% Module:    PDF Hyperlink Facility
% Synopsis:  This module provides facilities for creating PDF hyperlinks
%            in the document.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   12 March 2014
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Control Hyperlinking
%                       ------- ------------

% If hyperlinking is turned off, then we also clear the button color.

\def \setPDFhyperlinks #1{%
  \global\setflag \PDFhyperlinks = #1\relax
  \if \notp{#1}\PDFbuttoncolor = {}\fi}
%                       Hyperlink Marks
%                       --------- -----

% This macro generates a hyperlink mark that can be used as the target
% of a button.

\def \PDFmark #1{%
  \if \PDFhyperlinks
    \special{mark: #1}%
    \if \vmodep \repeatpenalty \fi      % In case glue follows \special.
%                       Hyperlink Buttons
%                       --------- -------

\def \pagebutton #1#2{%                                         {folio}{text}
  \if \PDFhyperlinks
    \if \emptytoksp{\PDFbuttoncolor}%

\def \tagbutton #1#2{%                                          {tag}{text}
  \if \PDFhyperlinks
    \if \emptytoksp{\PDFbuttoncolor}%

\def \URLbutton #1#2{%                                          {URL}{text}
  \if \PDFhyperlinks
    \if \emptytoksp{\PDFbuttoncolor}%

\def \colorbuttontext {%
  \if \andp{\PDFhyperlinks}{\notp{\emptytoksp{\PDFbuttoncolor}}}%

\def \endcolorbuttontext {%
  \if \andp{\PDFhyperlinks}{\notp{\emptytoksp{\PDFbuttoncolor}}}%
%                       Low-Level Button Macros
%                       --------- ------ ------

% These low-level macros do not check \PDFhyperlinks.

\def \ztextbutton #1#2{%                                        {mark}{text}

\def \zwidthbutton #1#2{%                                       {mark}{width-expr}
  \calculate \tdimena = {#2}%
  \if \hmodep
    \smash{\lower .5ex \hbox{%
      \special{button: \number\tdimena\space
                       \number\normalbaselineskip\space #1}}}%
      \special{button: \number\tdimena\space
                       \number\normalbaselineskip\space #1}%

\def \zURLbutton #1#2{%                                         {url}{text}
  \def \zurltext {#1}%
  \smash{\lower .5ex \hbox{%
    \special{button: \number\tdimena\space
                     \expandafter\zdefof \meaning\zurltext\zmark}}}}
%                       Email Addresses and URLs
%                       ----- --------- --- ----

\def \zurlprefix {}

\def \urltext #1#2{%                            {font}{break before .?}{url}
    \setflag \zurldotbreak = #2%
    \catcode `\& = \catactive
    \catcode `\. = \catactive
    \catcode `\/ = \catactive
    \catcode `\@ = \catactive
    \catcode `\_ = \catactive

\def \zurltexta #1{%                            {url}
  \zurltextb #1\-\-\zmark}

\def \zurltextb #1\-#2\-#3\zmark{%              part1\-part2\-part3\zmark
  \expandafter\def \expandafter\zfullurl \expandafter{\zurlprefix #1#2}%
  \if \notp{\emptyargp{#2}}%
  \gdef \zurlprefix {}}

{\catcode `\& = \catactive
 \catcode `\. = \catactive
 \catcode `\/ = \catactive
 \catcode `\@ = \catactive
 \catcode `\_ = \catactive

\gdef \zurltextc #1{%                           {url-text}
  \def &{\ampersand \discretionary{}{}{}}%      % Break after &
  \let \& = &%
  \if \zurldotbreak
    \def .{\discretionary{}{}{}\char"2E }%      % Break before .
    \def .{\char"2E \discretionary{}{}{}}%      % Break after .
  \def /{\char"2F \discretionary{}{}{}}%        % Break after /
  \def @{\atsign \discretionary{}{}{}}%         % Break after @
  \let \@ = @%
  \let _ = \underscore                          % Set _
  \let ~ = \tilde                               % Set ~
  \def \-{\discretionary{}{}{}}%                % No hyphenation
  \if \PDFhyperlinks
    \expandafter\zURLbutton \expandafter{\zfullurl}{#1}%

} % \catcode
%                       Digital Object Identifiers
%                       ------- ------ -----------

\def \DOI {%                                                    {number}
  \def \zurlprefix {http://dx.doi.org/}%
  \ensurepar \url}