% Module:    ZzTeX Lucida Math Font Support
% Synopsis:  This module contains various definitions and redefinitions
%            necessary to use the Lucida math fonts.
% Note:      This module assumes the user is generating PostScript output.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   27 June 1992
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Type Styles
%                       ---- ------

%                       Redefine Math Characters
%                       -------- ---- ----------

\zmchar \Gamma                  \classvarfam \mexfam {D0}
\zmchar \Delta                  \classvarfam \mexfam {D1}
\zmchar \Theta                  \classvarfam \mexfam {D2}
\zmchar \Lambda                 \classvarfam \mexfam {D3}
\zmchar \Xi                     \classvarfam \mexfam {D4}
\zmchar \Pi                     \classvarfam \mexfam {D5}
\zmchar \Sigma                  \classvarfam \mexfam {D6}
\zmchar \Upsilon                \classvarfam \mexfam {D7}
\zmchar \Phi                    \classvarfam \mexfam {D8}
\zmchar \Psi                    \classvarfam \mexfam {D9}
\zmchar \Omega                  \classvarfam \mexfam {DA}

\zmchar {`=}                    \classrel    \msyfam {83}
\zmchar {`+}                    \classbinop  \msyfam {82}

\definemathdelimiter {`/}       \classord    \mitfam {3D} \mexfam {0E}

\zmchar {`(}                    \classopen   \mitfam {84}
\definemathdelimiter {`(}       \classord    \mitfam {84} \mexfam {00}
\zmchar {`)}                    \classclose  \mitfam {85}
\definemathdelimiter {`)}       \classord    \mitfam {85} \mexfam {01}

\zmchar {`[}                    \classopen   \mitfam {86}
\definemathdelimiter {`[}       \classord    \mitfam {86} \mexfam {02}
\zmchar {`]}                    \classclose  \mitfam {87}
\definemathdelimiter {`]}       \classord    \mitfam {87} \mexfam {03}

\zmchar \angle                  \classord    \msyfam {8B}
\zmchar \bowtie                 \classrel    \mitfam {F6}
\zmchar \cong                   \classrel    \msyfam {9B}
\zmchar \doteq                  \classrel    \msyfam {C9}
\zmchar \models                 \classrel    \msyfam {EE}

  \if \zusemar
\zmchar \hbar                   \classord   \mitfam {9D}
\zmchar \hookleftarrow          \classrel   \marfam {3C}
\zmchar \hookrightarrow         \classrel   \marfam {3E}
\zmchar \leftrightharpoons      \classrel   \marfam {79}
\zmchar \mapsto                 \classrel   \marfam {2C}
\zmchar \neq                    \classrel   \marfam {94}
\zmchar \rightleftharpoons      \classrel   \marfam {7A}
%                       New Math Characters
%                       --- ---- ----------

  \if \zusemar
\zmchar \notapprox              \classrel  \marfam {98}
\zmchar \notasymp               \classrel  \marfam {F3}
\zmchar \notcong                \classrel  \marfam {99}
\zmchar \noteq                  \classrel  \marfam {94}
\zmchar \notequiv               \classrel  \marfam {95}
\zmchar \notgeq                 \classrel  \marfam {9D}
\zmchar \notgreater             \classrel  \marfam {9B}
\zmchar \notin                  \classrel  \marfam {1D}
\zmchar \notleq                 \classrel  \marfam {9C}
\zmchar \notless                \classrel  \marfam {9A}
\zmchar \notmid                 \classrel  \marfam {F6}
\zmchar \notmodels              \classrel  \marfam {F9}
\zmchar \notni                  \classrel  \marfam {1F}
\zmchar \notparallel            \classrel  \marfam {F7}
\zmchar \notprec                \classrel  \marfam {E5}
\zmchar \notpreceq              \classrel  \marfam {E7}
\zmchar \notsim                 \classrel  \marfam {96}
\zmchar \notsimeq               \classrel  \marfam {97}
\zmchar \notsqsubseteq          \classrel  \marfam {D4}
\zmchar \notsqsupseteq          \classrel  \marfam {D5}
\zmchar \notsubset              \classrel  \marfam {C6}
\zmchar \notsubseteq            \classrel  \marfam {C8}
\zmchar \notsucc                \classrel  \marfam {E6}
\zmchar \notsucceq              \classrel  \marfam {E8}
\zmchar \notsupset              \classrel  \marfam {C7}
\zmchar \notsupseteq            \classrel  \marfam {C9}
\zmchar \notvdash               \classrel  \marfam {F8}
%                       Redefine General Tools
%                       -------- ------- -----

\def \big #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 8.2pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}
\def \Big #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 10.8pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}
\def \bigg #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 13.42pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}
\def \Bigg #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 16.03pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}
\def \biggg #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 17.72pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}
\def \Biggg #1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 21.25pt{}\right.\zmnosp$}}}

\def \bigggl {\mathopen\biggg}
\def \Bigggl {\mathopen\Biggg}
\def \bigggr {\mathclose\biggg}
\def \Bigggr {\mathclose\Biggg}

\def \joinrel {\mathrel{\mkern -4mu}}

\def \mathstrut {\vphantom{f}}

\def \matrix #1{%
           \ialign{\hfil $##$\hfil&& \quad \hfil $##$\hfil \crcr
                   \noalign{\kern -0.9\baselineskip}%
                   \noalign{\kern -0.9\baselineskip}}}%

\def \zroot #1#2{%                                      {\style}{radicand}
  \setbox\zboxa = \hbox{$#1\sqrt{#2}$}%
  \tdimena = \ht\zboxa
  \advance \tdimena by -\dp\zboxa
  \mkern 5mu \raise .6\tdimena \copy\zrootbox \mkern -8mu \box\zboxa}