% Module:    ZzTeX Notes Facilities
% Synopsis:  This module defines various blocks that produce "notes", such
%            as footnotes.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   28 September 1989
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Footnotes
%                       ---------


% The footnote parameters are used at two different times: when the 
% \footnote macro appears, and when the page is output.

% The \referencing parameter takes the following values:
%   0:  Produce neither a reference nor an intro number.
%   1:  Produce an intro number, but no reference.
%   2:  Produce both a reference and an intro number.

%~block footnote
% \aboveskip = glue                     % Space b/b above first footnote line.
% \setflag \abutting = flag             % True if note abutts previous one.
% \bodyfont = {...}                     % Font for footnote text.
% \def \comptextformat {...}            % Composite number text formatter.
% \internoteskip = glue                 % Extra space between footnotes.
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation.
% \height = dimen                       % Maximum height on page.
% \interlinepenalty = penalty           % Penalty between footnote lines.
% \def \noteintroformat {...}           % Footnote intro formatter.
% \def \noterefformat {...}             % Footnote reference formatter.
% \parindent = dimen                    % Paragraph indent.
% \parrag = dimen                       % Paragraph raggedness.
% \parskip = glue                       % Paragraph skip.
% \referencing = integer                % How the footnote is referenced.
% \rightindent = glue                   % Right indentation.
% \rulecolor = {...}                    % Color of rule.
% \rulewidth = dimen                    % Width of rule.
% \ruleheight = dimen                   % Height of rule.
% \ruleshift = dimen                    % Horizontal shift of rule.
% \ruleskip = dimen                     % Space b/b below rule.
% \def \spilloverride {...}             % Override parameters on spillover.
% \textcolor = {...}                    % Color of text.



\def \footnote {%                                       {text}
  \global\increment \footnotedepth
  \setflag \abutting = \false                           %~default with
  \referencing = 2                                      %~default with
  \interlinepenalty = \breakworse                       %~default hard
  \rulecolor = {black}%                                 %~default soft
  \ruleshift = 0pt                                      %~default soft
  \def \spilloverride {}%                               %~default soft
  \textcolor = {black}%                                 %~default soft
  \if \posp{\referencing}%
    \global\increment \footnotenumber
    \footnotecomptext = {???}%
  \if \andp{\hmodep}{\eqlp{\referencing}{2}}%
    {\edef \zsf {\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}%
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color push rgb 1 0 1}\fi
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color pop}\fi

\def \footnoteinsert {%
  \global\count\zfninsert = 1000
  \global\dimen\zfninsert = \height
  \global\skip\zfninsert = \aboveskip
  \global\advance \skip\zfninsert by -\internoteskip
  \global\advance \skip\zfninsert by -\ht\strutbox      % of footnote text.
  \insert \zfninsert \bgroup
    \parfillskip = \normalparfillskip
    \spaceskip = 0pt \xspaceskip = 0pt
    \splittopskip = \ht\strutbox
    \advance \splittopskip by \internoteskip
    \splitmaxdepth = \dp\strutbox
    \floatingpenalty = 20000\relax      % Reference on same page as note.
    \if \posp{\referencing}%
    \vbox to \splittopskip{}%           % Strut in first line.
      \let \znext}                      % Eat open brace of footnote text.
                                        % Absorb footnote text.
                                        % \bgroup matches close brace.

\def \endfootnote {%
    \if \hmodep \strut \fi              % Strut in last line.
  \egroup % \insert
  \global\decrement \footnotedepth

% This macro is invoked by the output routine to format footnotes.

\def \zfootnoteformat #1{%                              {body-depth}
  \ruleshift = 0pt
  \def \spilloverride {}%
  % We used to do the \processdesign here, but that does a \processwith
  % that can end up processing some other block's pending \with. Oops.
  \footnotedesign \relax                % \processdesign{\footnote}{}
  \if \notp{\emptydefp{\spilloverride}}%
    \setbox \zboxa = \vtop{\unvcopy \zfninsert}%
    \if \dimzerop{\ht\zboxa}\spilloverride \fi
  \vskip \skip\zfninsert
  \vskip -#1\relax
  \if \andp{\dimposp{\ruleheight}}{\dimposp{\rulewidth}}%
    \tdimena = \ruleskip
    \advance \tdimena by -\ht\strutbox
    \advance \tdimena by -\internoteskip
    \vskip -\tdimena
    \vskip -\ruleheight
    \noindent \hspace{\ruleshift}%
    \color{\the\rulecolor}\rule{height \ruleheight depth 0pt width \rulewidth}%
    \vskip \tdimena
  \unvbox \zfninsert
%                       Endnote
%                       -------


% The endnote parameters are used at two different times: when the 
% \endnote command appears, and when the \endnotes command is used
% to typeset the notes.

