%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Module: ZzTeX Register Facilities % % Synopsis: This module provides facilities for defining and manipulating % TeX registers. % % Author: Paul C. Anagnostopoulos % Created: 13 August 1989 % % Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos % under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Register Definition % -------- ---------- % The following constant specifies the number of the first insert register % set. Such a set is composed of a count, dimen, skip, and box. \chardef \zfirstinsert = 245 % Establish counters to keep track of the most recently allocated % registers. The registers are initialized to the first available % register. \count10 = 20 % Count registers. \count11 = 0 % Dimen registers. \count12 = 0 % Skip registers. \count13 = 0 % Muskip registers. \count14 = 1 % Box registers (Plain TeX uses box 0). \count15 = 0 % Toks registers. \count16 = 0 % Read streams. \count17 = 0 % Write streams. \count18 = 0 % Math families. \count19 = \zfirstinsert % Insertion register sets. % There is one macro for each type of register, used to allocate one. \def \definecount #1#2{% {\name}{initial} \zalloc{\count}{10}{\zfirstinsert}{\countdef}{#1}% #1 = #2} \def \definedimen #1#2{% {\name}{initial} \zalloc{\dimen}{11}{\zfirstinsert}{\dimendef}{#1}% #1 = #2} \def \defineskip #1#2{% {\name}{initial} \zalloc{\skip}{12}{\zfirstinsert}{\skipdef}{#1}% #1 = #2} \def \definemuskip #1#2{% {\name}{initial} \zalloc{\muskip}{13}{255}{\muskipdef}{#1}% Muskip 255 is scratch. #1 = #2} \def \definebox #1{% {\name} \zalloc{\box}{14}{\zfirstinsert}{\chardef}{#1}} \def \definetoks #1{% {\name} \zalloc{\toks}{15}{256}{\toksdef}{#1}% #1 = {}} \def \defineread #1{% {\name} \zalloc{\read}{16}{16}{\chardef}{#1}} \def \definewrite #1{% {\name} \zalloc{\write}{17}{16}{\chardef}{#1}} % Families are not defined directly by the user, but via \definetypestyle. \def \zdeffam #1{% {\name} \if \lssp{\count18}{15}% \zalloc{\fam}{18}{16}{\chardef}{#1}% \else \global\chardef #1=\count18 \fi} \def \defineinsert #1{% {\name} \zalloc{\insert}{19}{255}{\chardef}{#1}} % Registers 255 are scratch. \def \zalloc #1#2#3#4#5{% {type}{counter}{limit}{\def-er}{\name} \if \eqlp{\count#2}{#3}% \error{noregsleft}{All `\string#1' registers have been allocated}% \fi \if \definedp{#5}% \error{dupreg}{The register `\string#5' is already defined}% \fi \global#4 #5=\count#2 \global\increment {\count#2}} % Register Statistics % -------- ---------- {\catcode`\_ = \catactive \gdef \zregstats {% {\def _{\space}% \writelog{}% \writelog{Register Statistics:}% \writelog{}% \writelog{Type_____Used / Total}% \writelog{----_____------------}% \zrsone{Count_}{10}{\zfirstinsert}{}% \zrsone{Dimen_}{11}{\zfirstinsert}{}% \zrsone{Skip__}{12}{\zfirstinsert}{}% \zrsone{Muskip}{13}{255}{}% \zrsone{Box___}{14}{\zfirstinsert}{}% \zrsone{Toks__}{15}{256}{}% \zrsone{Read__}{16}{16}{}% \zrsone{Write_}{17}{16}{}% \zrsone{Family}{18}{256}{(15 for math)}% \zrsone{Insert}{19}{255}{(starts at \the\zfirstinsert)}% \writelog{}}} \gdef \zrsone #1#2#3#4{% {name}{counter}{ex-limit}{comment} \tcounta = #3 \advance \tcounta by -1 \writelog{#1___\the\count#2 _/_\the\tcounta_#4}} } % \catcode % Constant Registers % -------- --------- \definecount{\maxcount}{2147483647} \definecount{\mincount}{-\maxcount} \zremovePlaindef \maxdimen \definedimen{\maxdimen}{16383.99999pt} \definedimen{\mindimen}{-\maxdimen} \definedimen{\naturalwidth}{\mindimen} \defineskip{\centerindent}{0pt plus 10000pt} \let \centering = \centerindent \defineskip{\normalparfillskip}{0pt plus 1fil} \definebox{\voidbox} % Permanently