% Module:    ZzTeX Page Overlay Facilities
% Synopsis:  This file provides the ability to overlay text and rules
%            on each page.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   29 March 2006
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Overlay & Proof Identification
%                       ------- - ----- --------------

\setflag \zoverlayset = \false
\zoverlay = {blind}
\zproofid = {}

\def \setpageoverlay #1{%                                       {name}
  \global\setflag \zoverlayset = \true
  \global\zoverlay = {#1}}

\def \proofidentification #1{%                                  {text}
  \zproofid = {#1}}

\def \zproofidfile {%
  \immediate\openout \zwritea = \jobname.zzq\relax
  \immediate\write \zwritea {\the\zproofid}%
  \immediate\closeout \zwritea}
%                       Builtin Overlays
%                       ------- --------


\def \pageoverlayblind {}

\def \pageoverlaytrimbox {%
    \vbox to \trimheight{%

\def \pageoverlaytrimmarks {%
    \vbox to \trimheight{%
%                       Page Length Marks
%                       ---- ------ -----

\def \zpagelengthmarks {%
    \calculate \tdimena = {\headmargin,+,\typeareaheight,-,\footerheight}%
    \vskip \tdimena
    \hbox to \trimwidth{%
      \llap{\vrule height \zoverlaythickness width .75pc}\hfil
      \rlap{\vrule height \zoverlaythickness width .75pc}}}}
%                       Slug Line
%                       ---- ----


\def \zslugline {%
  \if \notp{\emptytoksp{\zproofid}}%
    \kern \trimheight
    \if \dimgtrp{\trimheight}{10.75in}\kern -.25in \fi
    \kern -8pt
    \hbox to \trimwidth{%
      \the\zproofid \quad
      \number\year/\number\month/\number\day\space \formattime \quad
      p. \folio \hspace{5pt}%
      \if \notp{\emptytoksp{\divisionname}}(\the\divisionname)\fi
      \inicompositor, \iniinitials \quad
      \ZzTeX\ \ZzTeXversion