%~block endnote
% \setflag \abutting = flag             % True if note abutts previous one.
% \def \comptextformat {...}            % Composite number text formatter.
% \endnoteclass = integer               % Class of endnote.
% \def \noterefformat {...}             % Footnote reference formatter.
% \referencing = integer                % How the endnote is referenced.


\def \endnote {%                                        {text}
  \global\increment \endnotedepth
  \setflag \abutting = \false                           %~default with
  \endnoteclass = 0                                     %~default with
  \referencing = 2                                      %~default with
  \global\increment \endnotenumber
  \if \andp{\hmodep}{\eqlp{\referencing}{2}}%
    {\edef \zsf {\spacefactor = \the\spacefactor}%
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color push rgb 1 0 1}\fi
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color pop}\fi
  \afterassignment \endendnote
  \zendtoks =}

\def \endendnote {%
  \edef \zendtext {\the\zendtoks}%
  \edef \znext {\noexpand\xref{end}{\noexpand\folio}{\the\endnotecomptext}
                              {\expandafter\zdefof \meaning\zendtext\zmark}
  \global\decrement \endnotedepth
%                       Endnotes
%                       --------


%~block endnotes
% \setflag \abutting = flag             % True if note abutts previous one.
% \def \comptextformat {...}            % Composite number text formatter.
% \endnoteclass = integer               % Class of endnote.
% \def \noterefformat {...}             % Footnote reference formatter.
% \referencing = integer                % How the endnote is referenced.


\def \endnotes #1{%                             {division-list}
  \global\increment \endnotesdepth
  \endnoteclass = 0                                     %~default with
  \processdesign{\endnote}{}%                           % Use endnote block's design.
  \global\increment \endnotesnumber
  \zenddivlist = {#1}%

\def \endendnotes {%
  \setlist \zendadjlist = {}%
  \global\decrement \endnotesdepth

% This macro is called for each endnote entry in the cross-reference file.

\long\def \xrefend #1#2#3#4{%
  \ifnum \xrefmode=\xrefloadendmode

\long\def \xrefendb #1#2#3#4{%          {page}{number}{text}{division,class}
  \def \znext ##1,##2,##3\zmark{%
  \znext #4,0,\zmark \relax
  \if \eqlp{\zendclass}{\endnoteclass}%
    \edef \znext {\noexpand\inclusionlist\noexpand\zendtest
    \if \zendtest
      \setbox \zboxa = \hbox{\zendclass=0#1}%
      \endnotepage = \if \dimzerop{\wd\zboxa}#1\else 0 \fi
      \let \xrefmode = \xrefrunmode
      \let \xrefmode = \xrefloadendmode

% This macro allows the compositor to noninvasively adjust pages between
% endnotes.

\setlist \zendadjlist = {}

\long\def \endnotesadjustment #1#2{%                    {division.number}{commands}

\long\def \zchkendadj #1{%                              {number}

\long\def \zchkendadjb #1#2#3{%                 {number}{division.number}{commands}
  \if \znext #3\relax \fi}
%                       Margin Notes
%                       ------ -----


%~block marginnote Type
% \def \beginformat {...}               % Beginning of text formatter.
% \bodyfont = {...}                     % Font for note text.
% \def \comptextformat {...}            % Composite number text formatter.
% \def \endformat {...}                 % End of text formatter.
% \leftindent = glue                    % Left indentation.
% \margingutter = dimen                 % Gutter for note in right margin.
% \def \noteintroformat {...}           % Note intro formatter.
% \def \noterefformat {...}             % Note reference formatter.
% \parindent = dimen                    % Paragraph indent.
% \parrag = dimen                       % Paragraph raggedness.
% \parskip = glue                       % Paragraph skip.
% \position = {...}                     % Position (see below).
% \referencing = integer                % How the margin note is referenced.
% \rightindent = glue                   % Right indentation.
% \textcolor = {...}                    % Color of text.
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift for note.
% \width = dimen                        % Width of text in box.



