if \ztabsettingp
        % Re-set previously stored tabbox to natural width of the cell (\zboxc)
        \global\setbox\zboxb\hbox to\wd\zboxc{}%
      % Re-deposit the cell material into \zboxc using the width of the
      % current tabbox.
      \setbox\zboxc\hbox to\wd\zboxb{\unhbox\zboxc}%
    %   "Push" the current tabbox measure onto the \ztabsdonebox set of boxes.
    %   (Note that this might have come from \ztabstbdbox or been measured from
    %   \zboxc if there were no more tabboxes, so this is where an "on-the-fly"
    %   tab is added to \ztabsdone, which will later be copied back into
    %   \ztabsbox for the next line.)
  % Clear conditional variables
  % emit box for this cell

\def \ztabadjusttabbing #1{%                    {vertical-mode material}
  % Close and discard currently open tabbed line (empty, but started
  % by end of previous line).
  % Insert vertical material
  % If in verbatimlines must set this line to be discarded by
  % the newline which ends the \adjusttabbing{...} line, which will also
  % start the next line.
  \if \verbatimlines
  % Start next tabbed line
%                       Builtin Text Blocks
%                       ------- ---- ------

% The following text block formats text in a completely normal fashion.
% It can be used with \with to make small changes to the text format.

\def \textnormalidesign {%
  \calculate \aboveskip = {\enclosingbaselineskip,+,\enclosingparskip}%
  \belowskip = \aboveskip
  \bodyfont = {}%
  \leftindent = \enclosingleftss
  \parindent = \enclosingparindent
  \parrag = \enclosingparrag
  \parskip = \enclosingparskip
  \rightindent = \enclosingrightss
  \setflag \verbatimlines = \false
  \width = \naturalwidth}

\def \textnormaliidesign {%
\def \textnormaliiidesign {%
\def \textnormalivdesign {%

\def \setflushingleft {%
  \leftindent = 0pt
  \parfillskip = \normalparfillskip
  \parindent = 0pt
  \rightindent = 0pt
  \width = \naturalwidth}

% This text block centers text relative to the current left and right
% indentation.

\def \textcenteridesign {%

\def \textcenteriidesign {%
\def \textcenteriiidesign {%
\def \textcenterivdesign {%

\def \setcentering {%
  \leftindent = \centerindent
  \parfillskip = 0pt
  \parindent = 0pt
  \rightindent = \centerindent
  \width = \naturalwidth}

% This text block positions text flush right.

\def \textflushrightidesign {%

\def \textflushrightiidesign {%
\def \textflushrightiiidesign {%
\def \textflushrightivdesign {%

\def \setflushingright {%
  \leftindent = \centerindent
  \parfillskip = 0pt
  \parindent = 0pt
  \rightindent = 0pt
  \width = \naturalwidth}

% This text block squares off the last line of paragraphs.

\def \textflushendidesign {%
  \parfillskip = 0pt}

\def \textflushendiidesign {%
\def \textflushendiiidesign {%
\def \textflushendivdesign {%

\def \flushendpar {%
  \zskipa = \parfillskip
  \parfillskip = 0pt
  \parfillskip = \zskipa}

% This text block sets text in the full type width.

\def \texttypeareaidesign {%
  \leftindent = -\oddlefttextmargin
  \width = \typeareawidth}

\def \texttypeareaiidesign {%

% This command centers a single line or sets multiple lines in block format.

\def \centerorblockpar #1#2{%                           {width}{text}
  \if \dimlssp{\tdimena}{#1}%
    \noindent #2\par
%                       Code Block
%                       ---- -----


%~block code Type
% \abovepenalty = integer               % Penalty above code.
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above code.
% \setflag \allowbreaks = boolean       % Page breaks allowed?
% \setflag \allowatsigncommands = boolean       % Allow at-sign commands.
% \setflag \allowcallouttag = boolean   % Allow \tag for callout numbers.
% \setflag \allowTeXcommands = boolean  % Allow commands with \ { }
% \setflag \allowTeXmath = boolean      % Allow math with $ _ ^
% \setflag \autocallout = boolean       % Automatically number lines?
% \def \beginformat {...}               % Beginning of code formatter.
% \belowpenalty = integer               % Penalty below code.
% \belowskip = glue                     % Space b/b below code.
% \bodyfont = {...}                     % Font for text.
% \def \calloutformat ##1{...}          % Callout formatter.
% \calloutnumber = integer              % Number of first callout.
% \def \callouttext {...}               % Callout text or \arg.
% \codegapskip = glue                   % Standard code gap (see \codegap).
% \def \endformat {...}                 % End of code formatter.
% \hfuzz = dimen                        % Amount text can exceed \hsize.
% \indentcolumns = integer              % Standard indentation amount.
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation.
% \metafont = {font}                    % Font for metasyntactic names.
% \rightindent = glue                   % Right indentation.
% \textcolor = {...}                    % Color of text.
% \setflag \verbatimchars = flag        % Take all characters verbatim?
% \setflag \verbatimspaces = flag       % Take all spaces verbatim?
% \width = dimen                        % Width of code.



