% Module:    ZzTeX Division Facilities
% Synopsis:  This module contains the macros to support divisions, which
%            allow a book to be processed in pieces.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   24 September 1990
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Divisions
%                       ---------

\def \zdivext {tex}

\definetoks{\divisionname}      % Name of current division.
\definetoks{\zdivreq}           % Divisions requested with \setdivisions.
\zdivreq = {\all}
\definetoks{\zdivset}           % Divisions set.
\setlist \zdivset = {}

%~ This command is used in the book's root file to specify
%~ the list of divisions that should be processed by ZzTeX.
%~ All other divisions are not processed. If the command
%~ does not appear in the root file, all divisions are processed.

\def \setdivisions #1{%                         {division,...}
  \if \emptyargp{#1}%
    \warning{nodivs}{The \noexpand\setdivisions command does not specify any divisions} 
    \global\zdivreq = {#1}%

%~ This command is used in the book's root file to specify the
%~ name of a book division file (e.g., |chap01|, |appa|). The order
%~ of these commands determines the order of the divisions.

\def \division #1{%                             {division}
  \global\divisionname = {#1}%
  \edef \znext {\noexpand\inclusionlist\noexpand\zset{#1}{\the\zdivreq}}%
  \if \zset
    \remark{Starting division `\the\divisionname'.}%
    {\globaldefs = 1 \name{\=zS:#1}}%          % Invoke snapshot.
  \global\divisionname = \expandafter{\jobname}}

% This macro is invoked at the end of the document.

\def \zdivmsg {%
  \edef \znext {\the\zdivreq}%
  \edef \znextfirst {\expandafter\zdivmsga \znext\zmark}%
  \if \tokeqlp{\znext}{\zallname}%
    \remark{The entire book was processed.}%
  \else\if \tokeqlp{\znextfirst}{\zallbutname}%

\def \zdivmsga #1#2\zmark{#1}

\def \zdivmsgb #1{%
  \if \notp{\zexists}%
    \warning{divnotexist}{The requested division `#1' does not exist}%
%                       Division Snapshots
%                       -------- ---------

\setlist \zsnaplist = {}        % List of registers to be snapshot.

\def \declaresnapitem #1{%                              {\name}

\def \ztakesnap {%
  \let \zmodesave = \xrefmode
  \let \xrefmode = \xrefsnapmode
  \def \znext {}%
  \ztoksa = \expandafter{\znext}%
  \edef \znext {\noexpand\xref{snap}{\noexpand\folio}{}%
  \let \xrefmode = \zmodesave}

\def \zsnapone #1{%                             {\register}
  \ztoksa = \expandafter{\znext}%
  \edef \znext {\the\ztoksa \noexpand#1\the#1}}

% Store division snapshot information in a special name in the tag namespace.

\def \xrefsnap #1#2#3#4{%                       {}{}{code}{division}
  \ifnum \xrefmode=\xrefloadtagmode
    \if \undefinedp{\=zS:#4}\withname{\gdef}{\=zS:#4}{}\fi