\def \marginnote #1{%                                   {type}
  \global\increment \marginnotedepth
  \global\increment \zdivmncounter
  \def \beginformat {}%                                 %~default soft
  \def \endformat {}%                                   %~default soft
  \leftindent = 0pt                                     %~default soft
  \referencing = 0                                      %~default soft
  \rightindent = 0pt                                    %~default soft
  \textcolor = {black}%                                 %~default soft
  \vshift = 0pt                                         %~default soft
  \if \posp{\referencing}%
    \global\increment \marginnotenumber
    \marginnotecomptext = {???}%
  \if \andp{\hmodep}{\eqlp{\referencing}{2}}%
    {\edef \zsf {\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}%
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color push rgb 1 0 1}\fi
     \if \DVIWindoinuse \colorspecial{ifview color pop}\fi
  \afterassignment \endmarginnote
  \zmntoks =}

\def \endmarginnote {%
  \setbox \zmnbox = \vtop{%
    \if \posp{\referencing}\noteintroformat \fi
  \global\decrement \marginnotedepth

\def \marginnoteformat {%
  \if \vmodep
    \zmnprevdepth = \prevdepth
    \moveright \zmnshift \vtop to 0pt{%
      \vskip \vshift
      \box \zmnbox
  \if \vmodep \prevdepth = \zmnprevdepth \fi}

% This macro sets up variables that specify the position of a margin note
% according to the \position design parameter:
%   \ifevenpage         Use next position only on even page.
%   \ifoddpage          Use next position only on odd page.
%   \leftmargin         Shift note to left margin.
%   \outsidemargin      Shift note to outside margin.
%   \rightmargin        Shift note to right margin.


\def \zparsemnpos #1{%                                 {options...}
  \global\zmnhpos = 0
  {\def \ifevenpage   ##1{\if \evenp{\marginnotepage}##1\fi}%
   \def \ifoddpage    ##1{\if \oddp{\marginnotepage}##1\fi}%
   \def \leftmargin   {\global\zmnhpos=1\relax}%
   \def \outsidemargin{\ifevenpage{\leftmargin}\ifoddpage{\rightmargin}}%
   \def \rightmargin  {\global\zmnhpos=2\relax}%
  \ifcase \zmnhpos
          {No horizontal position has been specified for a margin note}%
    \if \evenp{\marginnotepage}%
      \zmnshift = -\evenlefttextmargin
      \zmnshift = -\oddlefttextmargin
    \calculate \zmnshift = {\textmeasure,+,\margingutter}%

% This macro is invoked at the beginning of each division.

\def \zmndivinit {%
  \global\zdivmncounter = 0\relax}
%                       Proof Notes
%                       ----- -----


%~block proofnote
% \bodyfont = {...}                     % Font for note text.
% \evenshift = dimen                    % Horizontal shift for even pages.
% \oddshift = dimen                     % Horizontal shift for odd pages.
% \textcolor = {...}                    % Color of note.
% \vshift = dimen                       % Vertical shift for note.
% \width = dimen                        % Width of note.



\def \proofnote {%                                      {text}
  \global\increment \proofnotedepth
  \global\increment \zdivpncounter
  \parindent = 0pt
  \parskip = 2pt
  \textcolor = {black}%                                 %~default soft
  \vshift = 0pt                                         %~default soft
  \afterassignment \endproofnote
  \zmntoks =}

\def \endproofnote {%
  \setbox \zmnbox = \vtop{%
    \def \endpartext {}%                % Prevent end-of-paragraph text.
  \long\edef \znext {\noexpand\todo{.Proof note: \the\zmntoks}}%
  \global\decrement \proofnotedepth

\def \proofnoteformat {%
  \if \vmodep
    \zmnprevdepth = \prevdepth
    \moveright \zmnshift \vtop to 0pt{%
      \vskip -\parskip
      \vskip \vshift
      \box \zmnbox
  \if \vmodep \prevdepth = \zmnprevdepth \fi}

\def \zcalcpnshift {%
  \if \evenp{\zpnpage}%
    \if \negp{\evenshift}%
      \zmnshift = \evenshift
      \calculate \zmnshift = {\textmeasure,+,\evenshift}%
    \if \negp{\oddshift}%
      \zmnshift = \oddshift
      \calculate \zmnshift = {\textmeasure,+,\oddshift}%

% This macro is invoked at the beginning of each division.

\def \zpndivinit {%
  \global\zdivpncounter = 0\relax}