% Module:    ZzTeX Blocks
% Synopsis:  This module provides facilities for defining and creating
%            element blocks.
% Author:    Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% Created:   23 August 1989
% Copyright 1989--2020 by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
% under The MIT License (opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
%                       Block Definition
%                       ----- ----------

\setlist \zblocklist = {}

\def \defineblock #1#2#3#4{%            {\name}{\endname}{snap?}{redefine}
  \if \emptyargp{#4}%
    \if #3\withname\declaresnapitem{#1number}\fi

\def \resetinvcontext #1{%                              {\name}

\def \zblockvcontext #1{%                               {\name}
  \global\name{#1depth}= 0\relax
  \global\name{#1number}= 0\relax}
%                       Block Utilities
%                       ----- ---------


\def \beginblockscope #1{%
    \enclosingbaselineskip = \baselineskip
    \enclosingleftss = \leftskip
    \tdimena = \leftskip
    \advance \enclosingleftss by -\tdimena
    \enclosingparindent = \parindent
    \enclosingparrag = \parrag
    \enclosingparskip = \parskip
    \enclosingrightss = \rightskip
    \tdimena = \rightskip
    \advance \enclosingrightss by -\tdimena}

\def \endblockscope #1{%

\def \processdesign #1#2{%                              {\block}{type etc.}
  \resetnumber = {}%
  \if \definedp{#1#2design}%
    \name{#1#2design}\relax             % \relax terminates numbers and such.
    \error{nodesign}{No design has been defined for the `\string#1#2' block}%
  {\globaldefs = 1 \the\resetnumber}}

\def \inblockp #1{%                                     {\block-name}
  \if \posp{\name{#1depth}}\true \else \false \fi}

\def \setcomptext #1{%                          {\xxxcomptext}
  \edef \znext {\comptextformat}%
  #1= \expandafter{\znext}}%

\def \blockmustbein #1#2{%                      {\inner}{\outer}
  \if \zerop{\name{#2depth}}%
    \error{blkmustnest}{A `\string#1' must be nested in a `\string#2'}%

\def \blockcantbein #1#2{%                      {\inner}{\outer}
  \if \posp{\name{#2depth}}%
          {A `\string#1' cannot be nested inside a `\string#2'}%

\def \closeifinblock #1#2{%                     {\block}{\endblock}
  \if \inblockp{#1}#2\fi}
%                       Block Stack
%                       ----- -----

\setlist \zblockstack = {}
\setlist \zlinestack = {}

\def \zpushblock #1{%
  \edef \znext {\noexpand\push{\the\inputlineno}}%

\def \zpopblock #1{%
  \if \notp{\znext}%
    \error{blkinvnest}{The `\string\end#1' command does not match the
                       `\zblk' block that was started on line \zline}%

\def \zemptyblockstackp {\emptylistp{\zblockstack}}
%                       Block Variants
%                       ----- --------

\def \definevariant #1#2#3{% {\block}{\style}{\modifier0,\modifier1,...}
  \if \emptyargp{#3}%
    \error{varmod}{Between 1 and 8 modifier commands must be specified}%
  {\tcounta = 0
   \zdefvarpre #2#3,\zmark
   \if \gtrp{\tcounta}{8}%
     \error{varmod}{Between 1 and 8 modifier commands must be specified}%
   \ztoksa = \expandaftertwice{\name{\zvarcase\lcromannumeral\tcounta}}%
   \edef \znext {\global\let \name{#2varcase}=\the\ztoksa}%

\def \zdefvarpre #1#2,#3\zmark{%        \style\modifier,\modifier,...,\zmark
  \xdef #2{\noexpand\variant{\name{#1variant}=\the\tcounta}}%
  \increment \tcounta
  \if \notp{\emptyargp{#3}}\zdefvarpre #1#3\zmark \fi}

\gdef \zvariant {}                      % Holds \stylevariant assignments.

\def \variant #1{%                      {\stylevariant assignment}
  {\ztoksa = \expandafter{\zvariant}%
   \ztoksb = {#1}%
   \xdef \zvariant {\the\ztoksa \the\ztoksb}}%

\def \zprocessvariant #1{%              {\block}
  \zvariant \relax                      % \relax terminates numbers and such.
  \gdef \zvariant {}}

\def \varcase #1{%                      \style

\long\def \zvarcasei #1#2{%                             \style {var1 code}
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcaseii #1#2#3{%                          \style {var1 code}{var2 code}
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcaseiii #1#2#3#4{%
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\or#4\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcaseiv #1#2#3#4#5{%
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcasev #1#2#3#4#5#6{%
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcasevi #1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcasevii #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{%
  \ifcase \name{#1variant}#2\or#3\or#4\or#5\or#6\or#7\or#8\else\zbadvar\fi\relax}
\long\def \zvarcaseviii #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{%

\def \setvariant #1{%                   \modifier
  \zvariant \relax
  \gdef \zvariant {}}

\def \zbadvar {%
  \zzerror{Invalid value for variant}}
%                       Block Options
%                       ----- -------

\gdef \zwith {}                                 % Holds \with parameters.

