% Module:    ZzTeX New Mathematics Facilities
% Synopsis:  This file provides the mathematics facilities for "new math"
%            version 3, which supercedes version 2.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   7 June 2003
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Math Spaces
%                       ---- ------

\setmathspaces{4mu plus .25mu minus .5mu}
              {4mu plus .25mu minus .5mu}
              {4mu plus .25mu minus .5mu}%
%                       Math Font Selections
%                       ---- ---- ----------

\outer\def \ComputerModernmathfonts {%
  \input zzcmmath\relax

\outer\def \Lucidamathfonts #1{%                        {arrows?}
  \setflag \zusemar = #1\relax
  \input zzlucida\relax

\outer\def \MathTimefonts #1{%                          {text face is Times?}
  \input zzmtime\relax
  \if #1%

\outer\def \Stonemathfonts {%
%                       Punctuation Style
%                       ----------- -----

% Here we deal with the style for comma, period, semicolon, and colon.
% The default punctuation style for all four is \rm.

% This macro defines the math characters \zmperiod, \zmcomma,
% colon, and semicolon to use the specified style.
% If the style is \mit, then it's different.

\def \setmathpunctuationstyle #1#2{%                    {\style1}{\style2}
  {\zmstyfam = \name{#1fam}%
   \if \eqlp{\zmstyfam}{\mitfam}%
     \definemathchar {`.} \classord  \mitfam {3A}
     \definemathchar {`,} \classpunc \mitfam {3B}
     \definemathchar {`.} \classactive \rmfam {00}
     \definemathchar {`,} \classactive \rmfam {00}
     \definemathchar {\zmperiod} \classord  \zmstyfam {2E}
     \definemathchar {\zmcomma}  \classpunc \zmstyfam {2C}
   \zmstyfam = \name{#2fam}%
   \definemathchar {`;} \classpunc \zmstyfam {3B}
   \definemathchar {`:} \classrel  \zmstyfam {3A}}}

% When period and comma are active in math, this is what they do.

\catcode `\. = \catactive
\gdef .{\mathpalette\zmactperiod{}}

\catcode `\, = \catactive
\gdef ,{\mathpalette\zmactcomma{}}

\def \zmactperiod #1#2{%
  \mathord{\hbox to .275em{\hfil $#1\zmperiod$\kern .06em\hfil}}}

\def \zmactcomma #1#2{%
  \mathpunct{\hbox to .331em{\kern .045em $#1\zmcomma$\hfil}}}
%                       Dot-Related Commands
%                       ----------- --------

\def \cdotp {\mathpunct{\vcenter{\hbox{$.$}}}}

\def \ldotp {\mathpunct{.}}

\def \cdots {\mathinner{\cdotp\cdotp\cdotp}}

\def \ddots {%
  \vbox{\baselineskip = 4pt \lineskiplimit = 0pt
        \hbox{\kern .4em .}%
        \hbox{\kern .8em .}%
        \vskip -.25ex}}

\def \ldots {\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}}

\def \vdots {%
  \vbox{\baselineskip = 4pt \lineskiplimit = 0pt
        \vskip -.25ex}}
%                       Colon Commands
%                       ----- --------

\def \maps {\mathpunct{:}}

\let \colon = \maps