\definecount{\zcodehyph}{0}             % To remember hyphen character.

\def \code #1{%                                 {type}
  \global\increment \codedepth
  \abovepenalty = \breakgood                    %~default hard
  \setflag \allowatsigncommands = \false        %~default soft
  \setflag \allowcallouttag = \false            %~default soft
  \setflag \allowTeXcommands = \true            %~default soft
  \setflag \allowTeXmath = \false               %~default soft
  \setflag \autocallout = \false                %~default soft
  \def \beginformat {}%                         %~default soft
  \belowpenalty = \breakbetter                  %~default hard
  \calloutnumber = 1                            %~default with
  \def \callouttext {\number\calloutnumber}%    %~default soft
  \codegapskip = \mindimen                      %~default soft
  \def \endformat {}%                           %~default soft
  \indentcolumns = 3                            %~default soft
  \textcolor = {}%                              %~default soft
  \setflag \verbatimchars = \true               %~default soft
  \setflag \verbatimspaces = \true              %~default soft
  \codelinenumber = 1\relax
  \global\increment \codenumber
  \let \par = \zcodepar
  \if \verbatimspaces \obeyspaces \fi
  \let \zrealincl = \include
  \let \include = \zcodeincl
  \let \zrealfn = \footnote
  \let \footnote = \zcodefn
  \def \zarg {\arg}%
  \if \tokeqlp{\callouttext}{\zarg}%
    \def \!{\zcodecoformat}%
    \def \!{\zcodecoformat{\callouttext}}%
  \settaginfo{}{}%                      % No tag information so far.
  \if \notp{\emptytoksp{\textcolor}}\color{\the\textcolor}\fi
  \begingroup                           % So we can undo the following things.
    \if \autocallout \everyparagraph = {\!}\fi
    \if \verbatimchars

{\catcode`\^^M = \catactive
\gdef \zcodeflushline #1^^M{}%

\gdef \endcode^^M{%
%%%    \columnbreak{\breakallowed}%        % Allow break after last line.
  \endgroup                             % Undo the \uncatcode,
  \if \notp{\emptytoksp{\textcolor}}\endcolor \fi%
  \futurelet\nexttoken \zendcode}%      % and grab onto the next character.
} % \catcode

\def \zendcode {%
  \hyphenchar\font = \zcodehyph
  \setlist \zcodeadjlist = {}%
  \global\decrement \codedepth

\def \codeformat {%
  \zcodehyph = \hyphenchar\font
  \hyphenchar\font = -1
  \parskip = 0pt \parindent = 0pt

\def \zcodepar {%
  \increment \codelinenumber
  \if \hmodep
    \if \notp{\allowbreaks}\nobreak \relax \fi     
    \if \notp{\allowbreaks}\nobreak \relax \fi
    \vskip \baselineskip

% This macro allows the compositor to noninvasively adjust pages between
% lines of code.

\setlist \zcodeadjlist = {}

\long\def \codeadjustment #1#2{%                {line-number}{commands}

\long\def \zchkcodeadj {%

\long\def \zchkcodeadjb #1#2{%                  {line-number}{commands}
  \if \eqlp{#1}{\codelinenumber}%

\def \zcodecoformat #1{%                                {text}
  {\ztoksa = {}%
   \zcodecocln #1\zmark
  \if \allowcallouttag \settaginfo{#1}{???}\fi
  \global\increment \calloutnumber}

\def \zcodecocln #1#2\zmark{%
  \ifx #1\ \else \ztoksa = \expandafter{\the\ztoksa#1}\fi
  \if \notp{\emptyargp{#2}}\zcodecocln #2\zmark \fi}
%                       Code Tools
%                       ---- -----

%~ This command is used to place a math expression in a
%~ code block that doesn't allow dollar signs.

\def \codemath {%                                       $math$ %^code
  \let \znext = }                                       % Discard opening $.

%~ This command produces a vertical ellipsis in code,
%~ with optional text explaining the omission.

\def \codeellipsis #1{%                                 {text} %^code
  {\lower .85\baselineskip \hbox{%
     \vbox{\baselineskip = .5\baselineskip \lineskiplimit = 0pt
           \kern \baselineskip \hbox{.}\hbox{.}\hbox{.}\kern \baselineskip}}%
   \unbreakable\quad {\the\metafont #1}}}%

{\catcode`\^^M = \catactive

% The \include macro is redefined to use this version, which eats
% the newline at the end of the line.

\gdef \zcodeincl #1^^M{\zrealincl{#1}}%

% The \footnote macro is redefined so that it turns off \obeylines.