void box register. % Temporary Internal Registers % --------- -------- --------- \definecount{\tcounta}{0} \definecount{\tcountb}{0} \definecount{\tcountc}{0} \definedimen{\tdimena}{0pt} \definedimen{\tdimenb}{0pt} \definedimen{\tdimenc}{0pt} \definedimen{\tdimend}{0pt} \defineskip{\zskipa}{0pt} \defineskip{\zskipb}{0pt} \defineskip{\zskipc}{0pt} \definemuskip{\zmuskipa}{0mu} \definemuskip{\zmuskipb}{0mu} \definemuskip{\zmuskipc}{0mu} \definebox{\zboxa} \definebox{\zboxb} \definebox{\zboxc} \definetoks{\ztoksa} \definetoks{\ztoksb} \definetoks{\ztoksc} \defineread{\zreada} \definewrite{\zwritea} % Manipulating Boxes % ------------ ----- \def \shiftboxbaseline #1#2{% {\box}{amount} {\tdimena = #2% \tdimenb = \ht#1% \advance \tdimenb by \tdimena \ht#1= \tdimenb \tdimenb = \dp#1% \advance \tdimenb by -\tdimena \dp#1= \tdimenb}} % Lists % ----- % These macros support the manipulation of lists in the following format: % % \:{<element-0>}\:{<element-1>}\: ... % % All lists are global! % We need two toks registers, which will be used just for lists. \definetoks{\zlta} \definetoks{\zltb} \def \setlist #1=#2{% \listname = {value} \zlta = \expandafter{#2}% \xdef #1{\the\zlta}} \long\def \append #1#2{% {item}{\list-name} {\zlta = {\:{#1}}% \zltb = \expandafter{#2}% \xdef #2{\the\zltb\the\zlta}}} \long\def \appendlf #1#2{% {\list-name}{item} {\zlta = {\:{#2}}% \zltb = \expandafter{#1}% \xdef #1{\the\zltb\the\zlta}}} \long\def \prepend #1#2{% {item}{\list-name} {\zlta = {\:{#1}}% \zltb = \expandafter{#2}% \xdef #2{\the\zlta\the\zltb}}} \let \push = \prepend \def \pop #1#2{% {\return-macro}{\list-name} \expandafter\zpop #2\zmark#1#2} \long\def \zpop \:#1#2\zmark#3#4{% \def #3{#1}% \gdef #4{#2}} \def \listtop #1#2{% {\return-macro}{\list-name} \expandafter\zlisttop #2\zmark#1} \long\def \zlisttop \:#1#2\zmark#3{% \def #3{#1}} \definecount{\zmapldepth}{0} \def \maplist #1#2{% {body}{\listname} \increment \zmapldepth \withname\let{\zmapl\romannumeral\zmapldepth}=\:% \long\def \:##1{#1}% #2% \expandafter\let \expandafter\:\csname zmapl\romannumeral\zmapldepth\endcsname \decrement \zmapldepth} \def \maplistlf #1#2{% {\listname}{body} \increment \zmapldepth \withname\let{\zmapl\romannumeral\zmapldepth}=\:% \long\def \:##1{#2}% #1% \expandafter\let \expandafter\:\csname zmapl\romannumeral\zmapldepth\endcsname \decrement \zmapldepth} \def \exitmaplist {\def \:##1{}} \def \listlength #1#2{% {\result-count}{\list} #1= 0 \maplist{\increment #1}{#2}} \def \member #1#2#3{% {\result-flag}{item}{\list} \setflag #1= \false \maplist{\stringeql{#1}{##1}{#2}\if #1\exitmaplist \fi} {#3}} \def \commalist #1#2{% {\result-name}{comma-list} \setlist #1={}% \expandafter\zcomma #2,\zmark#1} \def \zcomma #1,#2\zmark#3{% \if \notp{\emptyargp{#1}}\append{#1}{#3}\fi \if \notp{\emptyargp{#2}}% \def \znext {\zcomma #2\zmark#3}% \else \let \znext = \relax \fi \znext} \def \inclusionlist #1#2#3{% {\result}{item}{inclusion-list} \zincla {#1}{#2}#3\zmark} \let \all = \relax \let \allbut = \relax \def \zallname {\all} \def \zallbutname {\allbut} \def \zincla #1#2#3#4\zmark{% {\result}{item}{token1}{tokens...} \def \znext {#3}% \if \tokeqlp{\znext}{\zallname}% \setflag #1= \true \else \if \tokeqlp{\znext}{\zallbutname}% \commalist{\zincllist}{#4}% \member{#1}{#2}{\zincllist}% \setflag #1= {\notp{#1}}% \else \commalist{\zincllist}{#3#4}% \member{#1}{#2}{\zincllist}% \fi\fi} % New Expression Evaluation % --- ---------- ---------- % These macros provide a rudimentary expression evaluation facility. % The accumulator can be a count, dimen, or skip register. The expression % is in the form {operand0,op1,operand1,op2,operand2,...