%~ The |\with| modifier can be used to modify specific design
%~ parameters for the following block. It only makes sense
%~ preceding block commands. Sometimes it is used with parameters
%~ that are specifically intended for |\with|:
%~   \with{\itemnumber=4} \list{number}
%~ Other times it is used with a parameter that needs to be
%~ changed for one particular block.
%~   \with{\advance\belowskip by -8pt} \float{figure}
%~ Again, be careful to use |\with| only on block commands.

\long\def \with #1{%                            {parameter-assignments} %^modifier
  {\ztoksa = \expandafter{\zwith}%
   \ztoksb = {#1}%
   \xdef \zwith {\the\ztoksa \the\ztoksb}}%

\def \zprocesswith {%
  \zwith \relax                                 % \relax terminates numbers and such.
  \gdef \zwith {}}

%~ This block modifier forces a page break above the block.

\def \breakabove {%                                     %^modifier

%~ This block modifier forces a page break below the block.

\def \breakbelow {%                                     %^modifier
%                       Common Design Parameters
%                       ------ ------ ----------

% These design parameters are used by a variety of ZZTeX's blocks, so
% they are defined here.

% Integer parameters:

\definecount{\abovepenalty}{0}          % Penalty above block.
\definecount{\authorlevel}{0}           % Author ToC entry level.
\definecount{\belowpenalty}{0}          % Penalty below block.
\definecount{\continue}{0}              % Block is continued (bit 0) and/or continuation (bit 1).
\definecount{\difficulty}{0}            % Level of difficulty of the block.

% Flag parameters:

\setflag \allowbreaks = \false          % Allow page breaks in block?
\setflag \allowintoc = \false           % Allow section in ToC?

% Dimension parameters:

\definedimen{\height}{0pt}              % Height of text.
\definedimen{\ruleshift}{0pt}           % Horizontal shift for rule.
\definedimen{\ruleheight}{0pt}          % Height (thickness) of rule.
\definedimen{\rulewidth}{0pt}           % Width of rule.
\definedimen{\topadjust}{\mindimen}     % Adjustment for head at top of page.
\definedimen{\vshift}{0pt}              % Vertical shift.
\definedimen{\width}{0pt}               % Width of text.

% Skip (glue) parameters:

\defineskip{\aboveskip}{0pt}            % Base/base skip above block.
\defineskip{\belowskip}{0pt}            % Base/base skip below block.
\defineskip{\columngutter}{0pt}         % Width of gutter between columns.
\defineskip{\interrowskip}{0pt}         % Extra space between rows.
\defineskip{\leftindent}{0pt}           % Left indentation glue.
\defineskip{\numbersink}{0pt}           % Sinkage to section number, or 
\defineskip{\numberskip}{0pt}           % Space b/b to section number.
\defineskip{\parhang}{0pt}              % Hanging indent for paragraph.
\defineskip{\rightindent}{0pt}          % Right indentation glue.
\defineskip{\ruleskip}{0pt}             % Vskip for rule.
\defineskip{\textsink}{0pt}             % Vsink for text.
\defineskip{\textskip}{0pt}             % Base/base skip for text.
\defineskip{\titlesink}{0pt}            % Sinkage to section title, or  
\defineskip{\titleskip}{0pt}            % Space b/b to section title.

% Token list parameters:

\definetoks{\authortext}                % Part/chapter author text.
\definetoks{\bodyfont}                  % Font for body of block.
\definetoks{\divisions}                 % List of division names.
\definetoks{\numberfont}                % Font for block number.
\definetoks{\numberwordfont}            % Font for block word like "chapter".
\definetoks{\openertext}                % Part/chapter opener text.
\definetoks{\position}                  % Position of the block.
\definetoks{\resetnumber}               % List of sequence numbers to reset.
\definetoks{\rulecolor}                 % Color of a rule.
\definetoks{\runners}                   % Running head/foot macros.
\definetoks{\style}                     % Heading style.
\definetoks{\textcolor}                 % Color of text.
\definetoks{\titlefont}                 % Font for title.

% Macro parameters:

\def \numberformat #1{}                 % {code} %~ Formatter for block number.
\def \paging {}                         % {code} %~ Page control commands.
\def \providemark #1{}                  % {code} %~ Provide marks for the block.
\def \titleformat {}                    % {code} %~ Formatter for title.
%                       The \continue Parameter
%                       --- --------- ---------

% The \continue parameter is set as follows:
%   0: neither continued nor continuation
%   1: continued
%   2: continuation
%   3: both continuation and continued

\def \continuedp {\oddp{\continue}}

\def \continuationp {\gtrp{\continue}{1}}

\def \zsetcontinue {%
  \if \andp{\zerop{\continue}}{\continuation}%
    \continue = 2\relax
%                       Break Element
%                       ----- -------

\long\def \breakelement #1{%
  \global\setflag \zinpar = {\hmodep}%
  \if \zinpar \flushendpar \fi
  \if \zinpar \noindent \ignorespaces \fi}