\gdef \zcodefn {%
    \let ^^M = \space%

\gdef \zcodefnb #1{%

%~ This command allows a vertical adjustment between two lines
%~ of code. A typical use would be
%~   \adjustcode{\fullpagebreak}

\gdef \adjustcode #1#2^^M{#1}%                          {command} %^code

%~ Blank lines in code should be produced with this command.
%~ A regular blank line produces too much space.

\gdef \codegap #1^^M{%                                  %^code
  \if \dimnegp{\codegapskip}%

} % \catcode
%                       Code Fragment
%                       ---- --------

%~ A "code fragment" is a short sequence of program code in the running text.
%~ Most books use |\mono|, which is defined in terms of this command.

\def \codefragment #1#2#3#4{%                   {prefix}{suffix}{font}{text}
   \if \monoencodingp \spaceskip = 1.2\tdimena \fi
   \relax #4%
%                       Multicolumn Block
%                       ----------- -----


%~block multicolumn Type
% \abovepenalty = integer               % Penalty above block.
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Visual space above block.
% \belowpenalty = integer               % Penalty below block. 
% \belowskip = glue                     % Visual space below block.
% \brokenpenalty = penalty              % For hyphenation at bottom of column.
% \columngutter = dimen                 % Width of column gutter.
% \columnrulecolor = {color}            % Color of rule separating columns.
% \columnrulewidth = dimen              % Width of rule.
% \columns = integer                    % Number of columns.
% \setflag \flushbottom = flag          % Should bottoms be flush?
% \leftindent = glue                    % Indentation for left edge.
% \margins = {left,right,top,bottom}    % Four margins.
% \parrag = dimen                       % Paragraph raggedness.
% \setflag \preservelistdepth = flag    % Preserve list depth?
% \siderulecolor = {color}              % Color of rules on sides.
% \siderulewidth = dimen                % Width of rules.
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift for entire element.
% \width = dimen                        % Width of each column.



\def \multicolumn #1{%                                  {type}
  \global\increment \multicolumndepth
  \abovepenalty = \breakgood                            %~default hard
  \belowpenalty = \breakgood                            %~default hard
  \brokenpenalty = \breaknever                          %~default soft
  \setflag \preservelistdepth = \false                  %~default soft
  \vshift = 0pt                                         %~default soft
  \global\increment \multicolumnnumber
  \expandafter\zmcparse \the\margins\zmark
  \setbox \zmctext = \vtop\bgroup
    \zentrylistdepth = \listdepth
    \if \preservelistdepth \global\listdepth = \zentrylistdepth \fi

\def \endmulticolumn {%
  \egroup % \vtop
  \global\decrement \multicolumndepth

\def \zbuildmc {%
  \splitmaxdepth = \dp\strutbox
  \vbadness = 10000                             % Do we want this?
  \setbox \zmctext = \vbox{%
    \vskip \splittopskip
    \vskip -\ht\zmctext
    \unvbox \zmctext
    \unskip \unpenalty \unskip}%
  \hindent{\leftindent} \lower \vshift \box\zmcbox \par
  \prevdepth = 0pt                              % Nothing better to do.

\def \zbuildmca {%
  \zmccolumn = \columns
  \zmcmaxht = 0pt
    \calculate \tdimena =
    \setbox \name{\zmccol\romannumeral\zmccolumn} = 
      \if \onep{\zmccolumn}\box\zmctext \else
          \vsplit \zmctext to \tdimena \fi
    \tdimena = \ht\name{\zmccol\romannumeral\zmccolumn}%
    \if \dimgtrp{\tdimena}{\zmcmaxht}\zmcmaxht = \tdimena \fi
    \decrement \zmccolumn
  \if \posp{\zmccolumn}\repeat}

\def \zbuildmcb {%
  \setbox \zmcbox = \hbox{%
    \vrule width \siderulewidth
    \hskip -\siderulewidth
    \hskip \zmcleft
    \zmccolumn = \columns
      \tdimena = \dp\name{\zmccol\romannumeral\zmccolumn}%
      \setbox \zboxa = \vbox to \zmcmaxht {%
        \unvbox \name{\zmccol\romannumeral\zmccolumn}%
        \if \notp{\flushbottom}\vfil \fi
        \vskip -\tdimena
        \vskip \zmcbottom}%
      \calculate \tdimena = {\ht\zboxa,-,\splittopskip}%
      \lower \tdimena \hbox{\box\zboxa}%
      \if \gtrp{\zmccolumn}{1}%
        \hskip .5\columngutter
        \hskip -.5\columnrulewidth
        \vrule width \columnrulewidth
        \hskip -.5\columnrulewidth
        \hskip .5\columngutter
      \decrement \zmccolumn
    \if \posp{\zmccolumn}\repeat
    \hskip \zmcright
    \hskip -\siderulewidth
    \vrule width \siderulewidth}}

\def \zmcparse #1,#2,#3,#4\zmark{%
  \def \zmcleft {#1\relax}%
  \def \zmcright {#2\relax}%
  \splittopskip = #3\relax
  \def \zmcbottom {#4\relax}}