}. % % WARNING: The \register cannot be used in the expression except possibly % as the first operand. \definedimen{\zcalct}{0pt} \def \calculate #1=#2{% \register = {expression} \let \zaccum = #1% \zcalca =,#2,;,,\zmark} \def \gcalculate #1=#2{% \register = {expression} \let \zaccum = #1% \zcalca =,#2,;,,\zmark \global \zaccum = \zaccum} \def \zcalca #1,#2,#3\zmark{% \def \znext{\zcalca #3\zmark}% \if #1=\zaccum = #2% % Assignment \else\if #1+\advance \zaccum #2% % Addition \else\if #1-\advance \zaccum -#2% % Subtraction \else\if #1*\multiply \zaccum #2% % Multiplication \else\if #1/\divide \zaccum #2% % Division \else\if #1N\if \dimlssp{#2}{\zaccum}\zaccum = #2\fi % Minimum \else\if #1P\divide \zaccum 100 % Percentage \expandafter\zaccum #2\zaccum \else\if #1R\zcalct = #2% % Ratio \divide \zcalct by 4096 \divide \zaccum by \zcalct \multiply \zaccum by 16\relax \else\if #1S\zaccum = \thefactor#2\zaccum % Scale \else\if #1X\if \dimgtrp{#2}{\zaccum}\zaccum = #2\fi % Maximum \else\if #1;\let \znext = \relax % Done \else \error{invoper}{Invalid operator `#1' in expression}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \znext} % Calculating Values % ----------- ------ %%%\defineskip{\zcaccum}{0pt} %%%\setflag \zexprpos = \true %%% %%%\def \calculate #1=#2{% {\reg} = {expression} %%% \commalist{\zexprlist}{#2}% %%% \zcaccum = 0pt %%% \def \zoper {+}% %%% \setflag \zexprpos = \true %%% \maplist{\zcalc{##1}}{\zexprlist}% %%% #1=\zcaccum} %%% %%%\def \gcalculate #1=#2{% {\reg} = {expression} %%% \commalist{\zexprlist}{#2}% %%% \zcaccum = 0pt %%% \def \zoper {+}% %%% \setflag \zexprpos = \true %%% \maplist{\zcalc{##1}}{\zexprlist}% %%% \global #1=\zcaccum} %%% %%%\def \zcalc #1{% {token} %%% \if \zexprpos %%% \zcalcb{#1}% %%% \setflag \zexprpos = \false %%% \else %%% \def \zoper {#1}% %%% \setflag \zexprpos = \true %%% \fi} %%% %%%\def \zcalcb #1{% {operand} %%% \if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{+}% % Add. %%% \advance \zcaccum by #1% %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{-}% % Subtract. %%% \advance \zcaccum by -#1% %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{*}% % Multiply. %%% \multiply \zcaccum by #1% %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{/}% % Divide. %%% \divide \zcaccum by #1% %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{P}% %%% \divide \zcaccum by 100 %%% \expandafter \zcaccum #1\zcaccum %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{R}% % Compute ratio (in points). %%% \zcalct = #1% %%% \divide \zcalct by 4096 %%% \divide \zcaccum by \zcalct %%% \multiply \zcaccum by 16\relax %%% \else\if \codeeqlp{\zoper}{S}% % Scale (in points). %%% \zcaccum = \thefactor#1\zcaccum %%% \else %%% \error{invoper}{Invalid operator `\zoper' in expression}% %%% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} % The Vertical Context % --- -------- ------- % This is in here because we need registers. Otherwise it would be % in ZZTEX.TEX \definecount{\zvcontextdepth}{0} \definetoks{\zeveryvcontext} \global\zeveryvcontext = {} \def \zdeclareeveryvcontext #1{% \global\zeveryvcontext = \expandafter{\the\zeveryvcontext #1}} \def \zpushvcontext {% \global\increment \zvcontextdepth \withname\gdef{\zvcontextstack\romannumeral\zvcontextdepth}{}% \the\zeveryvcontext} \def \zpopvcontext {% {\globaldefs = 1\relax \name{\zvcontextstack\romannumeral\zvcontextdepth}}% \global\decrement \zvcontextdepth} \def \zsavevcontext #1{% {\ztoksa = \expandafterthrice{% \name{\zvcontextstack\romannumeral\zvcontextdepth}}% \withname\xdef{\zvcontextstack\romannumeral\zvcontextdepth}% {\the\ztoksa #1}}}